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Юникод - таблица символов unicode


Юникод (англ. Unicode, сокращенно от слов Universal Code, что означает универсальный код) – это основной стандарт кодирования символов в Интернете, включающий знаки практически каждого письменного языка в мире. Поддерживается современными операционными системами, что позволяет открывать файлы и читать информацию, набранную в любой стране.

Знаки в кодировке UTF-8 полезны при оформлении дизайна сайта, текстов, прописывании тегов Title и Description, для улучшения сниппетов в поисковой выдаче Яндекса, Google, Mail и на различных площадках, включая «Авито». Они позволяют привлечь внимание целевой аудитории и повысить показатель кликабельности – CTR.

Юникод дает возможность закодировать 1112064 символа (на данный момент имеется около 150000), к которым относятся буквы, глифы, иероглифы, пиктограммы, эмодзи и другие элементы, чего достаточно для охвата известной мировой письменности.

  1. Специальные коды
  2. Коды символов
  3. Коды валют
  4. Коды интеллектуальной собственности
  5. Коды греческого алфавита

Юникод (англ. Unicode, сокращенно от слов Universal Code, что означает универсальный код) – это основной стандарт кодирования символов в Интернете, включающий знаки практически каждого письменного языка в мире. Поддерживается современными операционными системами, что позволяет открывать файлы и читать информацию, набранную в любой стране.

Знаки в кодировке UTF-8 полезны при оформлении дизайна сайта, текстов, прописывании тегов Title и Description, для улучшения сниппетов в поисковой выдаче Яндекса, Google, Mail и на различных площадках, включая «Авито». Они позволяют привлечь внимание целевой аудитории и повысить показатель кликабельности – CTR.

Юникод дает возможность закодировать 1112064 символа (на данный момент имеется около 150000), к которым относятся буквы, глифы, иероглифы, пиктограммы, эмодзи и другие элементы, чего достаточно для охвата известной мировой письменности.

В представленной таблице символов, благодаря простому и интуитивно понятному интерфейсу, можно быстро найти HTML-коды и Escape-последовательности для нужного символа, что упрощает интеграцию элементов в страницы сайта и различные документы.

Специальные коды

Юникод Escape sequence Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
U+0009 \u0009 	   горизонтальная вкладка
U+000A \u000A 
   перевод строки
U+000D \u000D 
   возврат / ввод каретки
U+00A0 \u00A0     неразрывный пробел

Коды символов

Символ Юникод Escape sequence Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
& U+0026 \u0026 & & амперсанд
U+2022 \u2022 • • пуля
U+25E6 \u25E6 ◦   белая пуля
U+2219 \u2219 ∙   оператор пули
U+2023 \u2023 ‣   треугольная пуля
U+2043 \u2043 ⁃   дефис пуля
° U+00B0 \u00B0 ° ° степень
U+221E \u221E ∞ ∞ бесконечность

Коды валют

Символ Юникод Escape sequence Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
U+20BD \u20bd ₽   рубль
$ U+0024 \u0024 $   доллар
U+20AC \u20AC € € евро
£ U+00A3 \u00A3 £ £ фунт
¥ U+00A5 \u00A5 ¥ ¥ иена / юань
¢ U+00A2 \u00A2 ¢ ¢ цент
U+20B9 \u20B9 ₹   индийская рупия
U+20A8 \u20A8 ₨   рупия
U+20B1 \u20B1 ₱   песо
U+20A9 \u20A9 ₩   корейская вона
฿ U+0E3F \u0E3F ฿   тайский бат
U+20AB \u20AB ₫   донги
U+20AA \u20AA ₪   шекель

Коды интеллектуальной собственности

Символ Юникод Escape sequence Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
© U+00A9 \u00A9 © © авторское право
® U+00AE \u00AE ® ® зарегистрированная торговая марка
U+2117 \u2117 ℗   авторское право на звукозапись
U+2122 \u2122 ™ ™ товарный знак
U+2120 \u2120 ℠   знак обслуживания

Коды греческого алфавита

Символ Юникод Escape sequence Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
α U+03B1 \u03B1 α α маленькая альфа
β U+03B2 \u03B2 β β маленькая бета
γ U+03B3 \u03B3 γ γ малая гамма
δ U+03B4 \u03B4 δ δ небольшая дельта
ε U+03B5 \u03B5 ε ε малый эпсилон
ζ U+03B6 \u03B6 ζ ζ малая дзета
η U+03B7 \u03B7 η η малая eta
θ U+03B8 \u03B8 θ θ малая тета
ι U+03B9 \u03B9 ι ι малая йота
κ U+03BA \u03BA κ κ малая каппа
λ U+03BB \u03BB λ λ малая лямбда
μ U+03BC \u03BC μ μ малая mu
ν U+03BD \u03BD ν ν малая nu
ξ U+03BE \u03BE ξ ξ малая xi
ο U+03BF \u03BF ο ο малая omicron
π U+03C0 \u03C0 π π малая pi
ρ U+03C1 \u03C1 ρ ρ малая rho
σ U+03C3 \u03C3 σ σ малая sigma
τ U+03C4 \u03C4 τ τ малая tau
υ U+03C5 \u03C5 υ υ малая upsilon
φ U+03C6 \u03C6 φ φ малая phi
χ U+03C7 \u03C7 χ χ малая chi
ψ U+03C8 \u03C8 ψ ψ малая psi
ω U+03C9 \u03C9 ω ω малая omega
Α U+0391 \u0391 Α Α малая alpha
Β U+0392 \u0392 Β Β capital beta
Γ U+0393 \u0393 Γ Γ capital gamma
Δ U+0394 \u0394 Δ Δ capital delta
Ε U+0395 \u0395 Ε Ε capital epsilon
Ζ U+0396 \u0396 Ζ Ζ capital zeta
Η U+0397 \u0397 Η Η capital eta
Θ U+0398 \u0398 Θ Θ capital theta
Ι U+0399 \u0399 Ι Ι capital iota
Κ U+039A \u039A Κ Κ capital kappa
Λ U+039B \u039B Λ Λ capital lambda
Μ U+039C \u039C Μ Μ capital mu
Ν U+039D \u039D Ν Ν capital nu
Ξ U+039E \u039E Ξ Ξ capital xi
Ο U+039F \u039F Ο Ο capital omicron
Π U+03A0 \u03A0 Π Π capital pi
Ρ U+03A1 \u03A1 Ρ Ρ capital rho
Σ U+03A3 \u03A3 Σ Σ capital sigma
Τ U+03A4 \u03A4 Τ Τ capital tau
Υ U+03A5 \u03A5 Υ Υ capital upsilon
Φ U+03A6 \u03A6 Φ Φ capital phi
Χ U+03A7 \u03A7 Χ Χ capital chi
Ψ U+03A8 \u03A8 Ψ Ψ capital psi
Ω U+03A9 \u03A9 Ω Ω capital omega

Полная таблица символов Юникода


A With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Á Á
A With Acute, Latin Small Letter á á
A With Breve, Latin Small Letter ă ă
A With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǎ ǎ
A With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter  Â
A With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter â â
A With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Ä Ä
A With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ä ä
A With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ȧ ȧ
A With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter ạ
A With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter ȁ ȁ
A With Grave, Latin Capital Letter À À
A With Grave, Latin Small Letter à à
A With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter ả
A With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter ȃ ȃ
A With Macron, Latin Small Letter ā ā
A With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter ą ą
A With Right Half Ring, Latin Small Letter ẚ
A With Ring Above, Latin Capital Letter Å Å
A With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter å å
A With Ring Below, Latin Small Letter ḁ
A With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ⱥ Ⱥ
A With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter à Ã
A With Tilde, Latin Small Letter ã ã
A, Combining Latin Small Letter ͣ ͣ
A, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴀ
A, Latin Small Letter Script ɑ ɑ
A, Latin Small Letter Turned ɐ ɐ
Abbreviation Mark, Armenian ՟ ՟
Abbreviation Mark, Syriac ܏ ܏
Abbreviation Sign, Devanagari ॰
Abbreviations, Squared Latin ㍱
Aboriginal Syllabics, Unified Canadian ᐀
Above Right, Combining Comma ̕ ̕
Above Right, Combining Dot ͘ ͘
Above, Cedilla ̒ ̒
Above, Combining Almost Equal To ͌ ͌
Above, Combining Anticlockwise Arrow ⃔
Above, Combining Asterisk ⃰
Above, Combining Bridge ͆ ͆
Above, Combining Clockwise Arrow ⃕
Above, Combining Comma ̓ ̓
Above, Combining Counterclockwise Arrow ⃔
Above, Combining Dot ̇ ̇
Above, Combining Double Vertical Line ̎ ̎
Above, Combining Four Dots ⃜
Above, Combining Homothetic ͋ ͋
Above, Combining Hook ̉ ̉
Above, Combining Left Angle ̚ ̚
Above, Combining Left Arrow ⃖
Above, Combining Left Half Ring ͑ ͑
Above, Combining Left Harpoon ⃐
Above, Combining Left Right Arrow ⃡
Above, Combining Not Tilde ͊ ͊
Above, Combining Reversed Comma ̔ ̔
Above, Combining Right Arrow ⃗
Above, Combining Right Arrowhead ͐ ͐
Above, Combining Right Half Ring ͗ ͗
Above, Combining Right Harpoon ⃑
Above, Combining Ring ̊ ̊
Above, Combining Three Dots ⃛
Above, Combining Turned Comma ̒ ̒
Above, Combining Vertical Line ̍ ̍
Above, Combining Wide Bridge ⃩
Above, Combining X ̽ ̽
Above, Combining Zigzag ͛ ͛
Above, Dot ˙ ˙
Above, Double Dot ̈ ̈
Above, Ring ˚ ˚
Above, V ̌ ̌
Absolute Continuity ⪡
Absolute Value | |
Abstract Syntax Bracket, Left 〚
Abstract Syntax Bracket, Right 〛
AC Current ⏦
Accent Below, Combining Acute ̗ ̗
Accent Below, Combining Circumflex ̭ ̭
Accent Below, Combining Grave ̖ ̖
Accent, Acute ´ ´
Accent, Circumflex ^ ^
Accent, Combining Acute ́ ́
Accent, Combining Circumflex ̂ ̂
Accent, Combining Double Acute ̋ ̋
Accent, Combining Double Grave ̏ ̏
Accent, Combining Grave ̀ ̀
Accent, Double Acute ˝ ˝
Accent, Grave ` `
Accent, Modifier Letter Acute ˊ ˊ
Accent, Modifier Letter Circumflex ˆ ˆ
Accent, Modifier Letter Cross ˟ ˟
Accent, Modifier Letter Grave ˋ ˋ
Accent, Modifier Letter Low Acute ˏ ˏ
Accent, Modifier Letter Low Grave ˎ ˎ
Accent, Spacing Acute ´ ´
Accent, Spacing Circumflex ^ ^
Accent, Spacing Grave ` `
Accent, Swedish Grave ˟ ˟
Account Of ℀
Acknowledge, Negative 
Acknowledge, Symbol For ␆
Acknowledge, Symbol For Negative ␕
Acrophonic Symbol Three, Epidaurean ⁝
Actuarial Bend ⃧
Acute Accent ´ ´
Acute Accent Below, Combining ̗ ̗
Acute Accent, Combining ́ ́
Acute Accent, Combining Double ̋ ̋
Acute Accent, Double ˝ ˝
Acute Accent, Modifier Letter ˊ ˊ
Acute Accent, Modifier Letter Low ˏ ˏ
Acute Accent, Spacing ´ ´
Acute Tone Mark, Combining ́ ́
Addak, Gurmukhi ੱ
Addressed To The Subject ℁
Adi Shakti ☬
Ae, Latin Capital Letter Æ Æ
Ae, Latin Capital Ligature Æ Æ
Ae, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴁ
Ae, Latin Small Letter æ æ
Ae, Latin Small Letter Turned ᴂ
Ae, Latin Small Ligature æ æ
Aegean Word Separator Dot 𐄁 𐄁
Aegean Word Separator Line 𐄀 𐄀
Aesculapius, Staff Of ⚕
Afghani Sign ؋ ؋
African Letters For Clicks ǀ ǀ
Ain, Latin Letter ᴥ
Ainu, Katakana Extensions For ㇰ
Airplane ✈
Aktieselskab ⅍
Al-Lakuna, Sinhala Sign ්
Aldus Leaf ❦
Alef Symbol ℵ
Alembic ⚗
All Around-Profile ⌮
All Equal To ≌
All, For ∀
Almost Equal To ≈
Almost Equal To Above, Combining ͌ ͌
Almost Equal To, Not ≉
Alpha, Latin Small Letter ɑ ɑ
Alpha, Latin Small Letter Turned ɒ ɒ
Alphabetic Presentation Forms ff
Alphanumeric Symbols, Mathematical 𝐀 𝐀
Alphanumerics, Enclosed ①
Alternating Current ∿
Alternative Key Symbol ⎇
Alveolar Click, Latin Letter ǂ ǂ
Always ◻
Ampersand & &
Ampersand, Turned ⅋
Anchor ⚓
Anchor, Interlinear Annotation 
And, Curly Logical ⋏
And, Logical ∧
And, N-Ary Logical ⋀
Ands And Ors, Logical ⩑
Angkhankhu, Thai Character ๚
Angle ∠
Angle Above, Combining Left ̚ ̚
Angle Arc ∢
Angle Below, Combining Left ͉ ͉
Angle Bracket, Left 〈
Angle Bracket, Left Double 《
Angle Bracket, Left-Pointing 〈
Angle Bracket, Mathematical Left ⟨
Angle Bracket, Mathematical Left Double ⟪
Angle Bracket, Mathematical Right ⟩
Angle Bracket, Mathematical Right Double ⟫
Angle Bracket, Right 〉
Angle Bracket, Right Double 》
Angle Bracket, Right-Pointing 〉
Angle Brackets, Cjk 〈
Angle Quotation Mark, Left-Pointing Double « «
Angle Quotation Mark, Right-Pointing Double » »
Angle Quotation Mark, Single Left-Pointing ‹
Angle Quotation Mark, Single Right-Pointing ›
Angle Quotation Marks, Ornamental ❮
Angle With Arc, Right ⊾
Angle, Measured ∡
Angle, Right ∟
Angle, Spherical ∢
Angled Dash ¬ ¬
Angles ∟
Angles And Measured Angles ⦛
Angstrom Sign Å
Ankh ☥
Annotation Anchor, Interlinear 
Annotation Separator, Interlinear 
Annotation Signs, Arabic Koranic ۖ ۖ
Annotation Signs, Arabic Qur’anic ۖ ۖ
Annotation Terminator, Interlinear 
Annotation, Interlinear 
Annotation, Japanese Kanbun Ideographic ㆐
Annuity Symbol, Combining ⃧
Ano Teleia, Greek · ·
Anticlockwise Arrow Above, Combining ⃔
Anticlockwise Contour Integral ∳
Anticlockwise Integration ⨑
Anticlockwise Ring Overlay, Combining ⃚
Antisigma, Claudian Ↄ
Anunasika, Devanagari ँ
Anusvara, Devanagari Sign ं
Anusvara, Khmer ំ
Anusvara, Tibetan ཾ
Apl Downstile ⌊
Apl Functional Symbols ⌶
Apl Jot ∘
Apl Overbar ¯ ¯
Apl Quote '
Apl Stile ∣
Apl Tilde ∼
Apl Upstile ⌈
Apostrophe '
Apostrophe ’
Apostrophe, Armenian ՚ ՚
Apostrophe, Modifier Letter ʼ ʼ
Apostrophe, Modifier Letter Double ˮ ˮ
Apostrophe, Neutral ʼ ʼ
Apostrophe-Quote '
Apostrophic C Ↄ
Application Program Command Ÿ
Application, Function ⁡
Approaches The Limit ≐
Approximately Equal To ≅
Approximately Equal To ≗
Aquarius ♒
Arabic ؀ ؀
Arabic Alphabet ء ء
Arabic Combining Marks ٓ ٓ
Arabic Comma ، ،
Arabic Contextual Form Glyphs ﭐ
Arabic Contextual Form Glyphs ﺀ
Arabic Date Separator ؍ ؍
Arabic Decimal Separator ٫ ٫
Arabic Extensions ٱ ٱ
Arabic Full Stop ۔ ۔
Arabic Harakat ً ً
Arabic Honorifics ؐ ؐ
Arabic Kashida ـ ـ
Arabic Koranic Annotation Signs ۖ ۖ
Arabic Letter Hamzah On Ha ۀ ۀ
Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above ۀ ۀ
Arabic Letters, Extended ٱ ٱ
Arabic Letters, Extended ݐ ݐ
Arabic Ligature Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem ﷽
Arabic Ligatures ﯪ
Arabic Phrase Separator ٬ ٬
Arabic Points, Glyphs For Spacing Forms Of ﹰ
Arabic Presentation Forms-A ﭐ
Arabic Presentation Forms-B ﹰ
Arabic Punctuation ، ،
Arabic Question Mark ؟ ؟
Arabic Qur’anic Annotation Signs ۖ ۖ
Arabic Semicolon ؛ ؛
Arabic Subtending Marks ؀ ؀
Arabic Supplement ݐ ݐ
Arabic Tatweel ـ ـ
Arabic Thousands Separator ٬ ٬
Arabic-Indic Digits ٠ ٠
Arabic-Indic Digits, Eastern ۰ ۰
Arc ⌒
Arc, Angle ∢
Arc, Right Angle With ⊾
Arch Below, Combining Inverted Double ̫ ̫
Arcs ◜
Area, Asian Scripts 가
Area, Cjk Ideographs 㐀
Area, Cjk Phonetics And Symbols ⺀
Area, Compatibility And Specials 豈
Area, General Scripts �
Area, Korean Hangul Syllables 가
Area, Private Use 
Area, Supplementary Cjk Ideographs 𠀀 𠀀
Area, Supplementary General Scripts 𐀀 𐀀
Area, Surrogates �
Area, Symbols    
Argentinian Former Currency ₳
Aries ♈
Armenian Abbreviation Mark ՟ ՟
Armenian Alphabet ԰ ԰
Armenian Apostrophe ՚ ՚
Armenian Batsaganchakan Nshan ՜ ՜
Armenian Bowt ՝ ՝
Armenian Capital Letters Ա Ա
Armenian Comma ՝ ՝
Armenian Emphasis Mark ՛ ՛
Armenian Exclamation Mark ՜ ՜
Armenian Full Stop ։ ։
Armenian Hartsakan Nshan ՞ ՞
Armenian Hyphen ֊ ֊
Armenian Ligatures ﬓ
Armenian Patiw ՟ ՟
Armenian Question Mark ՞ ՞
Armenian Shesht ՛ ՛
Armenian Small Letters ա ա
Armenian Vertsaket ։ ։
Armenian Yentamna ֊ ֊
Arrow Above, Combining Anticlockwise ⃔
Arrow Above, Combining Clockwise ⃕
Arrow Above, Combining Counterclockwise ⃔
Arrow Above, Combining Left ⃖
Arrow Above, Combining Left Right ⃡
Arrow Above, Combining Right ⃗
Arrow Below, Combining Double Rightwards ͢ ͢
Arrow Below, Combining Left ⃮
Arrow Below, Combining Left Right ͍ ͍
Arrow Below, Combining Right ⃯
Arrow Below, Combining Upwards ͎ ͎
Arrow Dingbats ➔
Arrow Indicator, Backward ◅
Arrow Indicator, Forward ▻
Arrow Overlay, Combining Leftwards ⃪
Arrow, Downwards ↓
Arrow, Electric ⌁
Arrow, Leftwards ←
Arrow, Rightwards →
Arrow, Upwards ↑
Arrowhead Above, Combining Right ͐ ͐
Arrowhead Below, Combining Left ͔ ͔
Arrowhead Below, Combining Right ͕ ͕
Arrowhead, Down ⌄
Arrowhead, Up ⌃
Arrowheads, Modifier Letter ˂ ˂
Arrows ←
Arrows, Dingbat ➔
Arrows, Double ⇍
Arrows, Long ⟵
Arrows, Mathematical ⬰
Arrows, Miscellaneous ⬀
Arrows-A Supplement ⟰
Arrows-B, Supplemental ⤀
Ascending Node ☊
Ascii C0 Control Codes �
Ascii Digits 0 0
Ascii Punctuation And Symbols    
Ascii Variants, Fullwidth !
Ash æ æ
Asian Scripts Area 가
Assertion ⊦
Asterisk * *
Asterisk Above, Combining ⃰
Asterisk Below, Combining ͙ ͙
Asterisk Dingbats ✢
Asterisk Operator ∗
Asterisk Operator, Circled ⊛
Asterisk, Low ⁎
Asterisks ✢
Asterisks Aligned Vertically, Two ⁑
Asterism ⁂
Astrological Signs ⚳
Astrological Signs, Tibetan ༕
Astrological Symbols ☽
Astrological Symbols, Weather And ☀
Asymptotic To ≈
Asymptotically Equal To ≃
Asymptotically Equal To, Not ≄
At Sign @ @
At, Commercial @ @
Atom Symbol ⚛
Austral Sign ₳
Avagraha, Devanagari Sign ऽ
Aytham, Tamil ஃ


B With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ḃ
B With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter ḅ
B With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Ɓ Ɓ
B With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɓ ɓ
B With Line Below, Latin Small Letter ḇ
B With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ƀ Ƀ
B With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ƀ ƀ
B With Topbar, Latin Small Letter ƃ ƃ
B, Latin Letter Small Capital ʙ ʙ
B, Latin Letter Small Capital Barred ᴃ
B, Script Capital ℬ
Baby Gamma, Latin Small Letter ɤ ɤ
Backslash \ \
Backslash, Combining Enclosing Circle ⃠
Backspace, Symbol For ␈
Backward Arrow Indicator ◅
Backward Difference ∇
Backward, Partial Line Œ
Bag Addition ⊎
Bag Bracket, Left ⟦
Bag Bracket, Right ⟧
Bag Count, Infix ♯
Bag Membership, Z Notation ⋿
Bag Subtraction ⩁
Baht, Thai Currency Symbol ฿ ฿
Balinese ᬀ
Balinese Digits ᭐
Balinese Musical Symbols ᭡
Ballot Box ☐
Ballot Box With Check ☑
Ballot Box With X ☒
Ballot X ✗
Ballot X, Heavy ✘
Bang ! !
Bar Dingbats, Vertical ❘
Bar Symbols, Error ⧮
Bar, Broken ¦ ¦
Bar, Horizontal ―
Bar, Vertical | |
Bar, White Vertical ⫾
Barred B, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴃ
Barred O, Latin Capital Letter Ɵ Ɵ
Barred O, Latin Small Letter ɵ ɵ
Base ⊥
Batsaganchakan Nshan, Armenian ՜ ՜
Battleground Symbol ⚔
Beamed Eighth Notes ♫
Beamed Sixteenth Notes ♬
Because ∵
Bell Symbol ⍾
Bell, Symbol For ␇
Below, Combining Acute Accent ̗ ̗
Below, Combining Asterisk ͙ ͙
Below, Combining Breve ̮ ̮
Below, Combining Bridge ̪ ̪
Below, Combining Caron ̬ ̬
Below, Combining Circumflex Accent ̭ ̭
Below, Combining Comma ̦ ̦
Below, Combining Diaeresis ̤ ̤
Below, Combining Dot ̣ ̣
Below, Combining Double Breve ͜ ͜
Below, Combining Double Macron ͟ ͟
Below, Combining Double Rightwards Arrow ͢ ͢
Below, Combining Double Ring ͚ ͚
Below, Combining Double Vertical Line ͈ ͈
Below, Combining Down Tack ̞ ̞
Below, Combining Equals Sign ͇ ͇
Below, Combining Grave Accent ̖ ̖
Below, Combining Inverted Breve ̯ ̯
Below, Combining Inverted Bridge ̺ ̺
Below, Combining Inverted Double Arch ̫ ̫
Below, Combining Left Angle ͉ ͉
Below, Combining Left Arrow ⃮
Below, Combining Left Arrowhead ͔ ͔
Below, Combining Left Half Ring ̜ ̜
Below, Combining Left Right Arrow ͍ ͍
Below, Combining Left Tack ̘ ̘
Below, Combining Macron ̱ ̱
Below, Combining Minus Sign ̠ ̠
Below, Combining Palatalized Hook ̡ ̡
Below, Combining Plus Sign ̟ ̟
Below, Combining Retroflex Hook ̢ ̢
Below, Combining Right Arrow ⃯
Below, Combining Right Arrowhead ͕ ͕
Below, Combining Right Half Ring ̹ ̹
Below, Combining Right Tack ̙ ̙
Below, Combining Ring ̥ ̥
Below, Combining Seagull ̼ ̼
Below, Combining Square ̻ ̻
Below, Combining Tilde ̰ ̰
Below, Combining Up Tack ̝ ̝
Below, Combining Upwards Arrow ͎ ͎
Below, Combining Vertical Line ̩ ̩
Below, Combining X ͓ ͓
Belt, Latin Small Letter L With ɬ ɬ
Bend, Actuarial ⃧
Bengali ঀ
Bengali Consonants ক
Bengali Currency Signs ৲
Bengali Dependent Vowel Signs া
Bengali Digits ০
Bengali Hasant ্
Bengali Independent Vowels অ
Bengali Isshar ৺
Bengali Rupee Mark ৲
Bengali Rupee Sign ৳
Benzene Ring ⌬
Bernoulli Function ℬ
Bet Symbol ℶ
Beta Symbol, Greek ϐ ϐ
Beta, Curled ϐ ϐ
Between ≬
Beverage, Hot ☕
Bidirectional Format Characters ‪
Big 5, Duplicate Characters From 兀
Big Reverse Solidus ⧹
Big Solidus ⧸
Bijection ⤖
Bilabial Click, Latin Letter ʘ ʘ
Bilabial Percussive, Latin Letter ʬ ʬ
Bindu, Devanagari ं
Biohazard Sign ☣
Birga, Mongolian ᠀
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, Arabic Ligature ﷽
Black Circle ●
Black Circle, Medium ⚫
Black Flag ⚑
Black Hourglass ⧗
Black Left Pointing Index ☚
Black Leftwards Bullet ⁌
Black Lenticular Bracket, Left 【
Black Lenticular Bracket, Right 】
Black Lozenge ⧫
Black Medium Small Square ◾
Black Medium Square ◼
Black Nib ✒
Black Parallelogram ▰
Black Right Pointing Index ☛
Black Rightwards Bullet ⁍
Black Scissors ✂
Black Shogi Piece ☗
Black Small Circle •
Black Smiling Face ☻
Black Star ★
Black Sun With Rays ☀
Black Telephone ☎
Black-Letter Capital C ℭ
Black-Letter Capital H ℌ
Black-Letter Capital I ℑ
Black-Letter Capital R ℜ
Black-Letter Capital Z ℨ
Black-Letter Mathematical Symbols 𝔄 𝔄
Blank Symbol ␢
Block Elements ▀
Block, End Of Transmission 
Block, Full █
Block, Symbol For End Of Transmission ␗
Bohairic Coptic Ⲁ
Bold Digits 𝟎 𝟎
Bold Digits, Sans-Serif 𝟬 𝟬
Bold Fraktur Mathematical Symbols 𝕬 𝕬
Bold Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝚨 𝚨
Bold Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝝖 𝝖
Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝜜 𝜜
Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝞐 𝞐
Bold Italic Mathematical Symbols 𝑨 𝑨
Bold Italic Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝘼 𝘼
Bold Mathematical Symbols 𝐀 𝐀
Bold Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝗔 𝗔
Bold Script Mathematical Symbols 𝓐 𝓐
Bopomofo Extensions, Chinese ㆠ
Bopomofo, Chinese ㄀
Bottom ⊥
Bowt, Armenian ՝ ՝
Bowtie ⋈
Bowtie Symbols ⧑
Bowtie, Large ⨝
Bowtie, Vertical ⧖
Box Drawing ─
Box With Check, Ballot ☑
Box With X, Ballot ☒
Box, Ballot ☐
Box, Open ␣
Box, Shouldered Open ⍽
Box, X In A Rectangle ⌧
Brace, Closing } }
Brace, Opening { {
Bracket Pieces ⎛
Bracket Pieces ⎰
Bracket Variants For Vertical Text ⏜
Bracket With Quill, Left Square ⁅
Bracket With Quill, Right Square ⁆
Bracket, Closing Curly } }
Bracket, Closing Square ] ]
Bracket, Left Abstract Syntax 〚
Bracket, Left Angle 〈
Bracket, Left Bag ⟦
Bracket, Left Black Lenticular 【
Bracket, Left Chevron ⟪
Bracket, Left Corner 「
Bracket, Left Curly { {
Bracket, Left Double Angle 《
Bracket, Left Sequence ⟨
Bracket, Left Square [ [
Bracket, Left Tortoise Shell 〔
Bracket, Left White Corner 『
Bracket, Left White Curly ⦃
Bracket, Left White Lenticular 〖
Bracket, Left White Square 〚
Bracket, Left White Tortoise Shell 〘
Bracket, Left-Pointing Angle 〈
Bracket, Mathematical Left Angle ⟨
Bracket, Mathematical Left Double Angle ⟪
Bracket, Mathematical Right Angle ⟩
Bracket, Mathematical Right Double Angle ⟫
Bracket, Opening Curly { {
Bracket, Opening Square [ [
Bracket, Right Abstract Syntax 〛
Bracket, Right Angle 〉
Bracket, Right Bag ⟧
Bracket, Right Black Lenticular 】
Bracket, Right Chevron ⟫
Bracket, Right Corner 」
Bracket, Right Curly } }
Bracket, Right Double Angle 》
Bracket, Right Sequence ⟩
Bracket, Right Square ] ]
Bracket, Right Tortoise Shell 〕
Bracket, Right White Corner 』
Bracket, Right White Curly ⦄
Bracket, Right White Lenticular 〗
Bracket, Right White Square 〛
Bracket, Right White Tortoise Shell 〙
Bracket, Right-Pointing Angle 〉
Brackets ⦃
Brackets, Cjk Angle 〈
Brackets, Cjk Corner 「
Brackets, Corner ⌈
Brackets, Mathematical ⟦
Brackets, Ornamental ❨
Brackets, Vertical ⎴
Braille Patterns ⠀
Brazilian Currency ₢
Break Here, No ƒ
Break Permitted Here ‚
Breathing Mark, Greek Rough ̔ ̔
Breathing Mark, Greek Smooth ̓ ̓
Breve ˘ ˘
Breve Below, Combining ̮ ̮
Breve Below, Combining Double ͜ ͜
Breve Below, Combining Inverted ̯ ̯
Breve, Combining ̆ ̆
Breve, Combining Double ͝ ͝
Breve, Combining Double Inverted ͡ ͡
Breve, Combining Inverted ̑ ̑
Bridge Above, Combining ͆ ͆
Bridge Above, Combining Wide ⃩
Bridge Below, Combining ̪ ̪
Bridge Below, Combining Inverted ̺ ̺
Broken Bar ¦ ¦
Broken Vertical Bar ¦ ¦
Buginese ᨀ
Buhid ᝀ
Bullet •
Bullet Operator ∙
Bullet, Black Leftwards ⁌
Bullet, Black Rightwards ⁍
Bullet, Hyphen ⁃
Bullet, Reversed Rotated Floral Heart ☙
Bullet, Tainome Japanese ◉
Bullet, Triangular ‣
Bullet, White ◦
Bullseye ◎
Bullseye, Latin Letter ʘ ʘ
Buried Symbol ⚰
Burmese က က
By Definition, Equal To ≜
By Definition, Equal To ≝
By, Measured ≞
Byte Order Mark   
Byzantine Musical Symbols 𝀀 𝀀


C With Acute, Latin Small Letter ć ć
C With Caron, Latin Small Letter č č
C With Cedilla, Latin Capital Letter Ç Ç
C With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ç ç
C With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ĉ ĉ
C With Curl, Latin Small Letter ɕ ɕ
C With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ċ ċ
C With Hook, Latin Small Letter ƈ ƈ
C With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ȼ Ȼ
C With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ȼ ȼ
C, Apostrophic Ↄ
C, Black-Letter Capital ℭ
C, Combining Latin Small Letter ͨ ͨ
C, Double-Struck Capital ℂ
C, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴄ
C, Latin Letter Stretched ʗ ʗ
C, Latin Small Letter Reversed ↄ
Cada Una ℆
Caduceus ☤
Cambodian ក
Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics, Unified ᐀
Canadian Syllabics Full Stop ᙮
Canadian Syllabics Punctuation ᙭
Cancel Character ”
Cancel Tag 󠁿 󠁿
Cancel, Symbol For ␘
Cancellation Mark, Lao ໌
Cancer ♋
Candrabindu, Combining ̐ ̐
Candrabindu, Devanagari Sign ँ
Cantillation Marks, Hebrew ֑ ֑
Cantillation Signs, Tibetan ࿀
Cap ∩
Cap, Square ⊓
Capital Letters, Armenian Ա Ա
Capital Letters, Cyrillic Ѐ Ѐ
Capital Letters, Georgian Ⴀ
Capital Letters, Greek Α Α
Capital Letters, Latin A A
Capricorn ♑
Caps Lock ⇪
Caps Lock ⇬
Card Suits, Playing ♠
Cardinal, First Transfinite ℵ
Cardinal, Fourth Transfinite ℸ
Cardinal, Second Transfinite ℶ
Cardinal, Third Transfinite ℷ
Care Of ℅
Caret ʌ ʌ
Caret ‸
Caret Insertion Point ⁁
Carian 𐊠 𐊠
Caron ˇ ˇ
Caron Below, Combining ̬ ̬
Caron, Combining ̌ ̌
Carriage Return 
Carriage Return, Symbol For ␍
Cartesian Product × ×
Caution Sign ☡
Cedi Sign ₵
Cedilla ¸ ¸
Cedilla Above ̒ ̒
Cedilla, Combining ̧ ̧
Cedilla, Latin Capital Letter C With Ç Ç
Cedilla, Latin Small Letter C With ç ç
Cedilla, Spacing ¸ ¸
Ceiling, Left ⌈
Ceiling, Right ⌉
Celsius, Degree ℃
Cent Sign ¢ ¢
Center ⎅
Centigrade, Degrees ℃
Centre Line Symbol ℄
Centreline Low Line ﹎
Centreline Overline ﹊
Cham ꨀ
Chandrakkala, Malayalam ്
Character Introducer, Single š
Character Tabulation 	  
Character Tabulation Set ˆ
Character Tabulation With Justification ‰
Character Tie ⁀
Chart Components, Form And ─
Check Mark ✓
Check Mark, Heavy ✔
Check Mark, Not ⍻
Check, Ballot Box With ☑
Checkers, Symbols For Draughts And ⛀
Cherokee Ꭰ
Chess Symbols ♔
Chess Symbols, Japanese ☖
Chevron Bracket, Left ⟪
Chevron Bracket, Right ⟫
Chevrons « «
Chi Rho ☧
Chillu Letters, Malayalam ൺ
Chinese Bopomofo ㄀
Chinese Bopomofo Extensions ㆠ
Chinese Fifth Or Neutral Tone, Mandarin ˙ ˙
Chinese First Tone, Mandarin ˉ ˉ
Chinese Fourth Tone, Mandarin ˋ ˋ
Chinese Second Tone, Mandarin ˊ ˊ
Chinese Third Tone, Mandarin ˇ ˇ
Chinese, Corner Tone Marks For ꜀
Choice, Dijkstra ⫾
Choice, N-Ary Dijkstra ⫿ ⫿
Christogram ☧
Circle Backslash, Combining Enclosing ⃠
Circle Symbols ⦵
Circle, Black ●
Circle, Black Small •
Circle, Combining Enclosing ⃝
Circle, Dotted ◌
Circle, Jis Composition ⃝
Circle, Large ◯
Circle, Medium Black ⚫
Circle, Medium Small White ⚬
Circle, Medium White ⚪
Circle, Shadowed White ❍
Circle, White ○
Circled Asterisk Operator ⊛
Circled Dash ⊝
Circled Digit Zero ⓪
Circled Digits, Dingbat ❶
Circled Division Sign ⨸
Circled Division Slash ⊘
Circled Dot Operator ⊙
Circled Dot Operator, N-Ary ⨀
Circled Equals ⊜
Circled Ideographs ㊀
Circled Inverse Numbers ❶
Circled Katakana ㋐
Circled Korean Hangul Elements ㉠
Circled Korean Hangul Syllables ㉮
Circled Latin Letters Ⓐ
Circled Minus ⊖
Circled Numbers ①
Circled Numbers ㉑
Circled Numbers ㊱
Circled Numbers, Double ⓵
Circled Numbers, White On Black ⓫
Circled Plus ⊕
Circled Plus Operator, N-Ary ⨁
Circled Postal Mark 〶
Circled Ring Operator ⊚
Circled Times ⊗
Circled Times Operator, N-Ary ⨂
Circles ○
Circumflex Accent ^ ^
Circumflex Accent Below, Combining ̭ ̭
Circumflex Accent, Combining ̂ ̂
Circumflex Accent, Modifier Letter ˆ ˆ
Circumflex Accent, Spacing ^ ^
Cjk Angle Brackets 〈
Cjk Compatibility ㌀
Cjk Compatibility Forms ︰
Cjk Compatibility Ideographs 豈
Cjk Compatibility Ideographs Supplement 丽 丽
Cjk Corner Brackets 「
Cjk Diacritics 〪
Cjk Ideographic Description Characters ⿰
Cjk Ideographs Area 㐀
Cjk Ideographs Area, Supplementary 𠀀 𠀀
Cjk Ideographs, Parenthesized ㈠
Cjk Kangxi Radicals ⼀
Cjk Letters And Months, Enclosed ㈀
Cjk Phonetics And Symbols Area ⺀
Cjk Punctuation, Halfwidth 。
Cjk Quotation Marks 「
Cjk Radicals Supplement ⺀
Cjk Strokes ㇀
Cjk Symbols And Punctuation    
Cjk Unified Ideographs 一
Cjk Unified Ideographs Extension A 㐀
Cjk Unified Ideographs Extension B 𠀀 𠀀
Claudian Antisigma Ↄ
Claudian Digamma Inversum Ⅎ
Clear Key ⌧
Clear Screen Symbol ⎚
Clear Weather ☀
Click, Latin Letter Alveolar ǂ ǂ
Click, Latin Letter Bilabial ʘ ʘ
Click, Latin Letter Dental ǀ ǀ
Click, Latin Letter Lateral ǁ ǁ
Click, Latin Letter Retroflex ǃ ǃ
Clicks, African Letters For ǀ ǀ
Clockwise Arrow Above, Combining ⃕
Clockwise Contour Integral ∲
Clockwise Integral ∱
Clockwise Ring Overlay, Combining ⃙
Clone ℄
Clones Of Diacritics, Spacing ˘ ˘
Close Up ⁐
Closed Epsilon, Latin Small Letter ʚ ʚ
Closed Omega, Latin Small Letter ɷ ɷ
Closed Open E, Latin Small Letter ʚ ʚ
Closed Reversed Epsilon, Latin Small Letter ɞ ɞ
Closed Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter ɞ ɞ
Closing Brace } }
Closing Curly Bracket } }
Closing Mark, Ideographic 〆
Closing Parenthesis ) )
Closing Square Bracket ] ]
Cloud ☁
Cloudy Weather ☁
Coffee, Cup Of ☕
Coffin ⚰
Colon : :
Colon Equals ≔
Colon Right Arrow ⧴
Colon Sign ₡
Colon, Equals ≕
Colon, Ethiopic ፥
Colon, Ethiopic Preface ፦
Colon, Modifier Letter Half Triangular ˑ ˑ
Colon, Modifier Letter Triangular ː ː
Colon, Mongolian ᠄
Colon, Z Notation Type ⦂
Combining Acute Accent ́ ́
Combining Acute Accent Below ̗ ̗
Combining Acute Tone Mark ́ ́
Combining Almost Equal To Above ͌ ͌
Combining Alphabet, Korean Hangul Jamo ᄀ
Combining Annuity Symbol ⃧
Combining Anticlockwise Arrow Above ⃔
Combining Anticlockwise Ring Overlay ⃚
Combining Asterisk Above ⃰
Combining Asterisk Below ͙ ͙
Combining Breve ̆ ̆
Combining Breve Below ̮ ̮
Combining Bridge Above ͆ ͆
Combining Bridge Below ̪ ̪
Combining Candrabindu ̐ ̐
Combining Caron ̌ ̌
Combining Caron Below ̬ ̬
Combining Cedilla ̧ ̧
Combining Characters, Cyrillic ҃ ҃
Combining Circumflex Accent ̂ ̂
Combining Circumflex Accent Below ̭ ̭
Combining Clockwise Arrow Above ⃕
Combining Clockwise Ring Overlay ⃙
Combining Comma Above ̓ ̓
Combining Comma Above Right ̕ ̕
Combining Comma Below ̦ ̦
Combining Conjoining Macron ︦
Combining Counterclockwise Arrow Above ⃔
Combining Counterclockwise Ring Overlay ⃚
Combining Diacritical Marks ̀ ̀
Combining Diacritical Marks For Symbols ⃐
Combining Diaeresis ̈ ̈
Combining Diaeresis Below ̤ ̤
Combining Dot Above ̇ ̇
Combining Dot Above Right ͘ ͘
Combining Dot Below ̣ ̣
Combining Double Acute Accent ̋ ̋
Combining Double Breve ͝ ͝
Combining Double Breve Below ͜ ͜
Combining Double Grave Accent ̏ ̏
Combining Double Inverted Breve ͡ ͡
Combining Double Low Line ̳ ̳
Combining Double Macron ͞ ͞
Combining Double Macron Below ͟ ͟
Combining Double Overline ̿ ̿
Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below ͢ ͢
Combining Double Ring Below ͚ ͚
Combining Double Tilde ͠ ͠
Combining Double Vertical Line Above ̎ ̎
Combining Double Vertical Line Below ͈ ͈
Combining Double Vertical Stroke Overlay ⃦
Combining Down Tack Below ̞ ̞
Combining Enclosing Circle ⃝
Combining Enclosing Circle Backslash ⃠
Combining Enclosing Diamond ⃟
Combining Enclosing Keycap ⃣
Combining Enclosing Screen ⃢
Combining Enclosing Square ⃞
Combining Enclosing Upward Pointing Triangle ⃤
Combining Equals Sign Below ͇ ͇
Combining Fermata ͒ ͒
Combining Four Dots Above ⃜
Combining Grapheme Joiner ͏ ͏
Combining Grave Accent ̀ ̀
Combining Grave Accent Below ̖ ̖
Combining Grave Tone Mark ̀ ̀
Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos ̈́ ̈́
Combining Greek Koronis ̓ ̓
Combining Greek Perispomeni ͂ ͂
Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni ͅ ͅ
Combining Hacek ̌ ̌
Combining Half Marks ︠
Combining Homothetic Above ͋ ͋
Combining Hook Above ̉ ̉
Combining Horn ̛ ̛
Combining Inverted Breve ̑ ̑
Combining Inverted Breve Below ̯ ̯
Combining Inverted Bridge Below ̺ ̺
Combining Inverted Double Arch Below ̫ ̫
Combining Japanese Daku-On ゙
Combining Japanese Han-Daku-On ゚
Combining Latin Small Letters ͣ ͣ
Combining Left Angle Above ̚ ̚
Combining Left Angle Below ͉ ͉
Combining Left Arrow Above ⃖
Combining Left Arrow Below ⃮
Combining Left Arrowhead Below ͔ ͔
Combining Left Half Ring Above ͑ ͑
Combining Left Half Ring Below ̜ ̜
Combining Left Harpoon Above ⃐
Combining Left Right Arrow Above ⃡
Combining Left Right Arrow Below ͍ ͍
Combining Left Tack Below ̘ ̘
Combining Leftwards Arrow Overlay ⃪
Combining Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards ⃭
Combining Long Double Solidus Overlay ⃫
Combining Long Solidus Overlay ̸ ̸
Combining Long Stroke Overlay ̶ ̶
Combining Long Vertical Line Overlay ⃒
Combining Low Line ̲ ̲
Combining Macron ̄ ̄
Combining Macron Below ̱ ̱
Combining Macron Left Half ︤
Combining Macron Right Half ︥
Combining Marks, Arabic ٓ ٓ
Combining Minus Sign Below ̠ ̠
Combining Not Tilde Above ͊ ͊
Combining Ogonek ̨ ̨
Combining Overline ̅ ̅
Combining Palatalized Hook Below ̡ ̡
Combining Plus Sign Below ̟ ̟
Combining Retroflex Hook Below ̢ ̢
Combining Reverse Solidus Overlay ⃥
Combining Reversed Comma Above ̔ ̔
Combining Right Arrow Above ⃗
Combining Right Arrow Below ⃯
Combining Right Arrowhead Above ͐ ͐
Combining Right Arrowhead Below ͕ ͕
Combining Right Half Ring Above ͗ ͗
Combining Right Half Ring Below ̹ ̹
Combining Right Harpoon Above ⃑
Combining Right Tack Below ̙ ̙
Combining Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards ⃬
Combining Ring Above ̊ ̊
Combining Ring Below ̥ ̥
Combining Ring Overlay ⃘
Combining Seagull Below ̼ ̼
Combining Short Solidus Overlay ̷ ̷
Combining Short Stroke Overlay ̵ ̵
Combining Short Vertical Line Overlay ⃓
Combining Square Below ̻ ̻
Combining Three Dots Above ⃛
Combining Tilde ̃ ̃
Combining Tilde Below ̰ ̰
Combining Tilde Overlay ̴ ̴
Combining Triple Underdot ⃨
Combining Turned Comma Above ̒ ̒
Combining Up Tack Below ̝ ̝
Combining Upwards Arrow Below ͎ ͎
Combining Vertical Line Above ̍ ̍
Combining Vertical Line Below ̩ ̩
Combining Vertical Tilde ̾ ̾
Combining Wide Bridge Above ⃩
Combining X Above ̽ ̽
Combining X Below ͓ ͓
Combining Zigzag Above ͛ ͛
Comet ☄
Comma , ,
Comma Above Right, Combining ̕ ̕
Comma Above, Combining ̓ ̓
Comma Above, Combining Reversed ̔ ̔
Comma Above, Combining Turned ̒ ̒
Comma Below, Combining ̦ ̦
Comma Quotation Mark, Double ”
Comma Quotation Mark, Double Reversed ‟
Comma Quotation Mark, Double Turned “
Comma Quotation Mark, Low Double „
Comma Quotation Mark, Low Single ‚
Comma Quotation Mark, Single ’
Comma Quotation Mark, Single Reversed ‛
Comma Quotation Mark, Single Turned ‘
Comma, Arabic ، ،
Comma, Armenian ՝ ՝
Comma, Ethiopic ፣
Comma, Georgian · ·
Comma, Ideographic 、
Comma, Invisible ⁣
Comma, Modifier Letter Reversed ʽ ʽ
Comma, Modifier Letter Turned ʻ ʻ
Comma, Mongolian ᠂
Comma, Mongolian Manchu ᠈
Command Key ⌘
Command, Application Program Ÿ
Command, Operating System 
Commercial At @ @
Commercial Minus Sign ⁒
Compass ☼
Compatibility And Specials Area 豈
Compatibility Forms, Cjk ︰
Compatibility Ideographs Supplement, Cjk 丽 丽
Compatibility Ideographs, Cjk 豈
Compatibility Ideographs, Dprk 並
Compatibility Ideographs, Jis X 0213 侮
Compatibility Jamo, Korean Hangul ㄰
Compatibility, Cjk ㌀
Complement ∁
Complex Numbers ℂ
Component, Radial ⟟
Components, Form And Chart ─
Composite Function ∘
Composition Circle, Jis ⃝
Composition Symbol ⎄
Concatenation, Sequence ⁀
Conical Taper ⌲
Conjoining Macron, Combining ︦
Conjugate Matrix, Hermitian ⊹
Conjunction ∧
Conjunction ☌
Constant Pi, Mathematical π π
Constant, Euler ℇ
Constant, Planck ℎ
Constantine’s Cross ☧
Contains As Member ∋
Contains As Member, Small ∍
Contains As Normal Subgroup ⊳
Contextual Form Glyphs, Arabic ﭐ
Contextual Form Glyphs, Arabic ﺀ
Continuity, Absolute ⪡
Continuous Underline Symbol ⎁
Continuum, Second Transfinite Cardinal ℶ
Contour Integral ∮
Contour Integral, Anticlockwise ∳
Contour Integral, Clockwise ∲
Contour Integral, Counterclockwise ∳
Contraction Operator ⃩
Control ⎈
Control Code Graphics, Quadrant ◰
Control Codes, Graphic Pictures For ␀
Control Codes, Graphics For ⍽
Control Sequence Introducer ›
Controls, Bidirectional Format ‪
Controls, Mongolian Format ᠋
Coproduct Sign ∐
Coproduct, N-Ary ∐
Coptic Letters Derived From Demotic Ϣ Ϣ
Coptic, Bohairic Ⲁ
Coptic, Continuous Macrons For ︤
Coptic, Extended Ⲳ
Copyright Sign © ©
Copyright, Sound Recording ℗
Corner Brackets ⌈
Corner Brackets, Cjk 「
Corner Tone Marks For Chinese ꜀
Corners, Quine ⌜
Corresponds To ≘
Corresponds To ≙
Costa Rican Currency ₡
Countable, First Transfinite Cardinal ℵ
Counterbore ⌴
Counterclockwise Arrow Above, Combining ⃔
Counterclockwise Contour Integral ∳
Counterclockwise Integration ⨑
Counterclockwise Ring Overlay, Combining ⃚
Countersink ⌵
Credit Sign, Tamil ௷
Cremated Symbol ⚱
Crescent, Star And ☪
Croatian Digraphs Matching Serbian Cyrillic Letters DŽ DŽ
Crops ⌌
Cross Accent, Modifier Letter ˟ ˟
Cross Dingbats ✙
Cross Of Jerusalem ☩
Cross Of Lorraine ☨
Cross Ratio ℞
Cross, Constantine’s ☧
Cross, Dotted ⁜
Cross, East Syriac ♱
Cross, Latin ✝
Cross, Long †
Cross, Maltese ✠
Cross, Orthodox ☦
Cross, St. Andrew’s ☓
Cross, West Syriac ♰
Crossed Swords ⚔
Crosses ✙
Crosshatch # #
Cruzeiro Sign ₢
Cube Root ∛
Cubed ³ ³
Cuneiform 𒀀 𒀀
Cuneiform Numbers And Punctuation 𒐀 𒐀
Cup ∪
Cup Of Coffee ☕
Cup Of Tea ☕
Cup, Square ⊔
Curled Beta ϐ ϐ
Curly Bracket, Closing } }
Curly Bracket, Left { {
Curly Bracket, Left White ⦃
Curly Bracket, Opening { {
Curly Bracket, Right } }
Curly Bracket, Right White ⦄
Curly Logical And ⋏
Curly Logical Or ⋎
Currency Sign ¤ ¤
Currency Signs, Bengali ৲
Currency Symbol Baht, Thai ฿ ฿
Currency Symbol Riel, Khmer ៛
Currency Symbol, Florin ƒ ƒ
Currency Symbols ₠
Currency, Argentinian Former ₳
Currency, Brazilian ₢
Currency, Costa Rican ₡
Currency, El Salvadorian ₡
Currency, Euro European €
Currency, French ₣
Currency, Ghana ₵
Currency, Greek ₯
Currency, Indian ₨
Currency, Iranian ﷼
Currency, Israeli ₪
Currency, Italian ₤
Currency, Korean ₩
Currency, Laotian ₭
Currency, Mongolian ₮
Currency, Nigerian ₦
Currency, Paraguayan ₲
Currency, Phillipine ₱
Currency, Spanish ₧
Currency, Turkish ₤
Currency, Ukrainian ₴
Currency, Vietnamese ₫
Current Symbol Form Two, Direct ⎓
Current, AC ⏦
Current, Alternating ∿
Current, Direct, Symbol Form Two ⎓
Cursor Down, Fast ↡
Cursor Left, Fast ↞
Cursor Right, Fast ↠
Cursor Up, Fast ↟
Cycle ∼
Cylindricity ⌭
Cypriot Syllabary 𐠀 𐠀
Cyrillic Ѐ Ѐ
Cyrillic Capital Letters Ѐ Ѐ
Cyrillic Combining Characters ҃ ҃
Cyrillic Extended-A ⷠ
Cyrillic Extended-B Ꙁ
Cyrillic Extensions ѐ ѐ
Cyrillic Extensions Ҋ Ҋ
Cyrillic Historic Letters Ѡ Ѡ
Cyrillic Small Letters а а
Cyrillic Supplement Ԁ Ԁ


D Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter ɖ ɖ
D With Caron, Latin Small Letter ď ď
D With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ḑ
D With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter ḓ
D With Curl, Latin Small Letter ȡ ȡ
D With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ḋ
D With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter ḍ
D With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Ɗ Ɗ
D With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɗ ɗ
D With Line Below, Latin Small Letter ḏ
D With Stroke, Latin Small Letter đ đ
D With Tail, Latin Small Letter ɖ ɖ
D With Topbar, Latin Small Letter ƌ ƌ
D’alembertian ⧠
D, Combining Latin Small Letter ͩ ͩ
D, Double-Struck Italic Capital ⅅ
D, Double-Struck Italic Small ⅆ
D, Latin Capital Letter African Ɖ Ɖ
D, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴅ
Dagger †
Dagger, Double ‡
Daku-On, Combining Japanese ゙
Daku-On, Japanese ゛
Dalet Symbol ℸ
Danda, Devanagari ।
Danda, Devanagari Double ॥
Dash, Angled ¬ ¬
Dash, Circled ⊝
Dash, Em —
Dash, En –
Dash, Figure ‒
Dash, Quotation ―
Dash, Swung ⁓
Dash, Wave 〜
Dash, Wavy 〰
Dashed Low Line ﹍
Dashed Overline ﹉
Dashes ‐
Dasia, Greek ̔ ̔
Data Link Escape 
Data Link Escape, Symbol For ␐
Database Theory Operators ⟕
David, Star Of ✡
Day Sign, Tamil ௳
Days, Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For ㏠
Db Digraph, Latin Small Letter ȸ ȸ
Debit Sign, Tamil ௶
Decimal Point . .
Decimal Separator , ,
Decimal Separator Key Symbol ⎖
Decimal Separator, Arabic ٫ ٫
Deergh Viram, Devanagari ॥
Degree Celsius ℃
Degree Fahrenheit ℉
Degree Sign ° °
Degrees Centigrade ℃
Del ∇
Delete Form Two, Symbol For ␥
Delete To The Left Key ⌫
Delete To The Right Key ⌦
Delete, Symbol For ␡
Delta Equal To ≜
Delta, Latin Small Letter Turned ƍ ƍ
Demotic, Coptic Letters Derived From Ϣ Ϣ
Dental Click, Latin Letter ǀ ǀ
Dentistry Notation Symbols ⎾
Depth Symbol ↧
Derivative ̇ ̇
Derivative, Double ̈ ̈
Derivative, Fourth ⃜
Derivative, Third ⃛
Descending Node ☋
Deseret 𐐀 𐐀
Devanagari ऀ
Devanagari Bindu ं
Devanagari Consonants क
Devanagari Danda ।
Devanagari Deergh Viram ॥
Devanagari Dependent Vowel Signs ा
Devanagari Digits ०
Devanagari Double Danda ॥
Devanagari Extensions ॑
Devanagari Independent Vowels ऄ
Devanagari Om ॐ
Devanagari Purna Viram ।
Devanagari Sign Anusvara ं
Devanagari Sign Avagraha ऽ
Devanagari Sign Candrabindu ँ
Devanagari Sign Nukta ़
Devanagari Sign Virama ्
Devanagari Sign Visarga ः
Device Controls 
Device Controls, Symbols For ␑
Dharma, Wheel Of ☸
Diacritic, Finite Function ⃦
Diacritical Marks For Symbols, Combining ⃐
Diacritical Marks, Combining ̀ ̀
Diacritics For Greek ͂ ͂
Diacritics For Ipa ͆ ͆
Diacritics For Uralic Phonetic Alphabet ͐ ͐
Diacritics, Cjk 〪
Diacritics, Double ͜ ͜
Diacritics, Enclosing ⃝
Diacritics, Medieval Superscript Letter ͣ ͣ
Diacritics, Ordinary ̀ ̀
Diacritics, Overstruck ̴ ̴
Diacritics, Spacing Clones Of ˘ ˘
Diaeresis ¨ ¨
Diaeresis Below, Combining ̤ ̤
Diaeresis, Combining ̈ ̈
Diaeresis, Spacing ¨ ¨
Diagonal Ellipsis, Down Right ⋱
Diagonal Ellipsis, Up Right ⋰
Dialytika Tonos, Combining Greek ̈́ ̈́
Dialytika, Greek ̈ ̈
Diameter Sign ⌀
Diamond Operator ⋄
Diamond, Combining Enclosing ⃟
Diamonds ◆
Diamonds And Lozenges ⬥
Dice ⚀
Dictionary And Map Symbols ⚐
Dictionary Punctuation ⸚
Diesis ‡
Difference Between ∼
Difference Between ≏
Difference Or Sum, Positive ⨤
Difference, Backward ∇
Difference, Forward ∆
Difference, Sum Or Positive ⨦
Difference, Symmetric ∆
Difference, Symmetric ∸
Difference, Symmetric ⊖
Differential, Partial ∂
Digamma Inversum, Claudian Ⅎ
Digit Zero, Circled ⓪
Digits Minus Half, Tibetan ༪
Digits Symbols, Mathematical 𝟎 𝟎
Digits, Arabic-Indic ٠ ٠
Digits, Ascii 0 0
Digits, Balinese ᭐
Digits, Bengali ০
Digits, Bold 𝟎 𝟎
Digits, Devanagari ०
Digits, Dingbat Circled ❶
Digits, Double-Struck 𝟘 𝟘
Digits, Eastern Arabic-Indic ۰ ۰
Digits, Ethiopic ፩
Digits, Gujarati ૦
Digits, Gurmukhi ੦
Digits, Kannada ೦
Digits, Kharoshthi 𐩀 𐩀
Digits, Khmer ០
Digits, Lao ໐
Digits, Limbu ᥆
Digits, Malayalam ൦
Digits, Mongolian ᠐
Digits, Monospace 𝟶 𝟶
Digits, Myanmar ၀
Digits, New Tai Lue ᧐
Digits, Oriya ୦
Digits, Osmanya 𐒠 𐒠
Digits, Sans-Serif 𝟢 𝟢
Digits, Sans-Serif Bold 𝟬 𝟬
Digits, Subscript ₀
Digits, Superscript ⁰
Digits, Tamil ௧
Digits, Telugu ౦
Digits, Thai ๐
Digits, Tibetan ༠
Digram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Monogram And ⚊
Digraphs Matching Serbian Cyrillic Letters, Croatian DŽ DŽ
Digraphs, Phonetic ʣ ʣ
Digraphs, Yiddish װ װ
Dijkstra Choice ⫾
Dijkstra Choice, N-Ary ⫿ ⫿
Dimension Origin ⌱
Dingbat Arrows ➔
Dingbat Circled Digits ❶
Dingbats ✀
Dingbats Series 100, Itc Zapf ✀
Dingbats, Arrow ➔
Dingbats, Asterisk ✢
Dingbats, Cross ✙
Dingbats, Drop-Shadowed ❍
Dingbats, Hazard ☠
Dingbats, Heart ❣
Dingbats, Miscellaneous ☀
Dingbats, Music ♩
Dingbats, Pencil ✎
Dingbats, Pointing Index Finger ☚
Dingbats, Quotation Mark ❛
Dingbats, Scissors ✁
Dingbats, Snowflake ❄
Dingbats, Star ✦
Dingbats, Vertical Bar ❘
Dingbats, Warning ☠
Dingbats, Weather ☀
Dingbats, Zapf ✀
Direct Current Symbol Form Two ⎓
Direct Product ⊙
Direct Sum ⊕
Directional Format Characters ‪
Directional Formatting, Pop ‬
Discontinuous Underline Symbol ⎂
Discretionary Hyphen ­ ­
Disjunction ∨
Ditto Mark 〃
Divides ∣
Divination, Khmer Numeric Symbols For ៰
Division Sign ÷ ÷
Division Sign Operators, Multiplication And ⨯
Division Sign, Circled ⨸
Division Slash ∕
Division Slash, Circled ⊘
Division Times ⋇
Division, Long ⟌
Divorce Symbol ⚮
Does Not Contain As Member ∌
Does Not Divide ∤
Does Not Exist, There ∄
Does Not Yield ⊣
Dollar Sign $ $
Domain Restriction ◁
Domino Tiles 🀰 🀰
Dong Sign ₫
Dot . .
Dot Above ˙ ˙
Dot Above Right, Combining ͘ ͘
Dot Above, Combining ̇ ̇
Dot Above, Double ̈ ̈
Dot Below, Combining ̣ ̣
Dot Below, Myanmar Sign ့
Dot Leader, One ․
Dot Leader, Three …
Dot Leader, Two ‥
Dot Minus ∸
Dot Operator ⋅
Dot Operator, Circled ⊙
Dot Operator, Squared ⊡
Dot Plus ∔
Dot Punctuation, Five ⁙
Dot Punctuation, Four ⁘
Dot Punctuation, Three ⁖
Dot Punctuation, Two ⁚
Dot, Greek Middle · ·
Dot, Katakana Middle ・
Dot, Latin Capital Letter I İ İ
Dot, Middle · ·
Dot, Sesame ﹅
Dot, Vertical Line With Middle ⍿
Dot, White Sesame ﹆
Dotless I, Latin Small Letter ı ı
Dotless J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɟ ɟ
Dotless J, Latin Small Letter ȷ ȷ
Dotless Mathematical Symbols 𝚤 𝚤
Dots Above, Combining Four ⃜
Dots Above, Combining Three ⃛
Dots, Mongolian Four ᠅
Dots, Vertical Four ⁞
Dotted Circle ◌
Dotted Cross ⁜
Dotted Fence ⦙
Dotted Mathematical Operators ∴
Double Acute Accent ˝ ˝
Double Acute Accent, Combining ̋ ̋
Double Angle Bracket, Left 《
Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical Left ⟪
Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical Right ⟫
Double Angle Bracket, Right 》
Double Angle Quotation Mark, Left-Pointing « «
Double Angle Quotation Mark, Right-Pointing » »
Double Apostrophe, Modifier Letter ˮ ˮ
Double Arch Below, Combining Inverted ̫ ̫
Double Arrows ⇍
Double Breve Below, Combining ͜ ͜
Double Breve, Combining ͝ ͝
Double Circled Numbers ⓵
Double Comma Quotation Mark ”
Double Comma Quotation Mark, Low „
Double Dagger ‡
Double Danda, Devanagari ॥
Double Derivative ̈ ̈
Double Diacritics ͜ ͜
Double Dot Above ̈ ̈
Double Exclamation Mark ‼
Double Grave Accent, Combining ̏ ̏
Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark ‟
Double Hyphen, Katakana-Hiragana ゠
Double Integral ∬
Double Intersection ⋒
Double Inverted Breve, Combining ͡ ͡
Double Logical And ⩓
Double Logical Or ⩔
Double Low Line ‗
Double Low Line, Combining ̳ ̳
Double Low-9 Quotation Mark „
Double Macron Below, Combining ͟ ͟
Double Macron, Combining ͞ ͞
Double Operators ⋐
Double Overline, Combining ̿ ̿
Double Pipe ǁ ǁ
Double Plus ⧺
Double Precedes ⪻
Double Prime ″
Double Prime Quotation Mark 〞
Double Prime Quotation Mark, Low 〟
Double Prime Quotation Mark, Reversed 〝
Double Prime, Modifier Letter ʺ ʺ
Double Prime, Reversed ‶
Double Punctuation For Vertical Text ⁇
Double Punctuation, Philippine ᜶
Double Question Mark ⁇
Double Quotation Mark, Left “
Double Quotation Mark, Right ”
Double Reversed Comma Quotation Mark ‟
Double Rightwards Arrow Below, Combining ͢ ͢
Double Ring Below, Combining ͚ ͚
Double Slash Overlay, Long ⃫
Double Solidus Operator ⫽
Double Solidus Overlay, Combining Long ⃫
Double Subset ⋐
Double Succeeds ⪼
Double Superset ⋑
Double Tilde, Combining ͠ ͠
Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark “
Double Underline ̳ ̳
Double Underscore ̳ ̳
Double Underscore, Spacing ‗
Double Union ⋓
Double Vertical Line ‖
Double Vertical Line Above, Combining ̎ ̎
Double Vertical Line Below, Combining ͈ ͈
Double Vertical Stroke Overlay, Combining ⃦
Double Wavy Overline ﹌
Double-Barred Pipe ǂ ǂ
Double-Struck Digits 𝟘 𝟘
Double-Struck Greek Letters ℼ
Double-Struck Greek Letters ℽ
Double-Struck Italic Mathematical Symbols ⅅ
Double-Struck Mathematical Symbols 𝔸 𝔸
Down Arrowhead ⌄
Down Pointing Index, White ☟
Down Right Diagonal Ellipsis ⋱
Down Tack ⊤
Down Tack Below, Combining ̞ ̞
Down, Page ⇟
Downstile, Apl ⌊
Downwards Arrow ↓
Dprk Compatibility Ideographs 並
Drachma Sign ₯
Drafting Symbols ⌭
Dram ʒ ʒ
Draughts And Checkers, Symbols For ⛀
Drop ♏
Drop-Shadowed Dingbats ❍


E With Acute, Latin Capital Letter É É
E With Acute, Latin Small Letter é é
E With Breve, Latin Small Letter ĕ ĕ
E With Caron, Latin Small Letter ě ě
E With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ȩ ȩ
E With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter ḙ
E With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Ê Ê
E With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ê ê
E With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Ë Ë
E With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ë ë
E With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ė ė
E With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter ẹ
E With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter ȅ ȅ
E With Grave, Latin Capital Letter È È
E With Grave, Latin Small Letter è è
E With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter ẻ
E With Hook, Latin Small Letter Reversed Open ɝ ɝ
E With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter ȇ ȇ
E With Macron, Latin Small Letter ē ē
E With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter ę ę
E With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ɇ Ɇ
E With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɇ ɇ
E With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter ḛ
E With Tilde, Latin Small Letter ẽ
E, Combining Latin Small Letter ͤ ͤ
E, Double-Struck Italic Small ⅇ
E, Latin Capital Letter Open Ɛ Ɛ
E, Latin Capital Letter Reversed Ǝ Ǝ
E, Latin Capital Letter Turned Ǝ Ǝ
E, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴇ
E, Latin Small Letter Closed Open ʚ ʚ
E, Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Open ɞ ɞ
E, Latin Small Letter O œ œ
E, Latin Small Letter Open ɛ ɛ
E, Latin Small Letter Reversed ɘ ɘ
E, Latin Small Letter Reversed Open ɜ ɜ
E, Latin Small Letter Turned ǝ ǝ
E, Latin Small Letter Turned Open ᴈ
E, Script Capital ℰ
E, Script Small ℯ
Earth ♁
Earth Ground ⏚
East Syriac Cross ♱
Eastern Arabic-Indic Digits ۰ ۰
Editorial Symbols, New Testament ⸀
Egressive Airflow ↑
Eighth Note ♪
Eighth Notes, Beamed ♫
Eighths, Fractions ⅛
Eject Media ⏏
Ek Onkar, Gurmukhi ੴ
El Salvadorian Currency ₡
Electric Arrow ⌁
Electrical Intersection ⏧
Electrolysis ↯
Electromotive Force ℰ
Electrotechnical Symbols ⎍
Element Of ∈
Element Of, Not An ∉
Element Of, Small ∊
Element, Unique ℩
Ellipses ⬬
Ellipsis, Down Right Diagonal ⋱
Ellipsis, Horizontal …
Ellipsis, Lao ຯ
Ellipsis, Midline Horizontal ⋯
Ellipsis, Mongolian ᠁
Ellipsis, Up Right Diagonal ⋰
Ellipsis, Vertical ⋮
Elliptic Function, Weierstrass ℘
Em Dash —
Em Quad  
Em Space  
Embedding, Left-To-Right ‪
Embedding, Right-To-Left ‫
Emf ℰ
Emphasis Mark, Armenian ՛ ՛
Emphasis Marks, Sidelining ﹅
Emphasis Symbol ⎃
Empty Set ∅
Empty Sets ⦰
En Dash –
En Quad    
En Space  
Enclosed Alphanumerics ①
Enclosed Cjk Letters And Months ㈀
Enclosed Mathematical Operators ⊕
Enclosing Circle Backslash, Combining ⃠
Enclosing Circle, Combining ⃝
Enclosing Diacritics ⃝
Enclosing Diamond, Combining ⃟
Enclosing Keycap, Combining ⃣
Enclosing Screen, Combining ⃢
Enclosing Square, Combining ⃞
Enclosing Upward Pointing Triangle, Combining ⃤
End ⇲
End Of Guarded Area —
End Of Line 
End Of Medium 
End Of Medium, Symbol For ⍿
End Of Medium, Symbol For ␙
End Of Proof ∎
End Of Selected Area ‡
End Of Text 
End Of Text, Symbol For ␃
End Of Transmission 
End Of Transmission Block 
End Of Transmission Block, Symbol For ␗
End Of Transmission Symbol ⌁
End Of Transmission, Symbol For ␄
Eng, Latin Small Letter ŋ ŋ
Enn, Tamil ௺
Enotikon, Greek ‿
Enquiry, Symbol For ␅
Enter Key ⌤
Enter Symbol ⎆
Entity &Amp;Iinfin;, Isotech ⧜
Envelope ✉
Epidaurean Acrophonic Symbol Three ⁝
Epsilon Symbol, Greek Lunate ϵ ϵ
Epsilon Symbol, Greek Reversed Lunate ϶ ϶
Epsilon, Latin Capital Letter Ɛ Ɛ
Epsilon, Latin Small Letter ɛ ɛ
Epsilon, Latin Small Letter Closed ʚ ʚ
Epsilon, Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed ɞ ɞ
Epsilon, Reversed Straight ϶ ϶
Epsilon, Reversed Straight ∍
Epsilon, Straight ϵ ϵ
Equal To Above, Combining Almost ͌ ͌
Equal To By Definition ≜
Equal To By Definition ≝
Equal To, All ≌
Equal To, Almost ≈
Equal To, Approximately ≅
Equal To, Approximately ≗
Equal To, Asymptotically ≃
Equal To, Delta ≜
Equal To, Geometrically ≑
Equal To, Greater-Than Or ≥
Equal To, Less-Than Or ≤
Equal To, Not ≠
Equal To, Questioned ≟
Equal To, Ring ≗
Equal To, Ring In ≖
Equality And Inequality Signs ≃
Equality And Inequality Signs ⋕
Equals Colon ≕
Equals Sign = =
Equals Sign Below, Combining ͇ ͇
Equals, Circled ⊜
Equals, Colon ≔
Equals, Nearly ≒
Equals, Reversed Tilde ⋍
Equals, Star ≛
Equiangular ≜
Equiangular To ≚
Equivalent To ≍
Equivalent To, Geometrically ≎
Equivalent To, Strictly ≣
Equivalent, Tautological ⧦
Era Names, Japanese ㍻
Erase To The Left ⌫
Erase To The Right ⌦
Error ℯ
Error Bar Symbols ⧮
Escape ⎋
Escape, Data Link 
Escape, Symbol For ␛
Escape, Symbol For Data Link ␐
Escudo $ $
Esh Loop, Latin Letter Reversed ƪ ƪ
Esh, Latin Capital Letter Ʃ Ʃ
Esh, Latin Small Letter ʃ ʃ
Esh, Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed ʅ ʅ
Estimated Symbol ℮
Estimates ≙
Eszett ß ß
Et, Tironian Sign ⁊
Eth, Latin Capital Letter Ð Ð
Eth, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴆ
Eth, Latin Small Letter ð ð
Ethel œ œ
Ethiopic Colon ፥
Ethiopic Comma ፣
Ethiopic Digits ፩
Ethiopic Extended ⶀ
Ethiopic Full Stop ።
Ethiopic Numbers ፩
Ethiopic Paragraph Separator ፨
Ethiopic Preface Colon ፦
Ethiopic Punctuation ፡
Ethiopic Question Mark ፧
Ethiopic Semicolon ፤
Ethiopic Supplement ᎀ
Ethiopic Syllables ሀ
Ethiopic Wordspace ፡
Euler Constant ℇ
Euro European Currency €
Euro Sign €
European Latin Ā Ā
European Paragraph Sign § §
European Section Sign ¶
Excess ∹
Exclamation Mark ! !
Exclamation Mark Ornament, Heavy ❢
Exclamation Mark, Armenian ՜ ՜
Exclamation Mark, Double ‼
Exclamation Mark, Inverted ¡ ¡
Exclamation Mark, Latin Letter ǃ ǃ
Exclamation Mark, Limbu ᥄
Exclamation Mark, Question ⁈
Exclamation Question Mark ⁉
Exist, There Does Not ∄
Existential Quantifier ∃
Exists, There ∃
Exponent, Natural ℯ
Extensions For Ainu, Katakana ㇰ
Ezh Reversed, Latin Small Letter ƹ ƹ
Ezh With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǯ ǯ
Ezh, Latin Capital Letter Ʒ Ʒ
Ezh, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴣ
Ezh, Latin Small Letter ʒ ʒ


F With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ḟ
F With Hook, Latin Small Letter ƒ ƒ
F, Latin Small Letter Script ƒ ƒ
F, Script Capital ℱ
F, Turned Capital Ⅎ
F, Turned Small ⅎ
Face, Black Smiling ☻
Face, Postal Mark 〠
Face, White Frowning ☹
Face, White Smiling ☺
Facsimile Sign ℻
Factorial ! !
Fahrenheit, Degree ℉
Fast Cursor Down ↡
Fast Cursor Left ↞
Fast Cursor Right ↠
Fast Cursor Up ↟
Feet ′
Female Sign ♀
Feminine Ordinal Indicator ª ª
Fence, Dotted ⦙
Fences ⦙
Fences, Wiggly ⧘
Fermata, Combining ͒ ͒
Fifths, Fractions ⅕
Figure Dash ‒
Figure Space  
File Separator 
File Separator, Symbol For ␜
Fill Space, Ideographic Half 〿
Filler, Hangul ㅤ
Finger Dingbats, Pointing Index ☚
Finite Function ⇻
Finite Function Diacritic ⃦
Finite Injection ⤕
Finite Relation ⇼
Finite Surjection ⤁
Finite Surjective Injection ⤘
First Quarter Moon ☽
Fish Tails ⥼
Fisheye ◉
Fist ☞
Five Dot Punctuation ⁙
Flag, Black ⚑
Flag, White ⚐
Flat Sign, Music ♭
Flatness ⏥
Fleur-De-Lis ⚜
Floor, Left ⌊
Floor, Right ⌋
Floral Heart Bullet, Reversed Rotated ☙
Florin Currency Symbol ƒ ƒ
Folder ƒ ƒ
Fongman, Thai Character ๏
For All ∀
Forces ⊩
Forfeda Supplement, Ogham ᚕ
Forks ⫙
Form And Chart Components ─
Form Feed   
Form Feed ↡
Form Feed, Symbol For ␌
Format Characters ‌
Format Characters, Directional ‪
Format Controls, Mongolian ᠋
Formatting, Pop Directional ‬
Forward Arrow Indicator ▻
Forward Difference ∆
Four Dot Mark ⁛
Four Dot Punctuation ⁘
Four Dots Above, Combining ⃜
Four Dots, Mongolian ᠅
Four Dots, Vertical ⁞
Four-Per-Em Space  
Fourier Transform ℱ
Fourth Derivative ⃜
Fourth Root ∜
Fourth Tone, Mandarin Chinese ˋ ˋ
Fourths, Fractions ¼ ¼
Fraction Numerator One ⅟
Fraction One Half, Vulgar ½ ½
Fraction One Quarter, Vulgar ¼ ¼
Fraction Slash ⁄
Fraction Three Quarters, Vulgar ¾ ¾
Fractions Eighths ⅛
Fractions Fifths ⅕
Fractions Fourths ¼ ¼
Fractions Quarters ¼ ¼
Fractions Sixths ⅙
Fractions Thirds ⅓
Fractions, Vulgar ⅓
Fraktur Mathematical Symbols 𝔄 𝔄
Fraktur Mathematical Symbols, Bold 𝕬 𝕬
Framus, White ⧖
Franc Sign, French ₣
Fricative, Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced ʕ ʕ
Frown ⌢
Frowning Face, White ☹
Full Block █
Full Stop . .
Full Stop, Arabic ۔ ۔
Full Stop, Armenian ։ ։
Full Stop, Canadian Syllabics ᙮
Full Stop, Ethiopic ።
Full Stop, Georgian ։ ։
Full Stop, Ideographic 。
Full Stop, Mongolian ᠃
Full Stop, Mongolian Manchu ᠉
Fullwidth Ascii Variants !
Fullwidth Forms, Halfwidth And ＀
Fullwidth Symbol Variants ¢
Function Application ⁡
Function Symbol ƒ ƒ
Function, Bernoulli ℬ
Function, Composite ∘
Function, Finite ⇻
Function, Gamma Γ Γ
Function, Partial ⇸
Function, Total →
Function, Weierstrass Elliptic ℘
Functional Symbols, Apl ⌶
Funeral Urn ⚱
Fuse ⏛


G With Acute, Latin Small Letter ǵ ǵ
G With Breve, Latin Small Letter ğ ğ
G With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǧ ǧ
G With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ģ ģ
G With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ĝ ĝ
G With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ġ ġ
G With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Ɠ Ɠ
G With Hook, Latin Letter Small Capital ʛ ʛ
G With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɠ ɠ
G With Macron, Latin Small Letter ḡ
G With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ǥ ǥ
G, Latin Letter Small Capital ɢ ɢ
G, Latin Small Letter Script ɡ ɡ
G, Script Small ℊ
G, Turned Sans-Serif Capital ⅁
Game ⅁
Gamma Function Γ Γ
Gamma, Double-Struck Capital ℾ
Gamma, Double-Struck Small ℽ
Gamma, Latin Capital Letter Ɣ Ɣ
Gamma, Latin Small Letter ɣ ɣ
Gamma, Latin Small Letter Baby ɤ ɤ
Gamma, Modifier Letter Small ˠ ˠ
Gear ⚙
Gemini ♊
Gender Symbols ⚢
Genealogical Symbols ⚭
General Punctuation    
General Scripts Area �
General Scripts Area, Supplementary 𐀀 𐀀
Generalized Intersection ⋂
Generalized Union ⋃
Geometric Proportion ∺
Geometric Shapes ■
Geometrically Equal To ≑
Geometrically Equivalent To ≎
Georgian Ⴀ
Georgian Alphabet ა
Georgian Capital Letters Ⴀ
Georgian Comma · ·
Georgian Extensions ჱ
Georgian Full Stop ։ ։
Georgian Khutsuri Ⴀ
Georgian Mkhedruli ა
Georgian Paragraph Separator ჻
Georgian Small Letters ა
Georgian Supplement ⴀ
German Mark Pre-Wwii ℳ
German Penny Sign ₰
Geta Mark 〓
Ghana Currency ₵
Gimel Symbol ℷ
Glagolitic Ⰰ
Gleich Stark ⧦
Glottal Stop ʼ ʼ
Glottal Stop, Latin Capital Letter Ɂ Ɂ
Glottal Stop, Latin Letter ʔ ʔ
Glottal Stop, Latin Letter Inverted ʖ ʖ
Glottal Stop, Latin Letter Reversed ʕ ʕ
Glottal Stop, Latin Small Letter ɂ ɂ
Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter ˀ ˀ
Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Reversed ˁ ˁ
Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Small Reversed ˤ ˤ
Gnaborretni ⸘
Go Markers ⚆
Golden Numbers, Runic ᛮ
Gothic 𐌰 𐌰
Grapheme Joiner, Combining ͏ ͏
Graphic Characters, Terminal ⎷
Graphic Characters, Terminal ▖
Graphic Pictures For Control Codes ␀
Graphics For Control Codes ⍽
Graphics, Quadrant Control Code ◰
Grave Accent ` `
Grave Accent Below, Combining ̖ ̖
Grave Accent, Combining ̀ ̀
Grave Accent, Combining Double ̏ ̏
Grave Accent, Modifier Letter ˋ ˋ
Grave Accent, Modifier Letter Low ˎ ˎ
Grave Accent, Spacing ` `
Grave Accent, Swedish ˟ ˟
Grave Tone Mark, Combining ̀ ̀
Greater-Than Or Equal To ≥
Greater-Than Sign > >
Greater-Than, Much ≫
Greater-Than, Very Much ⋙
Greek Ͱ Ͱ
Greek Alphabet Α Α
Greek Ano Teleia · ·
Greek Archaic Letters Ϙ Ϙ
Greek Beta Symbol ϐ ϐ
Greek Capital Letters Α Α
Greek Currency ₯
Greek Dasia ̔ ̔
Greek Dialytika ̈ ̈
Greek Dialytika Tonos, Combining ̈́ ̈́
Greek Enotikon ‿
Greek Extended ἀ
Greek Iota Subscript ͅ ͅ
Greek Koronis, Combining ̓ ̓
Greek Letters, Double-Struck ℼ
Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol ϵ ϵ
Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol ϲ ϲ
Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝚨 𝚨
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Bold 𝚨 𝚨
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Bold Italic 𝜜 𝜜
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Italic 𝛢 𝛢
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold 𝝖 𝝖
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Italic 𝞐 𝞐
Greek Middle Dot · ·
Greek Musical Notation, Ancient 𝈀 𝈀
Greek Non-Spacing Iota Below ͅ ͅ
Greek Numbers, Ancient 𐅀 𐅀
Greek Old Testament 𝔖 𝔖
Greek Oxia ́ ́
Greek Pentonkion ⁙
Greek Perispomeni, Combining ͂ ͂
Greek Phi Symbol ϕ ϕ
Greek Pi Symbol ϖ ϖ
Greek Psili ̓ ̓
Greek Punctuation And Signs ʹ ʹ
Greek Question Mark &#x003B; ;
Greek Question Mark ; ;
Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol ϶ ϶
Greek Rough Breathing Mark ̔ ̔
Greek Small Letter Iota, Turned ℩
Greek Small Letter Lunate Sigma ϲ ϲ
Greek Small Letter Pi π π
Greek Small Letters α α
Greek Smooth Breathing Mark ̓ ̓
Greek Textual Symbols, Ancient ⸎
Greek Theta Symbol ϑ ϑ
Greek Tonos ́ ́
Greek Varia ̀ ̀
Greek Variant Letterforms ϐ ϐ
Greek Vrachy ̆ ̆
Greek Ypogegrammeni, Combining ͅ ͅ
Greek, Diacritics For ͂ ͂
Greek, Precomposed Polytonic ἀ
Ground, Earth ⏚
Group Lock ⇰
Group Separator 
Group Separator, Symbol For ␝
Guarani Sign ₲
Guarded Area, End Of —
Guarded Area, Start Of –
Guillemet, Left Pointing « «
Guillemet, Left Pointing Single ‹
Guillemet, Right Pointing » »
Guillemet, Right Pointing Single ›
Gujarati ઀
Gujarati Consonants ક
Gujarati Dependent Vowel Signs ા
Gujarati Digits ૦
Gujarati Independent Vowels અ
Gujarati Rupee Sign ૱
Gurmukhi ਀
Gurmukhi Addak ੱ
Gurmukhi Consonants ਕ
Gurmukhi Dependent Vowel Signs ਾ
Gurmukhi Digits ੦
Gurmukhi Ek Onkar ੴ
Gurmukhi Independent Vowels ਅ
Gurmukhi Khanda ☬
Gurmukhi Tippi ੰ


H With Breve Below, Latin Small Letter ḫ
H With Caron, Latin Small Letter ȟ ȟ
H With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ḩ
H With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ĥ ĥ
H With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ḧ
H With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ḣ
H With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter ḥ
H With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter Turned ʮ ʮ
H With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɦ ɦ
H With Line Below, Latin Small Letter ẖ
H With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ħ ħ
H, Black-Letter Capital ℌ
H, Combining Latin Small Letter ͪ ͪ
H, Double-Struck Capital ℍ
H, Latin Letter Small Capital ʜ ʜ
H, Latin Small Letter Turned ɥ ɥ
H, Modifier Letter Small ʰ ʰ
H, Script Capital ℋ
Hacek, Combining ̌ ̌
Hacek, Modifier Letter ˇ ˇ
Hair Space  
Halant ्
Halanta, Tibetan Mark ྄
Half Fill Space, Ideographic 〿
Half Integral, Bottom ⌡
Half Integral, Top ⌠
Half Marks, Combining ︠
Half Ring Above, Combining Left ͑ ͑
Half Ring Above, Combining Right ͗ ͗
Half Ring Below, Combining Left ̜ ̜
Half Ring Below, Combining Right ̹ ̹
Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Left ՙ ՙ
Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Right ՚ ՚
Half Ring, Modifier Letter Centred Left ˓ ˓
Half Ring, Modifier Letter Left ʿ ʿ
Half Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter ˑ ˑ
Half, Vulgar Fraction One ½ ½
Halfwidth And Fullwidth Forms ＀
Halfwidth Cjk Punctuation 。
Halfwidth Japanese Katakana Variants 。
Halfwidth Korean Hangul Variants ᅠ
Halfwidth Symbol Variants │
Hamilton Operator ▽
Hammer And Pick ⚒
Hammer And Sickle ☭
Hamzah On Ha, Arabic Letter ۀ ۀ
Han Ideographs 一
Han-Daku-On, Combining Japanese ゚
Han-Daku-On, Japanese ゜
Hand Symbols, Pointing ☚
Hand, Victory ✌
Hand, Writing ✍
Hangul Archaic Letters, Korean ㅥ
Hangul Choseong Filler ᅟ
Hangul Compatibility Jamo, Korean ㄰
Hangul Elements, Circled Korean ㉠
Hangul Elements, Parenthesized Korean ㈀
Hangul Filler ㅤ
Hangul Jamo Combining Alphabet, Korean ᄀ
Hangul Jungseong Filler ᅠ
Hangul Syllables Area, Korean 가
Hangul Syllables, Circled Korean ㉮
Hangul Syllables, Parenthesized Korean ㈎
Hangul Variants, Halfwidth Korean ᅠ
Hangzhou Numerals 〡
Hanunoo ᜠ
Harakat, Arabic ً ً
Harbor Symbol ⚓
Harpoon Above, Combining Left ⃐
Harpoon Above, Combining Right ⃑
Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining Leftwards ⃭
Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining Rightwards ⃬
Harpoons ↼
Harpoons, Miscellaneous ⥊
Hartsakan Nshan, Armenian ՞ ՞
Hasant, Bengali ্
Hasanta, Syloti Nagri Sign ꠆
Hash # #
Hat ̂ ̂
Hat ∩
Have A Nice Day! ☺
Hazard Dingbats ☠
Head Marks, Tibetan ༁
Heading, Start Of 
Heading, Symbol For Start Of ␁
Heart Bullet, Reversed Rotated Floral ☙
Heart Dingbats ❣
Heart Ornaments ❣
Heavy Ballot X ✘
Heavy Check Mark ✔
Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament ❢
Heavy Multiplication X ✖
Heavy Sparkle ❈
Hebrew ֐ ֐
Hebrew Alphabet א א
Hebrew Cantillation Marks ֑ ֑
Hebrew Letterlike Mathematical Symbols ℵ
Hebrew Points And Punctuation ְ ְ
Hebrew Presentation Forms יִ
Hedera ❧
Heh With Yeh Above, Arabic Letter ۀ ۀ
Helm Symbol ⎈
Hermes, Staff Of ⚚
Hermitian Conjugate Matrix ⊹
Hexagram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching ䷀
High Surrogates �
High Voltage Sign ⚡
High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark, Double ‟
High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark, Single ‛
Higher Rank Than ≻
Hilbert Space ℌ
Hiragana ぀
Hiragana Iteration Mark ゝ
Hiragana Letter Small Ka ゕ
Hiragana Letter Small Ke ゖ
Hiragana Supplement ゕ
Hiragana Voiced Iteration Mark ゞ
Histogram Marker ▮
Holler ⍥
Home ↸
Home ⇱
Homothetic ∻
Homothetic Above, Combining ͋ ͋
Honorifics, Arabic ؐ ؐ
Hook Above, Combining ̉ ̉
Hook Below, Combining Palatalized ̡ ̡
Hook Below, Combining Retroflex ̢ ̢
Hook, Modifier Letter Rhotic ˞ ˞
Hook, Nasal ̨ ̨
Hoot ⍤
Horizontal Bar ―
Horizontal Ellipsis …
Horizontal Ellipsis, Midline ⋯
Horizontal Scan Lines ⎺
Horizontal Tabulation 	  
Horizontal Tabulation, Symbol For ␉
Horn, Combining ̛ ̛
Hot Beverage ☕
Hot Springs ♨
Hourglass ⌛
Hourglass, Black ⧗
Hours, Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For ㍘
House ⌂
Hryvnia Sign ₴
Hv, Latin Small Letter ƕ ƕ
Hwair, Latin Capital Letter Ƕ Ƕ
Hyphen ‐
Hyphen Bullet ⁃
Hyphen Or Minus Sign -
Hyphen, Armenian ֊ ֊
Hyphen, Discretionary ­ ­
Hyphen, Katakana-Hiragana Double ゠
Hyphen, Mongolian Todo Soft ᠆
Hyphen, Non-Breaking ‑
Hyphen, Papyrological ͜ ͜
Hyphen, Soft ­ ­
Hyphen-Minus -
Hyphenation Point ‧
Hyphus -
Hysteresis Symbol ⎎


I Bar, Latin Capital Letter Ɨ Ɨ
I Ching / Yijing Hexagram Symbols ䷀
I Ching / Yijing Monogram And Digram Symbols ⚊
I Ching / Yijing Trigram Symbols ☰
I Dot, Latin Capital Letter İ İ
I With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Í Í
I With Acute, Latin Small Letter í í
I With Breve, Latin Small Letter ĭ ĭ
I With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǐ ǐ
I With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Î Î
I With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter î î
I With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Ï Ï
I With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ï ï
I With Dot Above, Latin Capital Letter İ İ
I With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter ị
I With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter ȉ ȉ
I With Grave, Latin Capital Letter Ì Ì
I With Grave, Latin Small Letter ì ì
I With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter ỉ
I With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter ȋ ȋ
I With Macron, Latin Small Letter ī ī
I With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter į į
I With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ɨ Ɨ
I With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɨ ɨ
I With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter ḭ
I With Tilde, Latin Small Letter ĩ ĩ
I, Black-Letter Capital ℑ
I, Combining Latin Small Letter ͥ ͥ
I, Double-Struck Italic Small ⅈ
I, Latin Letter Small Capital ɪ ɪ
I, Latin Small Letter Dotless ı ı
I, Latin Small Letter Turned ᴉ
I, Latin Subscript Small Letter ᵢ
I, Script Capital ℐ
I, Superscript Latin Small Letter ⁱ
Identical To ≡
Identical To, Not ≢
Ideograms, Linear B 𐂀 𐂀
Ideographic Annotation, Japanese Kanbun ㆐
Ideographic Closing Mark 〆
Ideographic Comma 、
Ideographic Description Characters, Cjk ⿰
Ideographic Full Stop 。
Ideographic Half Fill Space 〿
Ideographic Iteration Mark 々
Ideographic Iteration Mark, Vertical 〻
Ideographic Number Zero 〇
Ideographic Space    
Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For Days ㏠
Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For Hours ㍘
Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For Months ㋀
Ideographic Tone Marks 〪
Ideographic Variation Indicator 〾
Ideographs Area, Cjk 㐀
Ideographs Area, Supplementary Cjk 𠀀 𠀀
Ideographs Extension A, Cjk Unified 㐀
Ideographs Extension B, Cjk Unified 𠀀 𠀀
Ideographs Supplement, Cjk Compatibility 丽 丽
Ideographs, Circled ㊀
Ideographs, Cjk Compatibility 豈
Ideographs, Cjk Unified 一
Ideographs, Dprk Compatibility 並
Ideographs, Han 一
Ideographs, Jis X 0213 Compatibility 侮
Ideographs, Parenthesized Cjk ㈠
Idle, Symbol For Synchronous ␖
Idle, Synchronous 
Ij, Latin Small Ligature ij ij
Image Of ⊷
Image Of, Square ⊏
Imaginary Part ℑ
Implies ⊢
Inches ″
Included In Set ⊂
Includes In Set ⊃
Incorporated, Japanese ㍿
Increment ∆
Independence ⫫
Independent ⫝
Independent, Not ⫝̸
Index Finger Dingbats, Pointing ☚
Index, Black Left Pointing ☚
Index, Black Right Pointing ☛
Index, White Down Pointing ☟
Index, White Left Pointing ☜
Index, White Right Pointing ☞
Index, White Up Pointing ☝
Indian Currency ₨
Indicator, Backward Arrow ◅
Indicator, Forward Arrow ▻
Inequality Signs, Equality And ≃
Inequality Signs, Equality And ⋕
Infinity ∞
Infix Bag Count ♯
Information Separator Four 
Information Separator One 
Information Separator Three 
Information Separator Two 
Information Source ℹ
Ingressive Airflow ↓
Injection, Finite ⤕
Injection, Finite Surjective ⤘
Injection, Partial ⤔
Injection, Surjective ⤗
Injection, Total ↣
Insertion Point, Caret ⁁
Insertion Symbol ⎀
Integers ℤ
Integral ∫
Integral Operator, Quaternion ⨖
Integral Signs ∫
Integral, Anticlockwise Contour ∳
Integral, Bottom Half ⌡
Integral, Clockwise ∱
Integral, Clockwise Contour ∲
Integral, Contour ∮
Integral, Counterclockwise Contour ∳
Integral, Double ∬
Integral, Lower ⨜
Integral, Riemann ℛ
Integral, Surface ∯
Integral, Top Half ⌠
Integral, Triple ∭
Integral, Upper ⨛
Integral, Volume ∰
Integrals, Summations And ⨊
Integration, Anticlockwise ⨑
Integration, Counterclockwise ⨑
Intercalate ⊺
Interest Sign, Place Of ⌘
Interior Product ⨼
Interior Product, Righthand ⨽
Interleave ⫴
Interlinear Annotation 
Interlinear Annotation Anchor 
Interlinear Annotation Separator 
Interlinear Annotation Terminator 
Interrobang ‽
Interrobang, Inverted ⸘
Interrupt ⎊
Intersection ∩
Intersection, Double ⋒
Intersection, Electrical ⏧
Intersection, Generalized ⋂
Intersection, N-Ary ⋂
Intersection, Proper ⋔
Intersections And Unions ⩀
Intersyllabic Tsheg, Tibetan Mark ་
Introducer, Control Sequence ›
Introducer, Single Character š
Inverse Numbers, Circled ❶
Inverted Breve Below, Combining ̯ ̯
Inverted Breve, Combining ̑ ̑
Inverted Breve, Combining Double ͡ ͡
Inverted Bridge Below, Combining ̺ ̺
Inverted Double Arch Below, Combining ̫ ̫
Inverted Exclamation Mark ¡ ¡
Inverted Glottal Stop, Latin Letter ʖ ʖ
Inverted Interrobang ⸘
Inverted Lazy S ∾
Inverted Ohm Sign ℧
Inverted Question Mark ¿ ¿
Inverted R, Latin Letter Small Capital ʁ ʁ
Inverted R, Modifier Letter Small Capital ʶ ʶ
Inverted Undertie ⁔
Invisible Comma ⁣
Invisible Plus ⁤
Invisible Separator ⁣
Invisible Times ⁢
Iota Below, Greek Non-Spacing ͅ ͅ
Iota Subscript, Greek ͅ ͅ
Iota, Latin Capital Letter Ɩ Ɩ
Iota, Latin Small Letter ɩ ɩ
Iota, Turned Greek Small Letter ℩
Ipa Extensions ɐ ɐ
Ipa, Diacritics For ͆ ͆
Iranian Currency ﷼
Irish Punt £ £
Isotech Entity &Amp;Iinfin; ⧜
Israeli Currency ₪
Isshar, Bengali ৺
Isshar, Oriya ୰
Italian Currency ₤
Italian Lira £ £
Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝛢 𝛢
Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols, Bold 𝜜 𝜜
Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold 𝞐 𝞐
Italic Mathematical Symbols 𝐴 𝐴
Italic Mathematical Symbols, Bold 𝑨 𝑨
Italic Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝘈 𝘈
Italic Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold 𝘼 𝘼
Italic, Old 𐌀 𐌀
Itc Zapf Dingbats Series 100 ✀
Iteration Mark, Hiragana ゝ
Iteration Mark, Hiragana Voiced ゞ
Iteration Mark, Ideographic 々
Iteration Mark, Katakana ヽ
Iteration Mark, Katakana Voiced ヾ
Iteration Mark, Vertical Ideographic 〻
Ivy Leaf ❧
Izafet ۀ ۀ


J With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǰ ǰ
J With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ĵ ĵ
J With Crossed-Tail, Latin Small Letter ʝ ʝ
J With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ɉ Ɉ
J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɉ ɉ
J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Dotless ɟ ɟ
J, Double-Struck Italic Small ⅉ
J, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴊ
J, Latin Small Letter Dotless ȷ ȷ
J, Modifier Letter Small ʲ ʲ
Jack ❉
Jamo Combining Alphabet, Korean Hangul ᄀ
Jamo, Korean Hangul Compatibility ㄰
Japanese Bullet, Tainome ◉
Japanese Chess Symbols ☖
Japanese Era Names ㍻
Japanese Hiragana ぀
Japanese Incorporated ㍿
Japanese Industrial Standard Symbol 〄
Japanese Kanbun Ideographic Annotation ㆐
Japanese Katakana ゠
Japanese Katakana Variants, Halfwidth 。
Japanese Katakana Words, Squared ㌀
Japanese Katakana, Circled ㋐
Japanese Kome ※
Jerusalem, Cross Of ☩
Jis Composition Circle ⃝
Jis X 0213 Compatibility Ideographs 侮
Join ⨝
Joiner, Combining Grapheme ͏ ͏
Joiner, Word ⁠
Joiner, Zero Width ‍
Jolly Roger ☠
Jot, Apl ∘
Jupiter ♃
Jurisprudence Symbol ⚖


K With Acute, Latin Small Letter ḱ
K With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǩ ǩ
K With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ķ ķ
K With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter ḳ
K With Hook, Latin Small Letter ƙ ƙ
K With Line Below, Latin Small Letter ḵ
K, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴋ
K, Latin Small Letter Turned ʞ ʞ
Ka, Hiragana Letter Small ゕ
Kabusiki-Gaisya ㍿
Kana Repeat Marks 〱
Kanbun Ideographic Annotation, Japanese ㆐
Kangxi Radicals, Cjk ⼀
Kannada ಀ
Kannada Consonants ಕ
Kannada Dependent Vowel Signs ಾ
Kannada Digits ೦
Kannada Independent Vowels ಅ
Kashida, Arabic ـ ـ
Katakana ゠
Katakana Digraph Koto ヿ
Katakana Extensions For Ainu ㇰ
Katakana Iteration Mark ヽ
Katakana Middle Dot ・
Katakana Phonetic Extensions ㇰ
Katakana Variants, Halfwidth Japanese 。
Katakana Voiced Iteration Mark ヾ
Katakana Words, Squared ㌀
Katakana, Circled ㋐
Katakana-Hiragana Double Hyphen ゠
Katakana-Hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark ー
Kayah Li ꤀
Kelvin Sign K
Ket ⟩
Key, Clear ⌧
Key, Command ⌘
Key, Delete To The Left ⌫
Key, Delete To The Right ⌦
Key, Enter ⌤
Key, Option ⌥
Keyboard ⌨
Keyboard Symbol For No Break Space ⍽
Keyboard Symbols ⇦
Keyboard Symbols ⌤
Keyboard Symbols ⎀
Keyboard Symbols ⎖
Keycap, Combining Enclosing ⃣
Khanda, Gurmukhi ☬
Kharoshthi 𐨀 𐨀
Kharoshthi Digits 𐩀 𐩀
Khmer ក
Khmer Anusvara ំ
Khmer Consonants ក
Khmer Currency Symbol Riel ៛
Khmer Dependent Vowel Signs ា
Khmer Digits ០
Khmer Independent Vowels ឥ
Khmer Numeric Symbols For Divination ៰
Khmer Sign Nikahit ំ
Khmer Sign Reahmuk ះ
Khmer Signs ំ
Khmer Srak Ah ះ
Khmer Srak Am ំ
Khmer Symbols ᧠
Khmer Visarga ះ
Khomut, Thai Character ๛
Khutsuri, Georgian Ⴀ
Killer, Myanmar ္
Kip Sign ₭
Kissen ⌑
Kome, Japanese ※
Komi Letters Ԁ Ԁ
Koranic Annotation Signs, Arabic ۖ ۖ
Korean Combining Alphabet ᄀ
Korean Currency ₩
Korean Hangul Archaic Letters ㅥ
Korean Hangul Compatibility Jamo ㄰
Korean Hangul Elements, Circled ㉠
Korean Hangul Elements, Parenthesized ㈀
Korean Hangul Jamo Combining Alphabet ᄀ
Korean Hangul Syllables 가
Korean Hangul Syllables, Circled ㉮
Korean Hangul Syllables, Parenthesized ㈎
Korean Hangul Variants, Halfwidth ᅠ
Korean Standard Symbol ㉿
Koronis, Combining Greek ̓ ̓
Koto, Katakana Digraph ヿ
Kra, Latin Small Letter ĸ ĸ


L B Bar Symbol ℔
L With Acute, Latin Small Letter ĺ ĺ
L With Bar, Latin Capital Letter Ƚ Ƚ
L With Bar, Latin Small Letter ƚ ƚ
L With Belt, Latin Small Letter ɬ ɬ
L With Caron, Latin Small Letter ľ ľ
L With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ļ ļ
L With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter ḽ
L With Curl, Latin Small Letter ȴ ȴ
L With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter ḷ
L With Line Below, Latin Small Letter ḻ
L With Middle Dot, Latin Small Letter ŀ ŀ
L With Middle Tilde, Latin Small Letter ɫ ɫ
L With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter ɭ ɭ
L With Stroke, Latin Letter Small Capital ᴌ
L With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ł ł
L, Latin Letter Small Capital ʟ ʟ
L, Modifier Letter Small ˡ ˡ
L, Reversed Sans-Serif Capital ⅃
L, Script Capital ℒ
L, Script Small ℓ
L, Turned Sans-Serif Capital ⅂
Lambda Bar, Latin Letter ƛ ƛ
Language Tag 󠀁 󠀁
Lao ຀
Lao Cancellation Mark ໌
Lao Consonants ກ
Lao Digits ໐
Lao Ellipsis ຯ
Lao Marks And Signs ່
Lao Niggahita ໍ
Lao Vowels ະ
Laotian Currency ₭
Laplace Operator ∆
Laplace Transform ℒ
Large Bowtie ⨝
Large Circle ◯
Large Operators ⧸
Last Quarter Moon ☾
Lateral Click, Latin Letter ǁ ǁ
Latin Abbreviations, Squared ㍱
Latin Abbreviations, Squared ㎀
Latin Cross ✝
Latin Extended Additional Ḁ
Latin Extended-A Ā Ā
Latin Extended-B ƀ ƀ
Latin Extended-C Ⱡ
Latin Extended-D ꜠
Latin Extensions ᴀ
Latin Letter Ain ᴥ
Latin Letter Alveolar Click ǂ ǂ
Latin Letter Bidental Percussive ʭ ʭ
Latin Letter Bilabial Click ʘ ʘ
Latin Letter Bilabial Percussive ʬ ʬ
Latin Letter Bullseye ʘ ʘ
Latin Letter Dental Click ǀ ǀ
Latin Letter Exclamation Mark ǃ ǃ
Latin Letter Glottal Stop ʔ ʔ
Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop ʖ ʖ
Latin Letter Lambda Bar ƛ ƛ
Latin Letter Lateral Click ǁ ǁ
Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative ʕ ʕ
Latin Letter Retroflex Click ǃ ǃ
Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loop ƪ ƪ
Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop ʕ ʕ
Latin Letter Stretched C ʗ ʗ
Latin Letter Voiced Laryngeal Spirant ᴤ
Latin Letter Wynn ƿ ƿ
Latin Letter Yr Ʀ Ʀ
Latin Letters, Circled Ⓐ
Latin Letters, Parenthesized ⒜
Latin Letters, Phonetic Modifiers Derived From ʰ ʰ
Latin Ligatures ff
Latin Lowercase Alphabet a a
Latin Small Letter Ae æ æ
Latin Small Letter Alpha ɑ ɑ
Latin Small Letter Baby Gamma ɤ ɤ
Latin Small Letter Closed Epsilon ʚ ʚ
Latin Small Letter Closed Omega ɷ ɷ
Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Epsilon ɞ ɞ
Latin Small Letter Db Digraph ȸ ȸ
Latin Small Letter Eng ŋ ŋ
Latin Small Letter Epsilon ɛ ɛ
Latin Small Letter Esh ʃ ʃ
Latin Small Letter Eth ð ð
Latin Small Letter Ezh ʒ ʒ
Latin Small Letter Ezh Reversed ƹ ƹ
Latin Small Letter Ezh With Caron ǯ ǯ
Latin Small Letter Gamma ɣ ɣ
Latin Small Letter Glottal Stop ɂ ɂ
Latin Small Letter Hv ƕ ƕ
Latin Small Letter Iota ɩ ɩ
Latin Small Letter Kra ĸ ĸ
Latin Small Letter Lezh ɮ ɮ
Latin Small Letter Oi ƣ ƣ
Latin Small Letter Ou ȣ ȣ
Latin Small Letter Phi ɸ ɸ
Latin Small Letter Qp Digraph ȹ ȹ
Latin Small Letter Rams Horn ɤ ɤ
Latin Small Letter Schwa ə ə
Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed Esh ʅ ʅ
Latin Small Letter Thorn þ þ
Latin Small Letter Tone Six ƅ ƅ
Latin Small Letter Turned Ae ᴂ
Latin Small Letter Turned Alpha ɒ ɒ
Latin Small Letter Turned Delta ƍ ƍ
Latin Small Letter Turned Oe ᴔ
Latin Small Letter Upsilon ʊ ʊ
Latin Small Letter Yogh ȝ ȝ
Latin Small Letters a a
Latin Small Letters, Combining ͣ ͣ
Latin Small Ligature Ae æ æ
Latin Small Ligature Ij ij ij
Latin Small Ligature Oe œ œ
Latin Superscript Modifier Letters ʰ ʰ
Latin Uppercase Alphabet A A
Latin, Basic �
Latin, European Ā Ā
Latin-1 Punctuation And Symbols    
Latin-1 Supplement    
Lazy S ∽
Lazy S, Inverted ∾
Leader, One Dot ․
Leader, Three Dot …
Leader, Two Dot ‥
Leaf, Aldus ❦
Leaf, Ivy ❧
Left Abstract Syntax Bracket 〚
Left Angle Above, Combining ̚ ̚
Left Angle Below, Combining ͉ ͉
Left Angle Bracket 〈
Left Angle Bracket, Mathematical ⟨
Left Arrow Above, Combining ⃖
Left Arrow Below, Combining ⃮
Left Arrowhead Below, Combining ͔ ͔
Left Bag Bracket ⟦
Left Black Lenticular Bracket 【
Left Ceiling ⌈
Left Chevron Bracket ⟪
Left Corner Bracket 「
Left Curly Bracket { {
Left Double Angle Bracket 《
Left Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical ⟪
Left Double Quotation Mark “
Left Floor ⌊
Left Half Ring Above, Combining ͑ ͑
Left Half Ring Below, Combining ̜ ̜
Left Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter ՙ ՙ
Left Half Ring, Modifier Letter ʿ ʿ
Left Half Ring, Modifier Letter Centred ˓ ˓
Left Harpoon Above, Combining ⃐
Left Hook, Latin Capital Letter N With Ɲ Ɲ
Left Hook, Latin Small Letter N With ɲ ɲ
Left Key, Delete To The ⌫
Left Moustache ⎰
Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product ⋉
Left Parenthesis ( (
Left Parenthesis, Ornate ﴾
Left Pointing Guillemet « «
Left Pointing Index, Black ☚
Left Pointing Index, White ☜
Left Pointing Single Guillemet ‹
Left Right Arrow Above, Combining ⃡
Left Right Arrow Below, Combining ͍ ͍
Left Semidirect Product ⋋
Left Sequence Bracket ⟨
Left Single Quotation Mark ‘
Left Square Bracket [ [
Left Square Bracket With Quill ⁅
Left Tack ⊣
Left Tack Below, Combining ̘ ̘
Left Tortoise Shell Bracket 〔
Left White Corner Bracket 『
Left White Curly Bracket ⦃
Left White Lenticular Bracket 〖
Left White Parenthesis ⦅
Left White Square Bracket 〚
Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket 〘
Left, Erase To The ⌫
Left, Fast Cursor ↞
Left-Pointing Angle Bracket 〈
Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Single ‹
Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark « «
Left-To-Right Embedding ‪
Left-To-Right Mark ‎
Left-To-Right Override ‭
Leftward Tab ⇤
Leftwards Arrow ←
Leftwards Arrow Overlay, Combining ⃪
Leftwards Bullet, Black ⁌
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining ⃭
Lenticular Bracket, Left Black 【
Lenticular Bracket, Left White 〖
Lenticular Bracket, Right Black 】
Lenticular Bracket, Right White 〗
Leo ♌
Lepcha ᰀ
Less-Than Or Equal To ≤
Less-Than Sign &#x003C; <
Less-Than, Much &#x226A;
Less-Than, Very Much &#x22D8;
Letterlike Mathematical Symbols, Hebrew &#x2135;
Letterlike Symbols &#x2100;
Level 2 Lock &#x21EB;
Level 3 Lock &#x21EF;
Level 3 Select &#x21EE;
Lezh, Latin Small Letter &#x026E; ɮ
Lgroup &#x27EE;
Libra &#x264E;
Ligature Ae, Latin Capital &#x00C6; Æ
Ligature Ae, Latin Small &#x00E6; æ
Ligature Ij, Latin Small &#x0133; ij
Ligature Oe, Latin Small &#x0153; œ
Ligature Tie &#x0361; ͡
Ligature Tie Below &#x035C; ͜
Ligatures, Arabic &#xFBEA;
Ligatures, Armenian &#xFB13;
Ligatures, Latin &#xFB00;
Lightning &#x2607;
Limbu &#x1900;
Limbu Digits &#x1946;
Limbu Exclamation Mark &#x1944;
Limbu Question Mark &#x1945;
Limbu Signs &#x1939;
Limit, Approaches The &#x2250;
Line Above, Combining Double Vertical &#x030E; ̎
Line Above, Combining Vertical &#x030D; ̍
Line Backward, Partial &#x008C;
Line Below, Combining Double Vertical &#x0348; ͈
Line Below, Combining Vertical &#x0329; ̩
Line Feed &#x000A;  
Line Feed &#x21B4;
Line Feed, Reverse &#x008D;
Line Feed, Symbol For &#x240A;
Line Forward, Partial &#x008B;
Line Marker &#x2319;
Line Operators, Vertical &#x2AEE;
Line Overlay, Combining Long Vertical &#x20D2;
Line Overlay, Combining Short Vertical &#x20D3;
Line Separator &#x2028;
Line Symbol, Centre &#x2104;
Line Tabulation &#x000B;
Line Tabulation Set &#x008A;
Line With Middle Dot, Vertical &#x237F;
Line, Beginning Of &#x2310;
Line, Centreline Low &#xFE4E;
Line, Combining Double Low &#x0333; ̳
Line, Combining Low &#x0332; ̲
Line, Dashed Low &#xFE4D;
Line, Double Low &#x2017;
Line, Double Vertical &#x2016;
Line, End Of &#x000A;  
Line, Low &#x005F; _
Line, Modifier Letter Low Vertical &#x02CC; ˌ
Line, Modifier Letter Vertical &#x02C8; ˈ
Line, New &#x000A;  
Line, Next &#x0085;
Line, Property &#x214A;
Line, Vertical &#x007C; |
Line, Wavy &#x2307;
Line, Wavy Low &#xFE4F;
Linear B Ideograms &#x10080; 𐂀
Linear B Syllabary &#x10000; 𐀀
Lines, Horizontal Scan &#x23BA;
Lines, Vertical &#x2223;
Lira Sign &#x20A4;
Lira, Italian &#x00A3; £
Lira, Turkish &#x00A3; £
Liter &#x2113;
Lock, Caps &#x21EA;
Lock, Caps &#x21EC;
Lock, Numerics &#x21ED;
Logic Operators, Modal &#x27D8;
Logic Operators, Modal &#x27E0;
Logical And &#x2227;
Logical And, Curly &#x22CF;
Logical And, N-Ary &#x22C0;
Logical Ands And Ors &#x2A51;
Logical Or &#x2228;
Logical Or, Curly &#x22CE;
Logical Or, N-Ary &#x22C1;
Long &#x0304; ̄
Long Arrows &#x27F5;
Long Division &#x27CC;
Long Double Slash Overlay &#x20EB;
Long S, Latin Small Letter &#x017F; ſ
Long Slash Overlay &#x0338; ̸
Long Solidus Overlay, Combining &#x0338; ̸
Long Stroke Overlay, Combining &#x0336; ̶
Long Vertical Line Overlay, Combining &#x20D2;
Lorraine, Cross Of &#x2628;
Low Acute Accent, Modifier Letter &#x02CF; ˏ
Low Asterisk &#x204E;
Low Double Comma Quotation Mark &#x201E;
Low Double Prime Quotation Mark &#x301F;
Low Grave Accent, Modifier Letter &#x02CE; ˎ
Low Line &#x005F; _
Low Line, Centreline &#xFE4E;
Low Line, Combining &#x0332; ̲
Low Line, Combining Double &#x0333; ̳
Low Line, Dashed &#xFE4D;
Low Line, Double &#x2017;
Low Line, Wavy &#xFE4F;
Low Macron, Modifier Letter &#x02CD; ˍ
Low Single Comma Quotation Mark &#x201A;
Low Surrogates &#xDC00;
Low Vertical Line, Modifier Letter &#x02CC; ˌ
Low-9 Quotation Mark, Double &#x201E;
Low-9 Quotation Mark, Single &#x201A;
Lower Integral &#x2A1C;
Lower Rank Than &#x227A;
Lowercase Alphabet, Latin &#x0061; a
Lozenge &#x25CA;
Lozenge, Black &#x29EB;
Lozenge, Square &#x2311;
Lunate Epsilon Symbol, Greek &#x03F5; ϵ
Lunate Epsilon Symbol, Greek Reversed &#x03F6; ϶
Lunate Sigma Symbol, Greek &#x03F2; ϲ
Lycian &#x10280; 𐊀
Lydian &#x10920; 𐤠


M With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x1E3F; ḿ
M With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E41;
M With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E43;
M With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x0271; ɱ
M With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x0270; ɰ
M, Combining Latin Small Letter &#x036B; ͫ
M, Latin Capital Letter Turned &#x019C; Ɯ
M, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D0D;
M, Latin Small Letter Sideways Turned &#x1D1F;
M, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x026F; ɯ
M, Script Capital &#x2133;
M-Matrix &#x2133;
Maatham, Tamil &#x0BF4;
Macron &#x00AF; ¯
Macron Below, Combining &#x0331; ̱
Macron Below, Combining Double &#x035F; ͟
Macron Left Half, Combining &#xFE24;
Macron Right Half, Combining &#xFE25;
Macron, Combining &#x0304; ̄
Macron, Combining Double &#x035E; ͞
Macron, Modifier Letter &#x02C9; ˉ
Macron, Modifier Letter Low &#x02CD; ˍ
Macron, Spacing &#x00AF; ¯
Mahjong Tiles &#x1F000; 🀀
Malayalam &#x0D00;
Malayalam Chandrakkala &#x0D4D;
Malayalam Chillu Letters &#x0D7A;
Malayalam Consonants &#x0D15;
Malayalam Dependent Vowel Signs &#x0D3E;
Malayalam Digits &#x0D66;
Malayalam Independent Vowels &#x0D05;
Malayalam Sign Virama &#x0D4D;
Malayalam Vowel Half-U &#x0D4D;
Male Sign &#x2642;
Maltese Cross &#x2720;
Manchu Comma, Mongolian &#x1808;
Manchu Full Stop, Mongolian &#x1809;
Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or Neutral Tone &#x02D9; ˙
Mandarin Chinese First Tone &#x02C9; ˉ
Mandarin Chinese Fourth Tone &#x02CB; ˋ
Mandarin Chinese Second Tone &#x02CA; ˊ
Mandarin Chinese Third Tone &#x02C7; ˇ
Map Symbols, Dictionary And &#x2690;
Maplet &#x21A6;
Maps From &#x27FB;
Maps From &#x2906;
Maps To &#x27FC;
Maps To &#x2905;
Maps To &#x2907;
Mark Pre-Wwii, German &#x2133;
Marker, Histogram &#x25AE;
Marker, Line &#x2319;
Markers, Go &#x2686;
Marks, Combining Diacritical &#x0300; ̀
Marks, Combining Half &#xFE20;
Marriage Symbol &#x26AD;
Mars &#x2642;
Masculine Ordinal Indicator &#x00BA; º
Masu Mark &#x303C;
Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols &#x1D400; 𝐀
Mathematical Brackets &#x27E6;
Mathematical Constant 3.141592… Pi &#x03C0; π
Mathematical Digits Symbols &#x1D7CE; 𝟎
Mathematical Operators &#x2200;
Mathematical Operators, Dotted &#x2234;
Mathematical Operators, Enclosed &#x2295;
Mathematical Operators, Supplemental &#x2A00;
Mathematical Operators, Tilde &#x223B;
Mathematical Space, Medium &#x205F;
Mathematical Symbols &#x27C0;
Mathematical Symbols &#x2980;
Mathematical Symbols, Black-Letter &#x1D504; 𝔄
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Fraktur &#x1D56C; 𝕬
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Greek &#x1D6A8; 𝚨
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Italic &#x1D468; 𝑨
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Italic Greek &#x1D71C; 𝜜
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Script &#x1D4D0; 𝓐
Mathematical Symbols, Dotless &#x1D6A4; 𝚤
Mathematical Symbols, Double-Struck &#x1D538; 𝔸
Mathematical Symbols, Fraktur &#x1D504; 𝔄
Mathematical Symbols, Greek &#x1D6A8; 𝚨
Mathematical Symbols, Hebrew Letterlike &#x2135;
Mathematical Symbols, Italic &#x1D434; 𝐴
Mathematical Symbols, Italic Greek &#x1D6E2; 𝛢
Mathematical Symbols, Monospace &#x1D670; 𝙰
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif &#x1D5A0; 𝖠
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold &#x1D5D4; 𝗔
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Greek &#x1D756; 𝝖
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Italic &#x1D63C; 𝘼
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Italic Greek &#x1D790; 𝞐
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Italic &#x1D608; 𝘈
Mathematical Symbols, Script &#x1D49C; 𝒜
Mathematical Symbols-A, Miscellaneous &#x27C0;
Mathematical Symbols-B, Miscellaneous &#x2980;
Matrix, Hermitian Conjugate &#x22B9;
Measured Angle &#x2221;
Measured Angles, Angles And &#x299B;
Measured By &#x225E;
Med Avdrag Av &#x2052;
Medieval Superscript Letter Diacritics &#x0363; ͣ
Medieval Superscript Letter Diacritics, Latin &#x1DD3;
Medievalist Punctuation &#x2E2A;
Medium Black Circle &#x26AB;
Medium Mathematical Space &#x205F;
Medium Small Square, Black &#x25FE;
Medium Small White Circle &#x26AC;
Medium Square, Black &#x25FC;
Medium White Circle &#x26AA;
Medium, End Of &#x0019;
Medium, Symbol For End Of &#x2419;
Member, Contains As &#x220B;
Member, Does Not Contain As &#x220C;
Member, Small Contains As &#x220D;
Membership Signs, Set &#x2208;
Membership, Z Notation Bag &#x22FF;
Mercury &#x263F;
Merge &#x2A07;
Merpadi, Tamil &#x0BF8;
Message Waiting &#x0095;
Message, Privacy &#x009E;
Metrical Symbols &#x23D1;
Mho &#x2127;
Micro Sign &#x00B5; µ
Mid Space &#x2005;
Middle Dot &#x00B7; ·
Middle Dot, Greek &#x00B7; ·
Middle Dot, Katakana &#x30FB;
Middle Dot, Latin Small Letter L With &#x0140; ŀ
Middle Dot, Vertical Line With &#x237F;
Middle Tilde, Latin Capital Letter O With &#x019F; Ɵ
Middle Tilde, Latin Small Letter L With &#x026B; ɫ
Midline Horizontal Ellipsis &#x22EF;
Midpoint &#x00B7; ·
Mill Sign &#x20A5;
Mille Sign, Per &#x2030;
Milreis &#x0024; $
Minim &#x264F;
Minim Alternate Glyph &#x264D;
Mining Symbol &#x2692;
Minus Sign &#x2212;
Minus Sign Below, Combining &#x0320; ̠
Minus Sign Operators, Plus And &#x2A22;
Minus Sign, Commercial &#x2052;
Minus Sign, Hyphen Or &#x002D;
Minus Sign, Modifier Letter &#x02D7; ˗
Minus Tilde &#x2242;
Minus, Circled &#x2296;
Minus, Dot &#x2238;
Minus, Set &#x2216;
Minus, Squared &#x229F;
Minus-Or-Plus Sign &#x2213;
Minutes &#x2032;
Miny &#x29FF; ⧿
Mkhedruli, Georgian &#x10D0;
Modal Logic Operators &#x27E0;
Models &#x22A7;
Modifier Letter Extensions &#x1D2C;
Modifier Letters, Latin Superscript &#x02B0; ʰ
Modifier Letters, Spacing &#x02B0; ʰ
Modifier Tone Letters &#xA700;
Modifiers Derived From Latin Letters, Phonetic &#x02B0; ʰ
Modifiers, Phonetic &#x02B9; ʹ
Modifiers, Upa &#x02EF; ˯
Mongolian &#x1800;
Mongolian Basic Letters &#x1820;
Mongolian Birga &#x1800;
Mongolian Colon &#x1804;
Mongolian Comma &#x1802;
Mongolian Currency &#x20AE;
Mongolian Digits &#x1810;
Mongolian Ellipsis &#x1801;
Mongolian Extensions &#x1843;
Mongolian Format Controls &#x180B;
Mongolian Four Dots &#x1805;
Mongolian Free Variation Selector One &#x180B;
Mongolian Free Variation Selector Three &#x180D;
Mongolian Free Variation Selector Two &#x180C;
Mongolian Full Stop &#x1803;
Mongolian Manchu Comma &#x1808;
Mongolian Manchu Full Stop &#x1809;
Mongolian Nirugu &#x180A;
Mongolian Punctuation &#x1800;
Mongolian Sibe Syllable Boundary Marker &#x1807;
Mongolian Todo Soft Hyphen &#x1806;
Mongolian Vowel Separator &#x180E;
Monogram And Digram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching &#x268A;
Monospace Digits &#x1D7F6; 𝟶
Monospace Mathematical Symbols &#x1D670; 𝙰
Monostable Symbol &#x238D;
Month Sign, Tamil &#x0BF4;
Months, Enclosed Cjk Letters And &#x3200;
Months, Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For &#x32C0;
Moon, First Quarter &#x263D;
Moon, Last Quarter &#x263E;
Most Positive &#x223E;
Moustache, Left &#x23B0;
Moustache, Right &#x23B1;
Much Greater-Than &#x226B;
Much Greater-Than, Very &#x22D9;
Much Less-Than &#x226A;
Much Less-Than, Very &#x22D8;
Multimap &#x22B8;
Multiplication And Division Sign Operators &#x2A2F;
Multiplication Sign &#x00D7; ×
Multiplication X &#x2715;
Multiplication X, Heavy &#x2716;
Multiplication, Multiset &#x228D;
Multiset &#x228C;
Multiset Multiplication &#x228D;
Multiset Union &#x228E;
Music Dingbats &#x2669;
Music Flat Sign &#x266D;
Music Natural Sign &#x266E;
Music Sharp Sign &#x266F;
Musical Notation, Ancient Greek &#x1D200; 𝈀
Musical Symbols &#x1D100; 𝄀
Musical Symbols, Balinese &#x1B61;
Musical Symbols, Basic &#x2669;
Musical Symbols, Byzantine &#x1D000; 𝀀
Mutton &#x2003;
Mutton Quad &#x2001;
Myanmar &#x1000; က
Myanmar Consonants &#x1000; က
Myanmar Dependent Vowel Signs &#x102C;
Myanmar Digits &#x1040;
Myanmar Independent Vowels &#x1021;
Myanmar Killer &#x1039;
Myanmar Sign Virama &#x1039;
Myanmar Signs &#x1036;


N With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x0144; ń
N With Caron, Latin Small Letter &#x0148; ň
N With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter &#x0146; ņ
N With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E4B;
N With Curl, Latin Small Letter &#x0235; ȵ
N With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E45;
N With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E47;
N With Grave, Latin Small Letter &#x01F9; ǹ
N With Left Hook, Latin Capital Letter &#x019D; Ɲ
N With Left Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x0272; ɲ
N With Line Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E49;
N With Long Right Leg, Latin Capital Letter &#x0220; Ƞ
N With Long Right Leg, Latin Small Letter &#x019E; ƞ
N With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x0273; ɳ
N With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter &#x00D1; Ñ
N With Tilde, Latin Small Letter &#x00F1; ñ
N, Double-Struck Capital &#x2115;
N, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x0274; ɴ
N, Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed &#x1D0E;
N-Ary Coproduct &#x2210;
N-Ary Dijkstra Choice &#x2AFF; ⫿
N-Ary Intersection &#x22C2;
N-Ary Logical And &#x22C0;
N-Ary Logical Or &#x22C1;
N-Ary Operators &#x22C0;
N-Ary Operators &#x2A00;
N-Ary Product &#x220F;
N-Ary Summation &#x2211;
N-Ary Summation, Double-Struck &#x2140;
N-Ary Times Operator &#x2A09;
N-Ary Union &#x22C3;
N-Ary White Vertical Bar &#x2AFF; ⫿
Naal, Tamil &#x0BF3;
Nabla &#x2207;
Naira Sign &#x20A6;
Nand &#x22BC;
Narrow No-Break Space &#x202F;
Nasal Hook &#x0328; ̨
Natural Exponent &#x212F;
Natural Number &#x2115;
Natural Sign, Music &#x266E;
Nbsp &#x00A0;  
Nearly Equals &#x2252;
Necessarily Satisfies &#x2AF1;
Negative Acknowledge &#x0015;
Negative Acknowledge, Symbol For &#x2415;
Nel &#x0085;
Neptune &#x2646;
Neuter &#x26B2;
Neutral Quotation Mark &#x0022; «
Neutral Single Quotation Mark &#x0027;
Neutral Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or &#x02D9; ˙
New Line &#x000A;  
New Sheqel Sign &#x20AA;
New Tai Lue &#x1980;
New Tai Lue Digits &#x19D0;
New Testament Editorial Symbols &#x2E00;
New Testament Majority Text &#x1D510; 𝔐
Newline, Symbol For &#x2424;
Next Line &#x0085;
Next Page &#x2398;
Nib, Black &#x2712;
Nib, White &#x2711;
Nigerian Currency &#x20A6;
Niggahita, Lao &#x0ECD;
Nikahit, Khmer Sign &#x17C6;
Nikhahit, Thai Character &#x0E4D;
Nim-Addition &#x2A27;
Nirugu, Mongolian &#x180A;
Nko &#x07C0; ߀
Nl &#x000A;  
No &#x20E0;
No Break Here &#x0083;
No Break Space, Keyboard Symbol For &#x237D;
No-Break Space &#x00A0;  
No-Break Space, Narrow &#x202F;
No-Break Space, Zero Width &#xFEFF;  
Node, Ascending &#x260A;
Node, Descending &#x260B;
Non-Breaking Hyphen &#x2011;
Non-Breaking Space &#x00A0;  
Non-Joiner, Zero Width &#x200C;
Non-Spacing Iota Below, Greek &#x0345; ͅ
Non-Theorem &#x22A3;
Nor &#x22BD;
Normal Factor Semidirect Product, Left &#x22C9;
Normal Factor Semidirect Product, Right &#x22CA;
Normal Subgroup Of &#x22B2;
Normal Subgroup Signs &#x22EA;
Normal Subgroup, Contains As &#x22B3;
Not &#x223C;
Not A Subset Of &#x2284;
Not A Superset Of &#x2285;
Not Almost Equal To &#x2249;
Not An Element Of &#x2209;
Not Asymptotically Equal To &#x2244;
Not Check Mark &#x237B;
Not Equal To &#x2260;
Not Identical To &#x2262;
Not Independent &#x2ADC;
Not Parallel To &#x2226;
Not Sign &#x00AC; ¬
Not Sign, Reversed &#x2310;
Not Sign, Turned &#x2319;
Not Tilde &#x2241;
Not Tilde Above, Combining &#x034A; ͊
Not Yield, Does &#x22A3;
Note, Eighth &#x266A;
Note, Quarter &#x2669;
Notes, Beamed Eighth &#x266B;
Notes, Beamed Sixteenth &#x266C;
Nukta, Devanagari Sign &#x093C;
Null &#x0000;
Null Set &#x2205;
Null, Symbol For &#x2400;
Number Forms &#x2150;
Number Sign &#x0023; #
Number Sign, Tamil &#x0BFA;
Number Symbol, Real &#x210A;
Number Zero, Ideographic &#x3007;
Number, Natural &#x2115;
Numbers And Punctuation, Cuneiform &#x12400; 𒐀
Numbers Followed By Period &#x2488;
Numbers, Ancient Greek &#x10140; 𐅀
Numbers, Circled &#x2460;
Numbers, Circled &#x3251;
Numbers, Circled &#x32B1;
Numbers, Circled Inverse &#x2776;
Numbers, Complex &#x2102;
Numbers, Double Circled &#x24F5;
Numbers, Ethiopic &#x1369;
Numbers, Parenthesized &#x2474;
Numbers, Rational &#x211A;
Numbers, Real &#x211D;
Numbers, Runic Golden &#x16EE;
Numbers, Tamil &#x0BE7;
Numbers, White On Black Circled &#x24EB;
Numerals, Hangzhou &#x3021;
Numerals, Old Italic &#x10320; 𐌠
Numerals, Roman &#x2160;
Numerals, Suzhou &#x3021;
Numerator One, Fraction &#x215F;
Numeric Symbols For Divination, Khmer &#x17F0;
Numerics Lock &#x21ED;
Numero Sign &#x2116;


O Bar, Latin Capital Letter &#x019F; Ɵ
O Bar, Latin Small Letter &#x0275; ɵ
O E, Latin Small Letter &#x0153; œ
O Slash, Latin Capital Letter &#x00D8; Ø
O Slash, Latin Small Letter &#x00F8; ø
O With Acute, Latin Capital Letter &#x00D3; Ó
O With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x00F3; ó
O With Breve, Latin Small Letter &#x014F; ŏ
O With Caron, Latin Small Letter &#x01D2; ǒ
O With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter &#x00D4; Ô
O With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter &#x00F4; ô
O With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter &#x00D6; Ö
O With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter &#x00F6; ö
O With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x022F; ȯ
O With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1ECD;
O With Double Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x0151; ő
O With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter &#x020D; ȍ
O With Grave, Latin Capital Letter &#x00D2; Ò
O With Grave, Latin Small Letter &#x00F2; ò
O With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1ECF;
O With Horn, Latin Small Letter &#x01A1; ơ
O With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter &#x020F; ȏ
O With Macron, Latin Small Letter &#x014D; ō
O With Middle Tilde, Latin Capital Letter &#x019F; Ɵ
O With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter &#x01EB; ǫ
O With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter &#x00D8; Ø
O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter &#x00F8; ø
O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Sideways &#x1D13;
O With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter &#x00D5; Õ
O With Tilde, Latin Small Letter &#x00F5; õ
O, Combining Latin Small Letter &#x0366; ͦ
O, Latin Capital Letter Barred &#x019F; Ɵ
O, Latin Capital Letter Open &#x0186; Ɔ
O, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D0F;
O, Latin Letter Small Capital Open &#x1D10;
O, Latin Small Letter Barred &#x0275; ɵ
O, Latin Small Letter Bottom Half &#x1D17;
O, Latin Small Letter Open &#x0254; ɔ
O, Latin Small Letter Sideways &#x1D11;
O, Latin Small Letter Sideways Open &#x1D12;
O, Latin Small Letter Top Half &#x1D16;
O, Script Small &#x2134;
Object Replacement Character &#xFFFC;
Octothorpe &#x0023; #
Oe, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x0276; ɶ
Oe, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x1D14;
Oe, Latin Small Ligature &#x0153; œ
Ogham &#x1680;
Ogham Forfeda Supplement &#x1695;
Ogham Punctuation &#x169B;
Ogham Space Mark &#x1680;
Ogham Traditional Letters &#x1681;
Ogonek &#x02DB; ˛
Ogonek, Combining &#x0328; ̨
Ohm Sign &#x2126;
Ohm Sign, Inverted &#x2127;
Oi, Latin Small Letter &#x01A3; ƣ
Ol Chiki &#x1C50;
Old Italic &#x10300; 𐌀
Old Persian &#x103A0; 𐎠
Old Testament, Greek &#x1D516; 𝔖
Om, Devanagari &#x0950;
Om, Tibetan Syllable &#x0F00;
Omega Pi &#x03D6; ϖ
Omega, Latin Small Letter Closed &#x0277; ɷ
One Dot Leader &#x2024;
One Half, Vulgar Fraction &#x00BD; ½
One Quarter, Vulgar Fraction &#x00BC; ¼
One, Fraction Numerator &#x215F;
One, Superscript &#x00B9; ¹
Open Box &#x2423;
Open Box, Shouldered &#x237D;
Open E With Hook, Latin Small Letter Reversed &#x025D; ɝ
Open E, Latin Capital Letter &#x0190; Ɛ
Open E, Latin Small Letter &#x025B; ɛ
Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed &#x029A; ʚ
Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed &#x025E; ɞ
Open E, Latin Small Letter Reversed &#x025C; ɜ
Open E, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x1D08;
Open O, Latin Capital Letter &#x0186; Ɔ
Open O, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D10;
Open O, Latin Small Letter &#x0254; ɔ
Open O, Latin Small Letter Sideways &#x1D12;
Opening Brace &#x007B; {
Opening Curly Bracket &#x007B; {
Opening Parenthesis &#x0028; (
Opening Square Bracket &#x005B; [
Operating System Command &#x009D;
Operators Supplement, Mathematical &#x2A00;
Operators, Database Theory &#x27D5;
Operators, Dotted Mathematical &#x2234;
Operators, Double &#x22D0;
Operators, Enclosed Mathematical &#x2295;
Operators, Invisible &#x2061;
Operators, Large &#x29F8;
Operators, Mathematical &#x2200;
Operators, Modal Logic &#x27E0;
Operators, Multiplication And Division Sign &#x2A2F;
Operators, N-Ary &#x22C0;
Operators, N-Ary &#x2A00;
Operators, Plus And Minus Sign &#x2A22;
Operators, Relational &#x29E3;
Operators, Specialized Plus Sign &#x29FA;
Operators, Supplemental Mathematical &#x2A00;
Operators, Tilde Mathematical &#x223B;
Operators, Vertical Line &#x2AEE;
Opposition &#x260D;
Optical Character Recognition, Ocr &#x2440;
Option Key &#x2325;
Or, Curly Logical &#x22CE;
Or, Double Logical &#x2A54;
Or, Logical &#x2228;
Or, N-Ary Logical &#x22C1;
Order &#x2134;
Order Relation Precedence Signs &#x227A;
Order Relation Precedence Signs &#x22DE;
Ordinal Indicator, Feminine &#x00AA; ª
Ordinal Indicator, Masculine &#x00BA; º
Ordinarily Satisfies &#x2AE2;
Ordinary Diacritics &#x0300; ̀
Origin, Dimension &#x2331;
Original Of &#x22B6;
Original Of, Square &#x2290;
Oriya &#x0B00;
Oriya Consonants &#x0B15;
Oriya Dependent Vowel Signs &#x0B3E;
Oriya Digits &#x0B66;
Oriya Independent Vowels &#x0B05;
Oriya Isshar &#x0B70;
Ornamental Angle Quotation Marks &#x276E;
Ornamental Brackets &#x2768;
Ornaments, Heart &#x2763;
Ornaments, Punctuation &#x275B;
Ornaments, Quotation Mark &#x275B;
Ornate Left Parenthesis &#xFD3E;
Ornate Right Parenthesis &#xFD3F; ﴿
Ors, Logical Ands And &#x2A51;
Orthodox Cross &#x2626;
Orthogonal To &#x22A5;
Osmanya &#x10480; 𐒀
Osmanya Digits &#x104A0; 𐒠
Ou, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D15;
Ou, Latin Small Letter &#x0223; ȣ
Ounce Sign &#x2125;
Overbar, Apl &#x00AF; ¯
Overlay, Combining Anticlockwise Ring &#x20DA;
Overlay, Combining Clockwise Ring &#x20D9;
Overlay, Combining Counterclockwise Ring &#x20DA;
Overlay, Combining Double Vertical Stroke &#x20E6;
Overlay, Combining Leftwards Arrow &#x20EA;
Overlay, Combining Long Double Solidus &#x20EB;
Overlay, Combining Long Solidus &#x0338; ̸
Overlay, Combining Long Stroke &#x0336; ̶
Overlay, Combining Long Vertical Line &#x20D2;
Overlay, Combining Reverse Solidus &#x20E5;
Overlay, Combining Ring &#x20D8;
Overlay, Combining Short Solidus &#x0337; ̷
Overlay, Combining Short Stroke &#x0335; ̵
Overlay, Combining Short Vertical Line &#x20D3;
Overlay, Combining Tilde &#x0334; ̴
Overlay, Long Double Slash &#x20EB;
Overlay, Long Slash &#x0338; ̸
Overlay, Short Slash &#x0337; ̷
Overline &#x00AF; ¯
Overline &#x203E;
Overline, Centreline &#xFE4A;
Overline, Combining &#x0305; ̅
Overline, Combining Double &#x033F; ̿
Overline, Dashed &#xFE49;
Overline, Double Wavy &#xFE4C;
Overline, Wavy &#xFE4B;
Override, Left-To-Right &#x202D;
Override, Right-To-Left &#x202E;
Overscore &#x0305; ̅
Overscore, Spacing &#x203E;
Overscores And Underscores &#xFE49;
Overstruck Diacritics &#x0334; ̴
Oxia, Greek &#x0301; ́


P With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x1E55;
P With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E57;
P With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x01A5; ƥ
P, Double-Struck Capital &#x2119;
P, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D18;
P, Script Capital &#x2118;
Page Down &#x21DF;
Page Up &#x21DE;
Page, Next &#x2398;
Page, Previous &#x2397;
Palatal Hook, Latin Small Letter T With &#x01AB; ƫ
Palatalized Hook Below, Combining &#x0321; ̡
Palm Branch &#x2E19;
Paluta, Tibetan Mark &#x0F85;
Pamudpod, Hanunoo Sign &#x1734;
Paper Sign, Permanent &#x267E;
Paper Symbol, Partially-Recycled &#x267D;
Paper Symbol, Recycled &#x267C;
Papyrological Hyphen &#x035C; ͜
Paragraph Separator &#x2029;
Paragraph Separator, Ethiopic &#x1368;
Paragraph Separator, Georgian &#x10FB;
Paragraph Separator, Urdu &#x203B;
Paragraph Sign &#x00B6;
Paragraph Sign Ornament, Curved Stem &#x2761;
Paragraph Sign, European &#x00A7; §
Paraguayan Currency &#x20B2;
Parallel To &#x2225;
Parallel To, Not &#x2226;
Parallelogram, Black &#x25B0;
Parenthesis, Closing &#x0029; )
Parenthesis, Left &#x0028; (
Parenthesis, Left White &#x2985;
Parenthesis, Opening &#x0028; (
Parenthesis, Ornate Left &#xFD3E;
Parenthesis, Ornate Right &#xFD3F; ﴿
Parenthesis, Right &#x0029; )
Parenthesis, Right White &#x2986;
Parenthesized Cjk Ideographs &#x3220;
Parenthesized Korean Hangul Elements &#x3200;
Parenthesized Korean Hangul Syllables &#x320E;
Parenthesized Latin Letters &#x249C;
Parenthesized Numbers &#x2474;
Parted Rule &#x00A6; ¦
Partial Differential &#x2202;
Partial Function &#x21F8;
Partial Injection &#x2914;
Partial Line Backward &#x008C;
Partial Line Forward &#x008B;
Partial Relation &#x21F9;
Partial Surjection &#x2900;
Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol &#x267D;
Partnership Symbol, Unmarried &#x26AF;
Patiw, Armenian &#x055F; ՟
Patru, Tamil &#x0BF6;
Pause &#x2389;
Pdf &#x202C;
Peace Symbol &#x262E;
Pencil &#x270F;
Pencil Dingbats &#x270E;
Pencil, Lower Right &#x270E;
Pencil, Upper Right &#x2710;
Penny Sign, German &#x20B0;
Pentonkion, Greek &#x2059;
Per Mille Sign &#x2030;
Per Sign &#x214C;
Per Ten Thousand Sign &#x2031;
Per Thousand &#x2030;
Percent Sign &#x0025; %
Percussive, Latin Letter Bidental &#x02AD; ʭ
Percussive, Latin Letter Bilabial &#x02AC; ʬ
Period &#x002E; .
Period, Numbers Followed By &#x2488;
Perispomeni, Combining Greek &#x0342; ͂
Permanent Paper Sign &#x267E;
Perpendicular &#x22A5;
Persian, Old &#x103A0; 𐎠
Perspective &#x2306;
Peseta Sign &#x20A7;
Peso Sign &#x20B1;
Phags-Pa &#xA840;
Phaistos Disc &#x101D0; 𐇐
Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative, Latin Letter &#x0295; ʕ
Phi Symbol, Greek &#x03D5; ϕ
Phi, Latin Small Letter &#x0278; ɸ
Philippine Double Punctuation &#x1736;
Philippine Single Punctuation &#x1735;
Phillipine Currency &#x20B1;
Phoenician &#x10900; 𐤀
Phonetic Digraphs &#x02A3; ʣ
Phonetic Extensions &#x1D00;
Phonetic Extensions, Katakana &#x31F0;
Phonetic Modifiers &#x02B9; ʹ
Phonetic Modifiers Derived From Latin Letters &#x02B0; ʰ
Phonetics And Symbols Area, Cjk &#x2E80;
Phonorecord Sign &#x2117;
Phul &#x2055;
Pi Symbol, Greek &#x03D6; ϖ
Pi, Double-Struck Capital &#x213F;
Pi, Double-Struck Small &#x213C;
Pi, Greek Small Letter &#x03C0; π
Pi, Mathematical Constant 3.141592… &#x03C0; π
Pictures For Control Codes, Graphic &#x2400;
Pilcrow Sign &#x00B6;
Pilcrow Sign, Reversed &#x204B;
Pillow &#x2311;
Pipe &#x01C0; ǀ
Pipe, Double &#x01C1; ǁ
Pipe, Double-Barred &#x01C2; ǂ
Pisces &#x2653;
Piska &#x2052;
Pitchfork &#x22D4;
Place Of Interest Sign &#x2318;
Plaintiff &#x226C;
Planck Constant &#x210E;
Planck Constant Over Two Pi &#x210F;
Planet Symbols &#x263F;
Plastics Recycling Symbols &#x2673;
Playing Card Suits &#x2660;
Plus And Minus Sign Operators &#x2A22;
Plus Sign &#x002B; +
Plus Sign Below, Combining &#x031F; ̟
Plus Sign Operators, Specialized &#x29FA;
Plus Sign, Modifier Letter &#x02D6; ˖
Plus, Circled &#x2295;
Plus, Dot &#x2214;
Plus, Double &#x29FA;
Plus, Invisible &#x2064;
Plus, Squared &#x229E;
Plus, Triple &#x29FB;
Plus-Minus Sign &#x00B1; ±
Pluto &#x2647;
Point, Decimal &#x002E; .
Point, Hyphenation &#x2027;
Pointers &#x25BA;
Pointing Hand Symbols &#x261A;
Pointing Index Finger Dingbats &#x261A;
Pointing Index, Black Left &#x261A;
Pointing Index, Black Right &#x261B;
Pointing Index, White Down &#x261F;
Pointing Index, White Left &#x261C;
Pointing Index, White Right &#x261E;
Pointing Index, White Up &#x261D;
Points And Punctuation, Hebrew &#x05B0; ְ
Points, Hebrew &#x05B0; ְ
Points, Syriac &#x0730; ܰ
Poison &#x2620;
Political Symbols, Religious And &#x2625;
Polygonal Symbols &#x2B12;
Polytonic Greek, Precomposed &#x1F00;
Pop Directional Formatting &#x202C;
Position Indicator &#x2316;
Positive Difference Or Sum &#x2A24;
Positive Difference, Sum Or &#x2A26;
Positive, Most &#x223E;
Postal Mark &#x3012;
Postal Mark Face &#x3020;
Postal Mark, Circled &#x3036;
Pound Sign &#x0023; #
Pound Sign &#x00A3; £
Pound Sterling &#x00A3; £
Pounds &#x2114;
Power Set &#x1D4AB; 𝒫
Precedence Signs, Order Relation &#x227A;
Precedence Signs, Order Relation &#x22DE;
Precedes &#x227A;
Precedes Under Relation &#x22B0;
Precedes, Double &#x2ABB;
Precomposed Polytonic Greek &#x1F00;
Prescription Take &#x211E;
Presentation Forms, Alphabetic &#xFB00;
Presentation Forms, Hebrew &#xFB1D;
Presentation Forms-A, Arabic &#xFB50;
Presentation Forms-B, Arabic &#xFE70;
Previous Page &#x2397;
Prime &#x2032;
Prime Quotation Mark, Double &#x301E;
Prime Quotation Mark, Low Double &#x301F;
Prime Quotation Mark, Reversed Double &#x301D;
Prime, Double &#x2033;
Prime, Modifier Letter &#x02B9; ʹ
Prime, Modifier Letter Double &#x02BA; ʺ
Prime, Quadruple &#x2057;
Prime, Reversed &#x2035;
Prime, Reversed Double &#x2036;
Prime, Reversed Triple &#x2037;
Prime, Triple &#x2034;
Print Screen Symbol &#x2399;
Privacy Message &#x009E;
Private Use Area &#xE000;
Private Use Area-A, Supplementary &#xF0000; 󰀀
Private Use Area-B, Supplementary &#x100000; 􀀀
Private Use One &#x0091;
Private Use Two &#x0092;
Product Sign &#x220F;
Product, Cartesian &#x00D7; ×
Product, Direct &#x2299;
Product, Interior &#x2A3C;
Product, Left Normal Factor Semidirect &#x22C9;
Product, Left Semidirect &#x22CB;
Product, N-Ary &#x220F;
Product, Right Normal Factor Semidirect &#x22CA;
Product, Right Semidirect &#x22CC;
Product, Righthand Interior &#x2A3D;
Product, Shuffle &#x29E2;
Product, Smash &#x2A33;
Product, Tensor &#x2297;
Product, Vector Or Cross &#x2A2F;
Product, Wreath &#x2240;
Program Command, Application &#x009F;
Prohibition &#x20E0;
Projective &#x2305;
Proof, End Of &#x220E;
Proper Intersection &#x22D4;
Property Line &#x214A;
Proportion &#x2237;
Proportion, Geometric &#x223A;
Proportional To &#x221D;
Proportional To &#x223C;
Proves &#x22A2;
Psili, Greek &#x0313; ̓
Published &#x2117;
Pullback &#x27D3;
Punctuation And Signs, Greek &#x0374; ʹ
Punctuation And Signs, Myanmar &#x104A;
Punctuation And Signs, Syriac &#x0700; ܀
Punctuation And Symbols, Ascii &#x0020;  
Punctuation And Symbols, Latin-1 &#x00A0;  
Punctuation For Vertical Text, Double &#x2047;
Punctuation Ornaments &#x275B;
Punctuation Space &#x2008;
Punctuation, Arabic &#x060C; ،
Punctuation, Canadian Syllabics &#x166D;
Punctuation, Cjk Symbols And &#x3000;  
Punctuation, Cuneiform Numbers And &#x12400; 𒐀
Punctuation, Ethiopic &#x1361;
Punctuation, General &#x2000;  
Punctuation, Halfwidth Cjk &#xFF61;
Punctuation, Hebrew Points And &#x05B0; ְ
Punctuation, Mongolian &#x1800;
Punctuation, Ogham &#x169B;
Punctuation, Philippine Double &#x1736;
Punctuation, Philippine Single &#x1735;
Punctuation, Runic &#x16EB;
Punctuation, Supplemental &#x2E00;
Punt, Irish &#x00A3; £
Purna Viram, Devanagari &#x0964;
Pushout &#x27D4;
Puspika &#x2055;


Q With Hook Tail, Latin Capital Letter Small &#x024A; Ɋ
Q With Hook Tail, Latin Small Letter &#x024B; ɋ
Q With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x02A0; ʠ
Q, Double-Struck Capital &#x211A;
Q, Rotated Capital &#x213A;
Q.E.D. &#x220E;
Qp Digraph, Latin Small Letter &#x0239; ȹ
Quad, Em &#x2001;
Quad, En &#x2000;  
Quad, Mutton &#x2001;
Quadrant Control Code Graphics &#x25F0;
Quadrature &#x25A1;
Quadruple Prime &#x2057;
Quantic &#x226C;
Quantifier, Existential &#x2203;
Quantifier, Universal &#x2200;
Quarter Moon, First &#x263D;
Quarter Moon, Last &#x263E;
Quarter Note &#x2669;
Quarter, Vulgar Fraction One &#x00BC; ¼
Quarters, Fractions &#x00BC; ¼
Quarters, Vulgar Fraction Three &#x00BE; ¾
Quaternion Integral Operator &#x2A16;
Question Exclamation Mark &#x2048;
Question Mark &#x003F; ?
Question Mark, Arabic &#x061F; ؟
Question Mark, Armenian &#x055E; ՞
Question Mark, Double &#x2047;
Question Mark, Ethiopic &#x1367;
Question Mark, Exclamation &#x2049;
Question Mark, Greek &#x003B; ;
Question Mark, Greek &#x037E; ;
Question Mark, Inverted &#x00BF; ¿
Question Mark, Limbu &#x1945;
Question Mark, Turned &#x00BF; ¿
Questioned Equal To &#x225F;
Quill, Left Square Bracket With &#x2045;
Quill, Right Square Bracket With &#x2046;
Quine Corners &#x231C;
Quotation Dash &#x2015;
Quotation Mark &#x0022; «
Quotation Mark Dingbats &#x275B;
Quotation Mark Ornaments &#x275B;
Quotation Mark, Double Comma &#x201D;
Quotation Mark, Double High-Reversed-9 &#x201F;
Quotation Mark, Double Low-9 &#x201E;
Quotation Mark, Double Prime &#x301E;
Quotation Mark, Double Reversed Comma &#x201F;
Quotation Mark, Double Turned Comma &#x201C;
Quotation Mark, Left Double &#x201C;
Quotation Mark, Left Single &#x2018;
Quotation Mark, Left-Pointing Double Angle &#x00AB; «
Quotation Mark, Low Double Comma &#x201E;
Quotation Mark, Low Double Prime &#x301F;
Quotation Mark, Low Single Comma &#x201A;
Quotation Mark, Neutral &#x0022; «
Quotation Mark, Neutral Single &#x0027;
Quotation Mark, Reversed Double Prime &#x301D;
Quotation Mark, Right Double &#x201D;
Quotation Mark, Right Single &#x2019;
Quotation Mark, Right-Pointing Double Angle &#x00BB; »
Quotation Mark, Single Comma &#x2019;
Quotation Mark, Single High-Reversed-9 &#x201B;
Quotation Mark, Single Left-Pointing Angle &#x2039;
Quotation Mark, Single Low-9 &#x201A;
Quotation Mark, Single Reversed Comma &#x201B;
Quotation Mark, Single Right-Pointing Angle &#x203A;
Quotation Mark, Single Turned Comma &#x2018;
Quotation Marks &#x2018;
Quotation Marks, Cjk &#x300C;
Quotation Marks, Ornamental Angle &#x276E;
Quote, Apl &#x0027;
Qur’anic Annotation Signs, Arabic &#x06D6; ۖ


R With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x0155; ŕ
R With Caron, Latin Small Letter &#x0159; ř
R With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter &#x0157; ŗ
R With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E59;
R With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E5B;
R With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter &#x0211; ȑ
R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter &#x027E; ɾ
R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter Reversed &#x027F; ɿ
R With Hook, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x027B; ɻ
R With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter &#x0213; ȓ
R With Line Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E5F;
R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter &#x027C; ɼ
R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x027A; ɺ
R With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter &#x024C; Ɍ
R With Stroke, Latin Small Letter &#x024D; ɍ
R With Tail, Latin Small Letter &#x027D; ɽ
R, Black-Letter Capital &#x211C;
R, Combining Latin Small Letter &#x036C; ͬ
R, Double-Struck Capital &#x211D;
R, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x0280; ʀ
R, Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted &#x0281; ʁ
R, Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed &#x1D19;
R, Latin Letter Small Capital Turned &#x1D1A;
R, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x0279; ɹ
R, Latin Subscript Small Letter &#x1D63;
R, Modifier Letter Small &#x02B3; ʳ
R, Modifier Letter Small Capital Inverted &#x02B6; ʶ
R, Modifier Letter Small Turned &#x02B4; ʴ
R, Script Capital &#x211B;
Radial Component &#x27DF;
Radical Sign &#x221A;
Radicals Supplement, Cjk &#x2E80;
Radicals, Cjk Kangxi &#x2F00;
Radicals, Yi &#xA490;
Radioactive Sign &#x2622;
Rain Drops, Umbrella With &#x2614;
Rainy Weather &#x2602;
Rams Horn, Latin Small Letter &#x0264; ɤ
Range Restriction &#x25B7;
Ratio &#x2236;
Ratio, Cross &#x211E;
Rational Numbers &#x211A;
Reahmuk, Khmer Sign &#x17C7;
Real Number Symbol &#x210A;
Real Numbers &#x211D;
Real Part &#x211C;
Recipe &#x211E;
Record Separator &#x001E;
Record Separator, Symbol For &#x241E;
Recorder, Telephone &#x2315;
Recording Copyright, Sound &#x2117;
Rectangle Box, X In A &#x2327;
Rectangles &#x25AC;
Recycled Paper Symbol &#x267C;
Recycled Paper Symbol, Partially- &#x267D;
Recycling Symbol, Universal &#x2672;
Recycling Symbols &#x2672;
Recycling Symbols, Plastics &#x2673;
Reduces To &#x22A6;
Reducible &#x22A2;
Reference Mark &#x203B;
Registered Sign &#x00AE; ®
Registered Trade Mark Sign &#x00AE; ®
Rejang &#xA930;
Relation &#x2194;
Relation, Finite &#x21FC;
Relation, Partial &#x21F9;
Relational Operators &#x29E3;
Relations, Subset And Superset &#x2ABD;
Religious And Political Symbols &#x2626;
Repeat Marks, Kana &#x3031;
Replacement Character &#xFFFD;
Replacement Character, Object &#xFFFC;
Response &#x211F;
Restriction, Domain &#x25C1;
Restriction, Range &#x25B7;
Results In &#x22A8;
Retroflex Click, Latin Letter &#x01C3; ǃ
Retroflex Hook Below, Combining &#x0322; ̢
Retroflex Hook, Latin Capital Letter T With &#x01AE; Ʈ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter D &#x0256; ɖ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter L With &#x026D; ɭ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter N With &#x0273; ɳ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter T With &#x0288; ʈ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter Z With &#x0290; ʐ
Return Symbol &#x23CE;
Return, Carriage &#x000D;  
Return, Symbol For Carriage &#x240D;
Reverse Line Feed &#x008D;
Reverse Solidus &#x005C; \
Reverse Solidus Operator &#x29F5;
Reverse Solidus Overlay, Combining &#x20E5;
Reverse Solidus, Big &#x29F9;
Reverse Turnstile &#x22A3;
Reversed C, Latin Small Letter &#x2184;
Reversed Comma Above, Combining &#x0314; ̔
Reversed Comma Quotation Mark, Double &#x201F;
Reversed Comma Quotation Mark, Single &#x201B;
Reversed Comma, Modifier Letter &#x02BD; ʽ
Reversed Double Prime &#x2036;
Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark &#x301D;
Reversed E, Latin Capital Letter &#x018E; Ǝ
Reversed E, Latin Small Letter &#x0258; ɘ
Reversed Epsilon, Latin Small Letter Closed &#x025E; ɞ
Reversed Esh Loop, Latin Letter &#x01AA; ƪ
Reversed Esh, Latin Small Letter Squat &#x0285; ʅ
Reversed Glottal Stop, Latin Letter &#x0295; ʕ
Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter &#x02C1; ˁ
Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Small &#x02E4; ˤ
Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol, Greek &#x03F6; ϶
Reversed N, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D0E;
Reversed Not Sign &#x2310;
Reversed Open E With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x025D; ɝ
Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter &#x025C; ɜ
Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed &#x025E; ɞ
Reversed Pilcrow Sign &#x204B;
Reversed Prime &#x2035;
Reversed R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter &#x027F; ɿ
Reversed R, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D19;
Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet &#x2619;
Reversed Sans-Serif Capital L &#x2143;
Reversed Semicolon &#x204F;
Reversed Straight Epsilon &#x03F6; ϶
Reversed Tilde &#x223D;
Reversed Tilde Equals &#x22CD;
Reversed Triple Prime &#x2037;
Reversed, Latin Small Letter Ezh &#x01B9; ƹ
Rgroup &#x27EF;
Rhotic Hook, Modifier Letter &#x02DE; ˞
Rial Sign &#xFDFC;
Riel, Khmer Currency Symbol &#x17DB;
Riemann Integral &#x211B;
Right Abstract Syntax Bracket &#x301B;
Right Angle &#x221F;
Right Angle Bracket &#x3009;
Right Angle Bracket, Mathematical &#x27E9;
Right Angle With Arc &#x22BE;
Right Arrow Above, Combining &#x20D7;
Right Arrow Above, Combining Left &#x20E1;
Right Arrow Below, Combining &#x20EF;
Right Arrow Below, Combining Left &#x034D; ͍
Right Arrow, Colon &#x29F4;
Right Arrowhead Above, Combining &#x0350; ͐
Right Arrowhead Below, Combining &#x0355; ͕
Right Bag Bracket &#x27E7;
Right Black Lenticular Bracket &#x3011;
Right Ceiling &#x2309;
Right Chevron Bracket &#x27EB;
Right Corner Bracket &#x300D;
Right Curly Bracket &#x007D; }
Right Diagonal Ellipsis, Down &#x22F1;
Right Diagonal Ellipsis, Up &#x22F0;
Right Double Angle Bracket &#x300B;
Right Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical &#x27EB;
Right Double Quotation Mark &#x201D;
Right Floor &#x230B;
Right Half Ring Above, Combining &#x0357; ͗
Right Half Ring Below, Combining &#x0339; ̹
Right Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter &#x055A; ՚
Right Harpoon Above, Combining &#x20D1;
Right Key, Delete To The &#x2326;
Right Moustache &#x23B1;
Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product &#x22CA;
Right Parenthesis &#x0029; )
Right Parenthesis, Ornate &#xFD3F; ﴿
Right Pencil, Lower &#x270E;
Right Pencil, Upper &#x2710;
Right Pointing Guillemet &#x00BB; »
Right Pointing Index, Black &#x261B;
Right Pointing Index, White &#x261E;
Right Pointing Single Guillemet &#x203A;
Right Semidirect Product &#x22CC;
Right Sequence Bracket &#x27E9;
Right Single Quotation Mark &#x2019;
Right Square Bracket &#x005D; ]
Right Square Bracket With Quill &#x2046;
Right Tack &#x22A2;
Right Tack Below, Combining &#x0319; ̙
Right Tortoise Shell Bracket &#x3015;
Right Triangle &#x22BF;
Right White Corner Bracket &#x300F;
Right White Curly Bracket &#x2984;
Right White Lenticular Bracket &#x3017;
Right White Parenthesis &#x2986;
Right White Square Bracket &#x301B;
Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket &#x3019;
Right, Combining Comma Above &#x0315; ̕
Right, Combining Dot Above &#x0358; ͘
Right, Erase To The &#x2326;
Right, Fast Cursor &#x21A0;
Right-Pointing Angle Bracket &#x232A;
Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Single &#x203A;
Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark &#x00BB; »
Right-To-Left Embedding &#x202B;
Right-To-Left Mark &#x200F;
Right-To-Left Override &#x202E;
Righthand Interior Product &#x2A3D;
Rightward Tab &#x21E5;
Rightwards Arrow &#x2192;
Rightwards Arrow Below, Combining Double &#x0362; ͢
Rightwards Bullet, Black &#x204D;
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining &#x20EC;
Ring Above &#x02DA; ˚
Ring Above, Combining &#x030A; ̊
Ring Above, Combining Left Half &#x0351; ͑
Ring Above, Combining Right Half &#x0357; ͗
Ring Above, Latin Capital Letter A With &#x00C5; Å
Ring Above, Latin Small Letter A With &#x00E5; å
Ring Below, Combining &#x0325; ̥
Ring Below, Combining Double &#x035A; ͚
Ring Below, Combining Left Half &#x031C; ̜
Ring Below, Combining Right Half &#x0339; ̹
Ring Below, Latin Small Letter A With &#x1E01;
Ring Equal To &#x2257;
Ring In Equal To &#x2256;
Ring Operator &#x2218;
Ring Operator, Circled &#x229A;
Ring Overlay, Combining &#x20D8;
Ring Overlay, Combining Anticlockwise &#x20DA;
Ring Overlay, Combining Clockwise &#x20D9;
Ring Overlay, Combining Counterclockwise &#x20DA;
Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Left Half &#x0559; ՙ
Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Right Half &#x055A; ՚
Ring, Benzene &#x232C;
Ring, Modifier Letter Centred Left Half &#x02D3; ˓
Ring, Modifier Letter Left Half &#x02BF; ʿ
Rjes Su Nga Ro, Tibetan Sign &#x0F7E;
Rnam Bcad, Tibetan Sign &#x0F7F; ཿ
Roman Numerals &#x2160;
Roman Numerals, Archaic &#x2185;
Roman Symbols &#x10190; 𐆐
Root, Cube &#x221B;
Root, Fourth &#x221C;
Root, Square &#x221A;
Rotated Capital Q &#x213A;
Rough Breathing Mark, Greek &#x0314; ̔
Rule, Parted &#x00A6; ¦
Rule-Delayed &#x29F4;
Runic &#x16A0;
Runic Golden Numbers &#x16EE;
Runic Punctuation &#x16EB;
Runout, Total &#x2330;
Rupai, Tamil &#x0BF9;
Rupee Mark, Bengali &#x09F2;
Rupee Sign &#x20A8;
Rupee Sign, Bengali &#x09F3;
Rupee Sign, Gujarati &#x0AF1;
Rupee Sign, Tamil &#x0BF9;
Russian Alphabet &#x0410; А


S With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x015B; ś
S With Caron, Latin Small Letter &#x0161; š
S With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter &#x015F; ş
S With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter &#x015D; ŝ
S With Comma Below, Latin Small Letter &#x0219; ș
S With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E61;
S With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Long &#x1E9B;
S With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E63;
S With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x0282; ʂ
S With Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter &#x023F; ȿ
S, Inverted Lazy &#x223E;
S, Latin Small Letter Long &#x017F; ſ
S, Latin Small Letter Sharp &#x00DF; ß
S, Lazy &#x223D;
S, Modifier Letter Small &#x02E2; ˢ
Sagittarius &#x2650;
Saltire &#x2613;
Sam, Syriac &#x070F; ܏
Samaritan Source, Symbol For &#x214F;
Sans-Serif Bold Digits &#x1D7EC; 𝟬
Sans-Serif Bold Greek Mathematical Symbols &#x1D756; 𝝖
Sans-Serif Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols &#x1D790; 𝞐
Sans-Serif Bold Italic Mathematical Symbols &#x1D63C; 𝘼
Sans-Serif Bold Mathematical Symbols &#x1D5D4; 𝗔
Sans-Serif Capital G, Turned &#x2141;
Sans-Serif Capital L, Reversed &#x2143;
Sans-Serif Capital L, Turned &#x2142;
Sans-Serif Capital Y, Turned &#x2144;
Sans-Serif Digits &#x1D7E2; 𝟢
Sans-Serif Italic Mathematical Symbols &#x1D608; 𝘈
Sans-Serif Mathematical Symbols &#x1D5A0; 𝖠
Satisfies &#x22A8;
Satisfies, Necessarily &#x2AF1;
Satisfies, Ordinarily &#x2AE2;
Saturating Subtraction &#x2238;
Saturn &#x2644;
Saurashtra &#xA880;
Scales &#x2696;
Scan Lines, Horizontal &#x23BA;
Schema Hiding &#x29F9;
Schwa, Latin Capital Letter &#x018F; Ə
Schwa, Latin Small Letter &#x0259; ə
Scissors, Black &#x2702;
Scissors, Upper Blade &#x2701;
Scissors, White &#x2704;
Scorpius &#x264F;
Screen Symbol, Clear &#x239A;
Screen Symbol, Print &#x2399;
Screen, Combining Enclosing &#x20E2;
Script A, Latin Small Letter &#x0251; ɑ
Script Capital B &#x212C;
Script Capital E &#x2130;
Script Capital F &#x2131;
Script Capital H &#x210B;
Script Capital I &#x2110;
Script Capital L &#x2112;
Script Capital M &#x2133;
Script Capital P &#x2118;
Script Capital R &#x211B;
Script F, Latin Small Letter &#x0192; ƒ
Script G, Latin Small Letter &#x0261; ɡ
Script Mathematical Symbols &#x1D49C; 𝒜
Script Mathematical Symbols, Bold &#x1D4D0; 𝓐
Script Small E &#x212F;
Script Small G &#x210A;
Script Small L &#x2113;
Script Small O &#x2134;
Script Theta &#x03D1; ϑ
Script V, Latin Capital Letter &#x01B2; Ʋ
Script V, Latin Small Letter &#x028B; ʋ
Scrolling &#x21F3;
Scruple &#x2108;
Seagull Below, Combining &#x033C; ̼
Second Tone, Mandarin Chinese &#x02CA; ˊ
Seconds &#x2033;
Section Sign &#x00A7; §
Section Sign, European &#x00B6;
Sector &#x2314;
Segment &#x2313;
Selected Area, End Of &#x0087;
Selected Area, Start Of &#x0086;
Selectors Supplement, Variation &#xE0100; 󠄀
Selectors, Variation &#xFE00;
Semicolon &#x003B; ;
Semicolon, Arabic &#x061B; ؛
Semicolon, Ethiopic &#x1364;
Semicolon, Reversed &#x204F;
Semidirect Product, Left &#x22CB;
Semidirect Product, Left Normal Factor &#x22C9;
Semidirect Product, Right &#x22CC;
Semidirect Product, Right Normal Factor &#x22CA;
Separator Dot, Aegean Word &#x10101; 𐄁
Separator Key Symbol, Decimal &#x2396;
Separator Line, Aegean Word &#x10100; 𐄀
Separator, Arabic Date &#x060D; ؍
Separator, Arabic Decimal &#x066B; ٫
Separator, Arabic Phrase &#x066C; ٬
Separator, Arabic Thousands &#x066C; ٬
Separator, Decimal &#x002C; ,
Separator, Devanagari Phrase &#x0964;
Separator, Ethiopic Paragraph &#x1368;
Separator, File &#x001C;
Separator, Georgian Paragraph &#x10FB;
Separator, Group &#x001D;
Separator, Interlinear Annotation &#xFFFA;
Separator, Invisible &#x2063;
Separator, Line &#x2028;
Separator, Mongolian Vowel &#x180E;
Separator, Paragraph &#x2029;
Separator, Record &#x001E;
Separator, Unit &#x001F;
Separator, Urdu Paragraph &#x203B;
Septuagint &#x1D516; 𝔖
Sequence Bracket, Left &#x27E8;
Sequence Bracket, Right &#x27E9;
Sequence Concatenation &#x2040;
Sequence Introducer, Control &#x009B;
Service Mark &#x2120;
Sesame Dot &#xFE45;
Sesame Dot, White &#xFE46;
Set Membership Signs &#x2208;
Set Minus &#x2216;
Set Of Complex Numbers, The &#x2102;
Set Of Integers, The &#x2124;
Set Of Rational Numbers, The &#x211A;
Set Of Real Numbers, The &#x211D;
Set Transmit State &#x0093;
Set, Empty &#x2205;
Set, Included In &#x2282;
Set, Includes In &#x2283;
Set, Null &#x2205;
Set, Power &#x1D4AB; 𝒫
Sets, Empty &#x29B0;
Sextile &#x2736;
Shade Characters &#x2591;
Shadowed White Circle &#x274D;
Shamrock &#x2618;
Shamrock &#x2663;
Shapes, Geometric &#x25A0;
Sharp S, Latin Small Letter &#x00DF; ß
Sharp Sign, Music &#x266F;
Shavian &#x10450; 𐑐
Sheqel Sign, New &#x20AA;
Shesht, Armenian &#x055B; ՛
Shift &#x21E7;
Shift In &#x000F;
Shift In, Symbol For &#x240F;
Shift Out &#x000E;
Shift Out, Symbol For &#x240E;
Shogi Piece, Black &#x2617;
Shogi Piece, White &#x2616;
Short &#x0306; ̆
Short Slash Overlay &#x0337; ̷
Short Solidus Overlay, Combining &#x0337; ̷
Short Stroke Overlay, Combining &#x0335; ̵
Short Vertical Line Overlay, Combining &#x20D3;
Shouldered Open Box &#x237D;
Showery Weather &#x2614;
Shuffle Product &#x29E2;
Sibe Syllable Boundary Marker, Mongolian &#x1807;
Sidelining Emphasis Marks &#xFE45;
Sideways Diaeresized U, Latin Small Letter &#x1D1E;
Sideways O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter &#x1D13;
Sideways O, Latin Small Letter &#x1D11;
Sideways Open O, Latin Small Letter &#x1D12;
Sideways Turned M, Latin Small Letter &#x1D1F;
Sideways U, Latin Small Letter &#x1D1D;
Sigma Symbol, Greek Lunate &#x03F2; ϲ
Sigma, Greek Small Letter Lunate &#x03F2; ϲ
Signs, Warning &#x2620;
Signs, Warning &#x26A0;
Similar To &#x223C;
Sine Wave &#x223F;
Single Character Introducer &#x009A;
Single Comma Quotation Mark &#x2019;
Single Comma Quotation Mark, Low &#x201A;
Single Guillemet, Left Pointing &#x2039;
Single Guillemet, Right Pointing &#x203A;
Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark &#x201B;
Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark &#x2039;
Single Low-9 Quotation Mark &#x201A;
Single Punctuation, Philippine &#x1735;
Single Quotation Mark, Left &#x2018;
Single Quotation Mark, Neutral &#x0027;
Single Quotation Mark, Right &#x2019;
Single Reversed Comma Quotation Mark &#x201B;
Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark &#x203A;
Single Shift Three &#x008F;
Single Shift Two &#x008E;
Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark &#x2018;
Sinhala &#x0D80;
Sinhala Consonants &#x0D9A;
Sinhala Dependent Vowel Signs &#x0DCF;
Sinhala Independent Vowels &#x0D85;
Sinhala Sign Al-Lakuna &#x0DCA;
Sinhala Virama &#x0DCA;
Six-Per-Em Space &#x2006;
Sixteenth Notes, Beamed &#x266C;
Sixths, Fractions &#x2159;
Skull And Crossbones &#x2620;
Slash &#x002F; /
Slash Overlay, Long &#x0338; ̸
Slash Overlay, Long Double &#x20EB;
Slash Overlay, Short &#x0337; ̷
Slash, Circled Division &#x2298;
Slash, Division &#x2215;
Slash, Fraction &#x2044;
Slash, Latin Capital Letter O &#x00D8; Ø
Slash, Latin Small Letter O &#x00F8; ø
Slope &#x2333;
Small Capital Ae, Latin Letter &#x1D01;
Small Capital Eth, Latin Letter &#x1D06;
Small Capital Ezh, Latin Letter &#x1D23;
Small Capital Oe, Latin Letter &#x0276; ɶ
Small Capital Ou, Latin Letter &#x1D15;
Small Circle, Black &#x2022;
Small Contains As Member &#x220D;
Small Element Of &#x220A;
Small Form Variants &#xFE50;
Small Gamma, Double-Struck &#x213D;
Small Gamma, Modifier Letter &#x02E0; ˠ
Small Ka, Hiragana Letter &#x3095;
Small Ke, Hiragana Letter &#x3096;
Small Letters, Armenian &#x0561; ա
Small Letters, Combining Latin &#x0363; ͣ
Small Letters, Cyrillic &#x0430; а
Small Letters, Georgian &#x10D0;
Small Letters, Greek &#x03B1; α
Small Letters, Latin &#x0061; a
Small Ligature Ae, Latin &#x00E6; æ
Small Ligature Ij, Latin &#x0133; ij
Small Ligature Oe, Latin &#x0153; œ
Small Pi, Double-Struck &#x213C;
Small Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter &#x02E4; ˤ
Small Square, Black Medium &#x25FE;
Small Tilde &#x02DC; ˜
Small White Circle, Medium &#x26AC;
Smash Product &#x2A33;
Smile &#x2323;
Smiling Face, Black &#x263B;
Smiling Face, White &#x263A;
Smirk &#x2368;
Smooth Breathing Mark, Greek &#x0313; ̓
Snowflake Dingbats &#x2744;
Snowflakes &#x2721;
Snowman &#x2603;
Snowy Weather &#x2603;
Soft Hyphen &#x00AD; ­
Soft Hyphen, Mongolian Todo &#x1806;
Software-Function Symbol &#x2394;
Solid &#x2588;
Solidus &#x002F; /
Solidus &#x2044;
Solidus Operator, Double &#x2AFD;
Solidus Operator, Reverse &#x29F5;
Solidus Overlay, Combining Long &#x0338; ̸
Solidus Overlay, Combining Long Double &#x20EB;
Solidus Overlay, Combining Reverse &#x20E5;
Solidus Overlay, Combining Short &#x0337; ̷
Solidus, Big &#x29F8;
Solidus, Big Reverse &#x29F9;
Solidus, Reverse &#x005C; \
Sound Recording Copyright &#x2117;
Source, Information &#x2139;
Space &#x0020;  
Space Mark, Ogham &#x1680;
Space, Em &#x2003;
Space, En &#x2002;
Space, Figure &#x2007;
Space, Four-Per-Em &#x2005;
Space, Graphic For &#x2423;
Space, Hair &#x200A;
Space, Hilbert &#x210C;
Space, Ideographic &#x3000;  
Space, Ideographic Half Fill &#x303F;
Space, Keyboard Symbol For No Break &#x237D;
Space, Medium Mathematical &#x205F;
Space, Mid &#x2005;
Space, Narrow No-Break &#x202F;
Space, No-Break &#x00A0;  
Space, Non-Breaking &#x00A0;  
Space, Punctuation &#x2008;
Space, Six-Per-Em &#x2006;
Space, Symbol For &#x2420;
Space, Thick &#x2004;
Space, Thin &#x2009;
Space, Three-Per-Em &#x2004;
Space, Zero Width &#x200B;
Space, Zero Width No-Break &#xFEFF;  
Spaces &#x2000;  
Spacing Acute Accent &#x00B4; ´
Spacing Cedilla &#x00B8; ¸
Spacing Circumflex Accent &#x005E; ^
Spacing Clones Of Diacritics &#x02D8; ˘
Spacing Diaeresis &#x00A8; ¨
Spacing Double Underscore &#x2017;
Spacing Grave Accent &#x0060; `
Spacing Macron &#x00AF; ¯
Spacing Modifier Letters &#x02B0; ʰ
Spacing Overscore &#x203E;
Spacing Tilde &#x007E; ~
Spacing Underscore &#x005F; _
Spanish Currency &#x20A7;
Sparkle &#x2747;
Sparkle, Heavy &#x2748;
Specials &#xFFF0;
Specials Area, Compatibility And &#xF900;
Spherical Angle &#x2222;
Square Below, Combining &#x033B; ̻
Square Bracket With Quill, Left &#x2045;
Square Bracket With Quill, Right &#x2046;
Square Bracket, Closing &#x005D; ]
Square Bracket, Left &#x005B; [
Square Bracket, Left White &#x301A;
Square Bracket, Opening &#x005B; [
Square Bracket, Right &#x005D; ]
Square Bracket, Right White &#x301B;
Square Cap &#x2293;
Square Cup &#x2294;
Square Foot &#x23CD;
Square Image Of &#x228F;
Square Lozenge &#x2311;
Square Original Of &#x2290;
Square Root &#x221A;
Square Symbols &#x29C4;
Square, Black Medium &#x25FC;
Square, Black Medium Small &#x25FE;
Square, Combining Enclosing &#x20DE;
Square, Viewdata &#x2317;
Squared &#x00B2; ²
Squared Dot Operator &#x22A1;
Squared Japanese Katakana Words &#x3300;
Squared Latin Abbreviations &#x3371;
Squared Minus &#x229F;
Squared Plus &#x229E;
Squared Times &#x22A0;
Squares &#x25A0;
Squares &#x2B1A;
Squat Reversed Esh, Latin Small Letter &#x0285; ʅ
Srak Ah, Khmer &#x17C7;
Srak Am, Khmer &#x17C6;
Srog Med, Tibetan &#x0F84;
St. Andrew’s Cross &#x2613;
Staff Of Aesculapius &#x2695;
Staff Of Hermes &#x269A;
Star &#x002A; *
Star And Crescent &#x262A;
Star Dingbats &#x2726;
Star Equals &#x225B;
Star Of David &#x2721;
Star Operator &#x22C6;
Star, Arabic Five Pointed &#x066D; ٭
Star, Black &#x2605;
Star, White &#x2606;
Starburst &#x273A;
Stars &#x2721;
Start Of Guarded Area &#x0096;
Start Of Heading &#x0001;
Start Of Heading, Symbol For &#x2401;
Start Of Selected Area &#x0086;
Start Of String &#x0098;
Start Of Text &#x0002;
Start Of Text, Symbol For &#x2402;
Statement Is True &#x22A8;
Sterling, Pound &#x00A3; £
Stile, Apl &#x2223;
Straight Epsilon &#x03F5; ϵ
Straight Epsilon, Reversed &#x03F6; ϶
Straightness &#x23E4;
Stress Mark &#x0301; ́
Stretched C, Latin Letter &#x0297; ʗ
Strictly Equivalent To &#x2263;
String Terminator &#x009C;
String, Device Control &#x0090;
String, Start Of &#x0098;
Stroke Overlay, Combining Double Vertical &#x20E6;
Stroke Overlay, Combining Long &#x0336; ̶
Stroke Overlay, Combining Short &#x0335; ̵
Stroke, Latin Capital Letter O With &#x00D8; Ø
Stroke, Latin Small Letter O With &#x00F8; ø
Strokes, Cjk &#x31C0;
Subgroup Of, Normal &#x22B2;
Subgroup Signs, Normal &#x22EA;
Subgroup, Contains As Normal &#x22B3;
Subjoined Consonants, Tibetan &#x0F90;
Subscript Digits &#x2080;
Subscript, Greek Iota &#x0345; ͅ
Subscripts &#x2080;
Subset And Superset Relations &#x2ABD;
Subset Of &#x2282;
Subset Of, Not A &#x2284;
Subset Signs, Superset And &#x2282;
Subset, Double &#x22D0;
Substitute &#x001A;
Substitute Form Two, Symbol For &#x2426;
Substitute, Symbol For &#x241A;
Subtending Marks, Arabic &#x0600; ؀
Subtraction, Bag &#x2A41;
Subtraction, Saturating &#x2238;
Succeeds &#x227B;
Succeeds Under Relation &#x22B1;
Succeeds, Double &#x2ABC;
Such That &#x220B;
Such That &#x2223;
Suits, Playing Card &#x2660;
Sum Or Positive Difference &#x2A26;
Sum, Direct &#x2295;
Sum, Positive Difference Or &#x2A24;
Summation Sign &#x2211;
Summation Sign Parts &#x23B2;
Summation, Double-Struck N-Ary &#x2140;
Summation, N-Ary &#x2211;
Summations And Integrals &#x2A0A;
Sun &#x2609;
Sun With Rays, Black &#x2600;
Sun With Rays, White &#x263C;
Sundanese &#x1B80;
Sunna, Telugu &#x0C02;
Superscript Digits &#x2070;
Superscript Letter Diacritics, Latin Medieval &#x1DD3;
Superscript Letter Diacritics, Medieval &#x0363; ͣ
Superscript Modifier Letters, Latin &#x02B0; ʰ
Superscript One &#x00B9; ¹
Superscript Three &#x00B3; ³
Superscript Two &#x00B2; ²
Superscript Zero &#x2070;
Superscripts &#x2070;
Superset And Subset Signs &#x2282;
Superset Of &#x2283;
Superset Of, Not A &#x2285;
Superset Relations, Subset And &#x2ABD;
Superset, Double &#x22D1;
Supplemental Arrows-B &#x2900;
Supplemental Mathematical Operators &#x2A00;
Supplemental Punctuation &#x2E00;
Supplementary Cjk Ideographs Area &#x20000; 𠀀
Supplementary General Scripts Area &#x10000; 𐀀
Supplementary Private Use Area-A &#xF0000; 󰀀
Supplementary Private Use Area-B &#x100000; 􀀀
Surface Integral &#x222F;
Surjection, Finite &#x2901;
Surjection, Partial &#x2900;
Surjection, Total &#x21A0;
Surjective Injection &#x2917;
Surjective Injection, Finite &#x2918;
Surrogates Area &#xD800;
Surrogates, High &#xD800;
Surrogates, Low &#xDC00;
Suzhou Numerals &#x3021;
Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter S With &#x023F; ȿ
Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter Z With &#x0240; ɀ
Swedish Grave Accent &#x02DF; ˟
Swords, Crossed &#x2694;
Swung Dash &#x2053;
Syllabary, Cypriot &#x10800; 𐠀
Syllabary, Linear B &#x10000; 𐀀
Syllabics Full Stop, Canadian &#x166E;
Syllabics Punctuation, Canadian &#x166D;
Syllabics, Unified Canadian Aboriginal &#x1400;
Syllables, Cherokee &#x13A0;
Syllables, Circled Korean Hangul &#x326E;
Syllables, Ethiopic &#x1200;
Syllables, Korean Hangul &#xAC00;
Syllables, Parenthesized Korean Hangul &#x320E;
Syllables, Yi &#xA000; ꀀ
Syloti Nagri &#xA800;
Symbol Variants, Fullwidth &#xFFE0;
Symbol Variants, Halfwidth &#xFFE8;
Symbols And Punctuation, Cjk &#x3000;  
Symbols Area &#x2000;  
Symbols Area, Cjk Phonetics And &#x2E80;
Symbols For Days, Ideographic Telegraph &#x33E0;
Symbols For Divination, Khmer Numeric &#x17F0;
Symbols For Hours, Ideographic Telegraph &#x3358;
Symbols For Months, Ideographic Telegraph &#x32C0;
Symbols, Ancient Greek Textual &#x2E0E;
Symbols, Apl Functional &#x2336;
Symbols, Ascii Punctuation And &#x0020;  
Symbols, Astrological &#x263D;
Symbols, Balinese Musical &#x1B61;
Symbols, Basic Musical &#x2669;
Symbols, Bowtie &#x29D1;
Symbols, Byzantine Musical &#x1D000; 𝀀
Symbols, Chess &#x2654;
Symbols, Circle &#x29B5;
Symbols, Combining Diacritical Marks For &#x20D0;
Symbols, Currency &#x20A0;
Symbols, Dentistry Notation &#x23BE;
Symbols, Diacritical Marks For &#x20D0;
Symbols, Dictionary And Map &#x2690;
Symbols, Drafting &#x232D;
Symbols, Electrotechnical &#x238D;
Symbols, Error Bar &#x29EE;
Symbols, Gender &#x26A2;
Symbols, Genealogical &#x26AD;
Symbols, Greek Mathematical &#x1D6A8; 𝚨
Symbols, Hebrew Letterlike Mathematical &#x2135;
Symbols, I Ching / Yijing Hexagram &#x4DC0;
Symbols, I Ching / Yijing Monogram And Digram &#x268A;
Symbols, I Ching / Yijing Trigram &#x2630;
Symbols, Japanese Chess &#x2616;
Symbols, Keyboard &#x21E6;
Symbols, Keyboard &#x2324;
Symbols, Keyboard &#x2380;
Symbols, Keyboard &#x2396;
Symbols, Khmer &#x19E0;
Symbols, Latin-1 Punctuation And &#x00A0;  
Symbols, Letterlike &#x2100;
Symbols, Mathematical &#x27C0;
Symbols, Mathematical &#x2980;
Symbols, Mathematical Alphanumeric &#x1D400; 𝐀
Symbols, Mathematical Digits &#x1D7CE; 𝟎
Symbols, Metrical &#x23D1;
Symbols, Miscellaneous &#x2600;
Symbols, Musical &#x1D100; 𝄀
Symbols, New Testament Editorial &#x2E00;
Symbols, Planet &#x263F;
Symbols, Plastics Recycling &#x2673;
Symbols, Playing Card &#x2660;
Symbols, Pointing Hand &#x261A;
Symbols, Polygonal &#x2B12;
Symbols, Recycling &#x2672;
Symbols, Religious And Political &#x2625;
Symbols, Square &#x29C4;
Symbols, Tai Xuan Jing &#x1D300; 𝌀
Symbols, Tamil &#x0BF3;
Symbols, Tibetan &#x0FC4;
Symbols, Triangle &#x29CA;
Symbols, Weather And Astrological &#x2600;
Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Hexagram &#x4DC0;
Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Monogram And Digram &#x268A;
Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Trigram &#x2630;
Symbols, Zodiacal &#x2648;
Symbols-A, Miscellaneous Mathematical &#x27C0;
Symbols-B, Miscellaneous Mathematical &#x2980;
Symmetric Difference &#x2206;
Symmetric Difference &#x2238;
Symmetric Difference &#x2296;
Symmetry &#x232F;
Synchronous Idle &#x0016;
Synchronous Idle, Symbol For &#x2416;
Syriac &#x0700; ܀
Syriac Cross, East &#x2671;
Syriac Cross, West &#x2670;
Syriac Letters &#x0710; ܐ
Syriac Punctuation And Signs &#x0700; ܀
Syriac Sam &#x070F; ܏


T With Caron, Latin Small Letter &#x0165; ť
T With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter &#x0163; ţ
T With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E71;
T With Comma Below, Latin Small Letter &#x021B; ț
T With Curl, Latin Small Letter &#x0236; ȶ
T With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter &#x1E97;
T With Diagonal Stroke, Latin Capital Letter &#x023E; Ⱦ
T With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E6B;
T With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E6D;
T With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x01AD; ƭ
T With Line Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E6F;
T With Palatal Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x01AB; ƫ
T With Retroflex Hook, Latin Capital Letter &#x01AE; Ʈ
T With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x0288; ʈ
T With Stroke, Latin Small Letter &#x0167; ŧ
T, Combining Latin Small Letter &#x036D; ͭ
T, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D1B;
T, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x0287; ʇ
Tab &#x0009;  
Tab With Shift Tab &#x21B9;
Tab, Leftward &#x21E4;
Tab, Rightward &#x21E5;
Tabulation Set, Character &#x0088;
Tabulation Set, Line &#x008A;
Tabulation With Justification, Character &#x0089;
Tabulation, Character &#x0009;  
Tabulation, Horizontal &#x0009;  
Tabulation, Line &#x000B;
Tabulation, Symbol For Horizontal &#x2409;
Tabulation, Symbol For Vertical &#x240B;
Tabulation, Vertical &#x000B;
Tack Below, Combining Down &#x031E; ̞
Tack Below, Combining Left &#x0318; ̘
Tack Below, Combining Right &#x0319; ̙
Tack Below, Combining Up &#x031D; ̝
Tack, Down &#x22A4;
Tack, Left &#x22A3;
Tack, Modifier Letter Up &#x02D4; ˔
Tack, Right &#x22A2;
Tack, Up &#x22A5;
Tacks And Turnstiles &#x22A2;
Tacks And Turnstiles &#x27D8;
Tacks And Turnstiles &#x2ADE;
Tagalog &#x1700;
Tagalog Sign Virama &#x1714;
Tagbanwa &#x1760;
Tags &#xE0000; 󠀀
Tai Le &#x1950;
Tai Lue Digits, New &#x19D0;
Tai Lue, New &#x1980;
Tai Xuan Jing Symbols &#x1D300; 𝌀
Tails, Fish &#x297C;
Tainome Japanese Bullet &#x25C9;
Take, Prescription &#x211E;
Tamil &#x0B80;
Tamil As Above Sign &#x0BF8;
Tamil Aytham &#x0B83;
Tamil Consonants &#x0B95;
Tamil Credit Sign &#x0BF7;
Tamil Day Sign &#x0BF3;
Tamil Debit Sign &#x0BF6;
Tamil Dependent Vowel Signs &#x0BBE;
Tamil Digits &#x0BE7;
Tamil Enn &#x0BFA;
Tamil Independent Vowels &#x0B85;
Tamil Maatham &#x0BF4;
Tamil Merpadi &#x0BF8;
Tamil Month Sign &#x0BF4;
Tamil Naal &#x0BF3;
Tamil Number Sign &#x0BFA;
Tamil Numbers &#x0BE7;
Tamil Patru &#x0BF6;
Tamil Rupai &#x0BF9;
Tamil Rupee Sign &#x0BF9;
Tamil Sign Visarga &#x0B83;
Tamil Symbols &#x0BF3;
Tamil Varavu &#x0BF7;
Tamil Varudam &#x0BF5;
Tamil Year Sign &#x0BF5;
Tape Drive &#x2707;
Taper, Conical &#x2332;
Tatweel, Arabic &#x0640; ـ
Taurus &#x2649;
Tautological Equivalent &#x29E6;
Tautology &#x22A8;
Tea, Cup Of &#x2615;
Technical, Miscellaneous &#x2300;
Telegraph Symbols For Days, Ideographic &#x33E0;
Telegraph Symbols For Hours, Ideographic &#x3358;
Telegraph Symbols For Months, Ideographic &#x32C0;
Telephone Location Sign &#x2706;
Telephone Recorder &#x2315;
Telephone Sign &#x2121;
Telephone, Black &#x260E;
Telephone, White &#x260F;
Telugu &#x0C00;
Telugu Consonants &#x0C15;
Telugu Dependent Vowel Signs &#x0C3E;
Telugu Digits &#x0C66;
Telugu Independent Vowels &#x0C05;
Telugu Sign Anusvara &#x0C02;
Telugu Sunna &#x0C02;
Ten Thousand Sign, Per &#x2031;
Tensor Product &#x2297;
Terminal Graphic Characters &#x23B7;
Terminal Graphic Characters &#x2596;
Terminator, Interlinear Annotation &#xFFFB;
Terminator, String &#x009C;
Text, End Of &#x0003;
Text, Start Of &#x0002;
Text, Symbol For End Of &#x2403;
Text, Symbol For Start Of &#x2402;
Thaana &#x0780; ހ
Thai &#x0E00;
Thai Character Angkhankhu &#x0E5A;
Thai Character Fongman &#x0E4F;
Thai Character Khomut &#x0E5B;
Thai Character Nikhahit &#x0E4D;
Thai Character Thanthakhat &#x0E4C;
Thai Character Yamakkan &#x0E4E;
Thai Consonants &#x0E01;
Thai Currency Symbol Baht &#x0E3F; ฿
Thai Digits &#x0E50;
Thai Marks And Signs &#x0E48;
Thai Vowels &#x0E30;
Thanthakhat, Thai Character &#x0E4C;
There Does Not Exist &#x2204;
There Exists &#x2203;
Therefore &#x2234;
Thermodynamic &#x29E7;
Theta Symbol, Greek &#x03D1; ϑ
Theta, Script &#x03D1; ϑ
Thick Space &#x2004;
Thin Space &#x2009;
Third Derivative &#x20DB;
Third Tone, Mandarin Chinese &#x02C7; ˇ
Thirds, Fractions &#x2153;
Thorn, Latin Capital Letter &#x00DE; Þ
Thorn, Latin Small Letter &#x00FE; þ
Thousands Separator, Arabic &#x066C; ٬
Three Dot Leader &#x2026;
Three Dot Punctuation &#x2056;
Three Dots Above, Combining &#x20DB;
Three Quarters, Vulgar Fraction &#x00BE; ¾
Three, Superscript &#x00B3; ³
Three-Per-Em Space &#x2004;
Thunderstorm &#x2608;
Tibetan &#x0F00;
Tibetan Anusvara &#x0F7E;
Tibetan Astrological Signs &#x0F15;
Tibetan Cantillation Signs &#x0FC0;
Tibetan Consonants &#x0F40;
Tibetan Dependent Vowel Signs &#x0F71;
Tibetan Digits &#x0F20;
Tibetan Digits Minus Half &#x0F2A;
Tibetan Head Marks &#x0F01;
Tibetan Ku Ru Kha &#x0FBE;
Tibetan Ku Ru Kha Bzhi Mig Can &#x0FBF; ྿
Tibetan Mark Delimiter Tsheg Bstar &#x0F0C;
Tibetan Mark Halanta &#x0F84;
Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic Tsheg &#x0F0B;
Tibetan Mark Paluta &#x0F85;
Tibetan Marks And Signs &#x0F08;
Tibetan Marks And Signs &#x0F34;
Tibetan Marks And Signs &#x0F82;
Tibetan Marks And Signs &#x0FBE;
Tibetan Sign Rjes Su Nga Ro &#x0F7E;
Tibetan Sign Rnam Bcad &#x0F7F; ཿ
Tibetan Srog Med &#x0F84;
Tibetan Subjoined Consonants &#x0F90;
Tibetan Syllable Om &#x0F00;
Tibetan Symbols &#x0FC4;
Tibetan Visarga &#x0F7F; ཿ
Tibetan Vocalic Modification &#x0F7E;
Tie Below, Ligature &#x035C; ͜
Tie, Character &#x2040;
Tie, Ligature &#x0361; ͡
Tifinagh &#x2D30;
Tilde &#x007E; ~
Tilde Above, Combining Not &#x034A; ͊
Tilde Below, Combining &#x0330; ̰
Tilde Equals, Reversed &#x22CD;
Tilde Mathematical Operators &#x223B;
Tilde Operator &#x223C;
Tilde Overlay, Combining &#x0334; ̴
Tilde, Apl &#x223C;
Tilde, Combining &#x0303; ̃
Tilde, Combining Double &#x0360; ͠
Tilde, Combining Vertical &#x033E; ̾
Tilde, Minus &#x2242;
Tilde, Not &#x2241;
Tilde, Reversed &#x223D;
Tilde, Small &#x02DC; ˜
Tilde, Spacing &#x007E; ~
Tilde, Triple &#x224B;
Tiles, Domino &#x1F030; 🀰
Tiles, Mahjong &#x1F000; 🀀
Times Operator, N-Ary &#x2A09;
Times, Circled &#x2297;
Times, Division &#x22C7;
Times, Invisible &#x2062;
Times, Squared &#x22A0;
Tiny &#x29FE;
Tippi, Gurmukhi &#x0A70;
Tironian Sign Et &#x204A;
Todo Soft Hyphen, Mongolian &#x1806;
Tone Letters &#x02E5; ˥
Tone Letters, Modifier &#xA700;
Tone Mark, Combining Acute &#x0341; ́
Tone Mark, Combining Grave &#x0340; ̀
Tone Marks For Chinese, Corner &#xA700;
Tone Marks, Contour &#x1DCB;
Tone Marks, Ideographic &#x302A;
Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or Neutral &#x02D9; ˙
Tone, Mandarin Chinese First &#x02C9; ˉ
Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fourth &#x02CB; ˋ
Tone, Mandarin Chinese Second &#x02CA; ˊ
Tone, Mandarin Chinese Third &#x02C7; ˇ
Tonos, Combining Greek Dialytika &#x0344; ̈́
Tonos, Greek &#x0301; ́
Top &#x22A4;
Top Half Integral &#x2320;
Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left &#x3014;
Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left White &#x3018;
Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right &#x3015;
Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right White &#x3019;
Total Function &#x2192;
Total Injection &#x21A3;
Total Runout &#x2330;
Total Surjection &#x21A0;
Trade Mark Sign &#x2122;
Trade Mark Sign, Registered &#x00AE; ®
Transfinite Cardinal, First &#x2135;
Transfinite Cardinal, Fourth &#x2138;
Transfinite Cardinal, Second &#x2136;
Transfinite Cardinal, Third &#x2137;
Transform, Fourier &#x2131;
Transmission Block, End Of &#x0017;
Transmission Block, Symbol For End Of &#x2417;
Transmission Symbol, End Of &#x2301;
Transmission, End Of &#x0004;
Transmission, Symbol For End Of &#x2404;
Transmit State, Set &#x0093;
Trapezium, White &#x23E2;
Triangle Symbols &#x29CA;
Triangle, Combining Enclosing Upward Pointing &#x20E4;
Triangle, Right &#x22BF;
Triangles &#x25B2;
Triangular Bullet &#x2023;
Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter &#x02D0; ː
Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter Half &#x02D1; ˑ
Tricolon &#x205D;
Trigram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching &#x2630;
Trine &#x25B3;
Triple Integral &#x222D;
Triple Plus &#x29FB;
Triple Prime &#x2034;
Triple Prime, Reversed &#x2037;
Triple Tilde &#x224B;
Triple Underdot, Combining &#x20E8;
True &#x22A8;
Tsheg Bstar, Tibetan Mark Delimiter &#x0F0C;
Tsheg, Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic &#x0F0B;
Tugrik Sign &#x20AE;
Turbofan &#x274B;
Turkish Currency &#x20A4;
Turkish Lira &#x00A3; £
Turned A, Latin Small Letter &#x0250; ɐ
Turned Ae, Latin Small Letter &#x1D02;
Turned Alpha, Latin Small Letter &#x0252; ɒ
Turned Ampersand &#x214B;
Turned Capital F &#x2132;
Turned Comma Above, Combining &#x0312; ̒
Turned Comma Quotation Mark, Double &#x201C;
Turned Comma Quotation Mark, Single &#x2018;
Turned Comma, Modifier Letter &#x02BB; ʻ
Turned Delta, Latin Small Letter &#x018D; ƍ
Turned E, Latin Capital Letter &#x018E; Ǝ
Turned E, Latin Small Letter &#x01DD; ǝ
Turned Greek Small Letter Iota &#x2129;
Turned H With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter &#x02AE; ʮ
Turned H, Latin Small Letter &#x0265; ɥ
Turned I, Latin Small Letter &#x1D09;
Turned K, Latin Small Letter &#x029E; ʞ
Turned M With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter &#x0270; ɰ
Turned M, Latin Capital Letter &#x019C; Ɯ
Turned M, Latin Small Letter &#x026F; ɯ
Turned M, Latin Small Letter Sideways &#x1D1F;
Turned Not Sign &#x2319;
Turned Oe, Latin Small Letter &#x1D14;
Turned Open E, Latin Small Letter &#x1D08;
Turned Question Mark &#x00BF; ¿
Turned R With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x027B; ɻ
Turned R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter &#x027A; ɺ
Turned R, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D1A;
Turned R, Latin Small Letter &#x0279; ɹ
Turned R, Modifier Letter Small &#x02B4; ʴ
Turned Sans-Serif Capital G &#x2141;
Turned Sans-Serif Capital L &#x2142;
Turned Sans-Serif Capital Y &#x2144;
Turned Small F &#x214E;
Turned T, Latin Small Letter &#x0287; ʇ
Turned V, Latin Capital Letter &#x0245; Ʌ
Turned V, Latin Small Letter &#x028C; ʌ
Turned W, Latin Small Letter &#x028D; ʍ
Turned Y, Latin Small Letter &#x028E; ʎ
Turnstile &#x22A2;
Turnstile, Reverse &#x22A3;
Turnstiles, Tacks And &#x22A2;
Turnstiles, Tacks And &#x27D8;
Turnstiles, Tacks And &#x2ADE;
Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically &#x2051;
Two Dot Leader &#x2025;
Two Dot Punctuation &#x205A;
Two, Superscript &#x00B2; ²


U Bar, Latin Capital Letter &#x0244; Ʉ
U Bar, Latin Small Letter &#x0289; ʉ
U With Acute, Latin Capital Letter &#x00DA; Ú
U With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x00FA; ú
U With Breve, Latin Small Letter &#x016D; ŭ
U With Caron, Latin Small Letter &#x01D4; ǔ
U With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E77;
U With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter &#x00DB; Û
U With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter &#x00FB; û
U With Diaeresis Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E73;
U With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter &#x00DC; Ü
U With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter &#x00FC; ü
U With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1EE5;
U With Double Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x0171; ű
U With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter &#x0215; ȕ
U With Grave, Latin Capital Letter &#x00D9; Ù
U With Grave, Latin Small Letter &#x00F9; ù
U With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1EE7;
U With Horn, Latin Small Letter &#x01B0; ư
U With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter &#x0217; ȗ
U With Macron, Latin Small Letter &#x016B; ū
U With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter &#x0173; ų
U With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter &#x016F; ů
U With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E75;
U With Tilde, Latin Small Letter &#x0169; ũ
U, Combining Latin Small Letter &#x0367; ͧ
U, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D1C;
U, Latin Small Letter Sideways &#x1D1D;
U, Latin Small Letter Sideways Diaeresized &#x1D1E;
U, Latin Subscript Small Letter &#x1D64;
Ugaritic &#x10380; 𐎀
Ukrainian Currency &#x20B4;
Umbrella &#x2602;
Umbrella With Rain Drops &#x2614;
Umlaut &#x0308; ̈
Unaspirated, Modifier Letter &#x02ED; ˭
Underdot, Combining Triple &#x20E8;
Underline &#x0332; ̲
Underline Symbol, Continuous &#x2381;
Underline Symbol, Discontinuous &#x2382;
Underline, Double &#x0333; ̳
Underscore &#x0332; ̲
Underscore, Double &#x0333; ̳
Underscore, Spacing &#x005F; _
Underscore, Spacing Double &#x2017;
Underscores, Overscores And &#xFE49;
Undertie &#x203F;
Undertie, Inverted &#x2054;
Undo Symbol &#x238C;
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics &#x1400;
Unified Ideographs Extension A, Cjk &#x3400;
Unified Ideographs Extension B, Cjk &#x20000; 𠀀
Unified Ideographs, Cjk &#x4E00;
Union &#x222A;
Union, Double &#x22D3;
Union, Generalized &#x22C3;
Union, Multiset &#x228E;
Union, N-Ary &#x22C3;
Unions, Intersections And &#x2A40;
Unique Element &#x2129;
Unit Separator &#x001F;
Unit Separator, Symbol For &#x241F;
Universal Quantifier &#x2200;
Universal Recycling Symbol &#x2672;
Unmarried Partnership Symbol &#x26AF;
Up Arrowhead &#x2303;
Up Pointing Index, White &#x261D;
Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis &#x22F0;
Up Tack &#x22A5;
Up Tack Below, Combining &#x031D; ̝
Up Tack, Modifier Letter &#x02D4; ˔
Up, Close &#x2050;
Up, Fast Cursor &#x219F;
Up, Page &#x21DE;
Upa Modifiers &#x02EF; ˯
Upper Blade Scissors &#x2701;
Upper Integral &#x2A1B;
Upper Right Pencil &#x2710;
Uppercase Alphabet, Latin &#x0041; A
Upsilon, Latin Capital Letter &#x01B1; Ʊ
Upsilon, Latin Small Letter &#x028A; ʊ
Upstile, Apl &#x2308;
Upward Pointing Triangle, Combining Enclosing &#x20E4;
Upwards Arrow &#x2191;
Upwards Arrow Below, Combining &#x034E; ͎
Uralic Phonetic Alphabet, Diacritics For &#x0350; ͐
Uranus &#x2645;
Urdu Paragraph Separator &#x203B;
Urn, Funeral &#x26B1;


V Above &#x030C; ̌
V With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E7F; ṿ
V With Hook, Latin Capital Letter &#x01B2; Ʋ
V With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x028B; ʋ
V With Tilde, Latin Small Letter &#x1E7D;
V, Combining Latin Small Letter &#x036E; ͮ
V, Latin Capital Letter Script &#x01B2; Ʋ
V, Latin Capital Letter Turned &#x0245; Ʌ
V, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D20;
V, Latin Small Letter Script &#x028B; ʋ
V, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x028C; ʌ
V, Latin Subscript Small Letter &#x1D65;
Vai &#xA500;
Valentine &#x2665;
Valid &#x22A8;
Varavu, Tamil &#x0BF7;
Varia, Greek &#x0300; ̀
Variation Indicator, Ideographic &#x303E;
Variation Selector One, Mongolian Free &#x180B;
Variation Selector Three, Mongolian Free &#x180D;
Variation Selector Two, Mongolian Free &#x180C;
Variation Selector-1 &#xFE00;
Variation Selectors &#xFE00;
Variation Selectors Supplement &#xE0100; 󠄀
Varies With &#x223C;
Varudam, Tamil &#x0BF5;
Vector &#x20D1;
Vector &#x20D7;
Vector Or Cross Product &#x2A2F;
Vector Pointing Into Page &#x2295;
Vector Pointing Into Page &#x2297;
Vector Pointing Out Of Page &#x2299;
Vee &#x2228;
Venus &#x2640;
Versicle &#x2123;
Vertical Bar &#x007C; |
Vertical Bar Delimiter, Triple &#x2980;
Vertical Bar Dingbats &#x2758;
Vertical Bar, Broken &#x00A6; ¦
Vertical Bar, N-Ary White &#x2AFF; ⫿
Vertical Bar, White &#x2AFE;
Vertical Bowtie &#x29D6;
Vertical Brackets &#x23B4;
Vertical Ellipsis &#x22EE;
Vertical Form Variants &#xFE30;
Vertical Four Dots &#x205E;
Vertical Ideographic Iteration Mark &#x303B;
Vertical Line &#x007C; |
Vertical Line Above, Combining &#x030D; ̍
Vertical Line Above, Combining Double &#x030E; ̎
Vertical Line Below, Combining &#x0329; ̩
Vertical Line Below, Combining Double &#x0348; ͈
Vertical Line Operators &#x2AEE;
Vertical Line Overlay, Combining Long &#x20D2;
Vertical Line Overlay, Combining Short &#x20D3;
Vertical Line With Middle Dot &#x237F;
Vertical Line, Double &#x2016;
Vertical Line, Modifier Letter &#x02C8; ˈ
Vertical Line, Modifier Letter Low &#x02CC; ˌ
Vertical Lines &#x2223;
Vertical Stroke Overlay, Combining Double &#x20E6;
Vertical Tabulation &#x000B;
Vertical Tabulation, Symbol For &#x240B;
Vertical Text, Bracket Variants For &#x23DC;
Vertical Text, Double Punctuation For &#x2047;
Vertical Tilde, Combining &#x033E; ̾
Vertical Variants, Glyphs For &#xFE10;
Vertical Variants, Glyphs For &#xFE30;
Vertsaket, Armenian &#x0589; ։
Very Much Greater-Than &#x22D9;
Very Much Less-Than &#x22D8;
Victory Hand &#x270C;
Vietnamese Currency &#x20AB;
Viewdata Square &#x2317;
Vinculum &#x0305; ̅
Viram, Devanagari Deergh &#x0965;
Viram, Devanagari Purna &#x0964;
Virama, Devanagari Sign &#x094D;
Virama, Malayalam Sign &#x0D4D;
Virama, Myanmar Sign &#x1039;
Virama, Sinhala &#x0DCA;
Virama, Tagalog Sign &#x1714;
Virgo &#x264D;
Virgule &#x002F; /
Visarga, Devanagari Sign &#x0903;
Visarga, Khmer &#x17C7;
Visarga, Tamil Sign &#x0B83;
Visarga, Tibetan &#x0F7F; ཿ
Voiced Fricative, Latin Letter Pharyngeal &#x0295; ʕ
Voiced Iteration Mark, Hiragana &#x309E;
Voiced Iteration Mark, Katakana &#x30FE;
Voicing, Modifier Letter &#x02EC; ˬ
Voltage Sign, High &#x26A1;
Volume Integral &#x2230;
Vrachy, Greek &#x0306; ̆
Vs1 &#xFE00;
Vs17 &#xE0100; 󠄀
Vt &#x000B;
Vulgar Fraction One Half &#x00BD; ½
Vulgar Fraction One Quarter &#x00BC; ¼
Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters &#x00BE; ¾
Vulgar Fractions &#x2153;


W With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x1E83;
W With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter &#x0175; ŵ
W With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter &#x1E85;
W With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E87;
W With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E89;
W With Grave, Latin Small Letter &#x1E81;
W With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E98;
W, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D21;
W, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x028D; ʍ
W, Modifier Letter Small &#x02B7; ʷ
Waiting, Message &#x0095;
Warning Sign &#x26A0;
Warning Signs &#x2620;
Watch &#x231A;
Wave Dash &#x301C;
Wave, Sine &#x223F;
Wavy Dash &#x3030;
Wavy Line &#x2307;
Wavy Low Line &#xFE4F;
Wavy Overline &#xFE4B;
Wavy Overline, Double &#xFE4C;
Weather And Astrological Symbols &#x2600;
Weather, Clear &#x2600;
Weather, Cloudy &#x2601;
Weather, Rainy &#x2602;
Weather, Showery &#x2614;
Weather, Snowy &#x2603;
Wedge &#x028C; ʌ
Wedge &#x2227;
Weierstrass Elliptic Function &#x2118;
West Syriac Cross &#x2670;
Wheel Of Dharma &#x2638;
Wheelchair Symbol &#x267F;
White Bullet &#x25E6;
White Circle &#x25CB;
White Circle, Medium &#x26AA;
White Circle, Medium Small &#x26AC;
White Circle, Shadowed &#x274D;
White Corner Bracket, Left &#x300E;
White Corner Bracket, Right &#x300F;
White Curly Bracket, Left &#x2983;
White Curly Bracket, Right &#x2984;
White Down Pointing Index &#x261F;
White Flag &#x2690;
White Framus &#x29D6;
White Frowning Face &#x2639;
White Left Pointing Index &#x261C;
White Lenticular Bracket, Left &#x3016;
White Lenticular Bracket, Right &#x3017;
White Nib &#x2711;
White On Black Circled Numbers &#x24EB;
White Parenthesis, Left &#x2985;
White Parenthesis, Right &#x2986;
White Right Pointing Index &#x261E;
White Scissors &#x2704;
White Sesame Dot &#xFE46;
White Shogi Piece &#x2616;
White Smiling Face &#x263A;
White Square Bracket, Left &#x301A;
White Square Bracket, Right &#x301B;
White Star &#x2606;
White Sun With Rays &#x263C;
White Telephone &#x260F;
White Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left &#x3018;
White Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right &#x3019;
White Trapezium &#x23E2;
White Up Pointing Index &#x261D;
White Vertical Bar &#x2AFE;
White Vertical Bar, N-Ary &#x2AFF; ⫿
Wide Bridge Above, Combining &#x20E9;
Wiggly Fences &#x29D8;
Wj &#x2060;
Won Sign &#x20A9;
Word Joiner &#x2060;
Word Separators, Aegean &#x10100; 𐄀
Words, Squared Katakana &#x3300;
Wordspace, Ethiopic &#x1361;
Working Day Symbol &#x2692;
Wreath Product &#x2240;
Writing Hand &#x270D;
Wynn, Latin Capital Letter &#x01F7; Ƿ
Wynn, Latin Letter &#x01BF; ƿ


X Above, Combining &#x033D; ̽
X Below, Combining &#x0353; ͓
X In A Rectangle Box &#x2327;
X With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter &#x1E8D;
X With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E8B;
X, Ballot &#x2717;
X, Ballot Box With &#x2612;
X, Combining Latin Small Letter &#x036F; ͯ
X, Heavy Ballot &#x2718;
X, Heavy Multiplication &#x2716;
X, Modifier Letter Small &#x02E3; ˣ
X, Multiplication &#x2715;
Xor &#x22BB;


Y With Acute, Latin Capital Letter &#x00DD; Ý
Y With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x00FD; ý
Y With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter &#x0177; ŷ
Y With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter &#x0178; Ÿ
Y With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter &#x00FF; ÿ
Y With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E8F;
Y With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1EF5;
Y With Grave, Latin Small Letter &#x1EF3;
Y With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1EF7;
Y With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x01B4; ƴ
Y With Macron, Latin Small Letter &#x0233; ȳ
Y With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter &#x1E99;
Y With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter &#x024E; Ɏ
Y With Stroke, Latin Small Letter &#x024F; ɏ
Y With Tilde, Latin Small Letter &#x1EF9;
Y, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x028F; ʏ
Y, Latin Small Letter Turned &#x028E; ʎ
Y, Modifier Letter Small &#x02B8; ʸ
Y, Turned Sans-Serif Capital &#x2144;
Yamakkan, Thai Character &#x0E4E;
Year Sign, Tamil &#x0BF5;
Yen Sign &#x00A5; ¥
Yentamna, Armenian &#x058A; ֊
Yi Radicals &#xA490;
Yi Syllables &#xA000; ꀀ
Yiddish Digraphs &#x05F0; װ
Yield, Does Not &#x22A3;
Yields &#x22A2;
Yijing / I Ching Hexagram Symbols &#x4DC0;
Yijing / I Ching Monogram And Digram Symbols &#x268A;
Yijing / I Ching Trigram Symbols &#x2630;
Yin Yang &#x262F;
Yogh, Latin Small Letter &#x021D; ȝ
Ypogegrammeni, Combining Greek &#x0345; ͅ
Yr, Latin Letter &#x01A6; Ʀ
Yuan Sign &#x00A5; ¥


Z Bar, Latin Small Letter &#x01B6; ƶ
Z Notation Bag Membership &#x22FF;
Z Notation Spot &#x2981;
Z Notation Type Colon &#x2982;
Z With Acute, Latin Small Letter &#x017A; ź
Z With Caron, Latin Small Letter &#x017E; ž
Z With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter &#x1E91;
Z With Curl, Latin Small Letter &#x0291; ʑ
Z With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter &#x017C; ż
Z With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E93;
Z With Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x0225; ȥ
Z With Line Below, Latin Small Letter &#x1E95;
Z With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter &#x0290; ʐ
Z With Stroke, Latin Small Letter &#x01B6; ƶ
Z With Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter &#x0240; ɀ
Z, Black-Letter Capital &#x2128;
Z, Double-Struck Capital &#x2124;
Z, Latin Letter Small Capital &#x1D22;
Zapf Dingbats Series 100, Itc &#x2700;
Zero Width Joiner &#x200D;
Zero Width No-Break Space &#xFEFF;  
Zero Width Non-Joiner &#x200C;
Zero Width Space &#x200B;
Zero, Circled Digit &#x24EA;
Zero, Ideographic Number &#x3007;
Zero, Superscript &#x2070;
Zigzag Above, Combining &#x035B; ͛
Zodiacal Symbols &#x2648;

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